Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2740: The existence of male god

Chapter 2740 the existence of the male god

Then Ye Hao grabbed Long Yi's collar directly.

"Leader Dragon, let me tell you. You don't even know what the aura-rich world I have seen is like! We humans are smart, but those beasts and monsters will change faster than us.

At least in my opinion, humans on Earth will suffer disasters like the end of the world.

Rejuvenation is a good thing, but it is a disaster for them, they have no ability and no time to adapt to this change! After Ye Hao finished speaking, "Okay, there is only this I can say, and I will leave if I have something to do." "

After speaking, Ye Hao disappeared out of thin air.

Long Yi looked at the snow-capped mountain in the distance that was directly flattened by Ye Hao's punch.

Now he was quite calm, and he muttered to himself: "His statement should be... just an exaggeration."

But looking at the remains of the snow-capped mountains, think about Ye Hao's serious look just now.

Long Yi's heart also fluctuated, and he finally took out a satellite phone.

"Hey, it's me Long Yi. Now I will send my order to notify all members of the dragon group to be on standby. When on standby, hurry up and give me practice.

Everyone’s holidays are cancelled for me, and their task is to practice cultivation!

In addition, expand the size of the dragon group, how much?

Give me as many recruits as I can expand. Those who judged talents before are all absorbed into the group! Give you a task, within one month, I want twice the number of dragon groups now! Do not! three times! "

"Triple? Team leader...Is this something major happening? To expand the team three times, we need to report to the top and allocate funds!" The person on the other end of the phone was obviously frightened by what Long Yi said. Arrived.

Long Yi directly cursed: "Don't talk nonsense to me. This is the task that Lao Tzu gave you. If you don't do it for me by that time, Lao Tzu will screw your head off. In addition, let me inform you that the team leaders have everything. All members of the dragon group with strength above the seventh rank will gather for me.

I want to hold a very urgent meeting! "

"Understood!" The person on the other end of the phone didn't dare to ask more this time. He could obviously hear that the group leader's tone was not right today.

Long Yi hung up the phone, he sighed and looked at the surrounding snow.

"Ye Hao, I hope that the things you said will not happen."

In the end, Long Yi chose the two leaders to catch it together. On the one hand, they used this opportunity to strengthen the training intensity, and on the other hand, it was a large-scale ‘army expansion’ in case of emergency.

This may touch some of the strings above, but if the things that Ye Hao said happen then.

If we recruit more staff, it will really be too late.


Ye Hao left the sky above Huaxia, and he directly sent a message to several of his allies.

"I, Ye Hao, wait for you here."


Devil Butterfly Organization

At this moment, the Demon Butterfly Organization, it can be said that cultivation is in full swing, and everyone is practicing.

And every day there are news of someone breaking through.

Black Butterfly was listening to what the Blood Drab had reported to him.

"In the past month, the overall strength of our Demon Butterfly organization has increased by at least 300%!

Two eighth orders and nineteen seventh orders appeared. "Xuetrao said happily.

But she didn't see anything happy from Black Butterfly's face. Could it be that the organization has become stronger, isn't this enough to make the queen happy?

"My lord? Why have you been frowning all this time? Is there anything unhappy?" Xue Tuo Luo asked.

Black Butterfly also saw the doubts of Xuedala. She chuckled and said, "You think I should be happy for the growth of the organization, right?"

"Yeah, is there anything unhappy about this?" Xue Tu Luo was puzzled.

Hei Butterfly sighed and stood up: "Of course I am happy that the organization has grown, but what happened this time is not just that our Demon Butterfly has grown.

The other organizations on the entire planet, each cultivator grew up as if taking drugs.

And the news from Wushuang City showed that the energy intensity of this world has doubled compared to before! "

"This energy increases, and our cultivation speed becomes faster. We become stronger, isn't this a good thing?" Xue Tuo Luo puzzled.

Black Butterfly frowned: "But this speed is too fast, and I can't react to it quickly. There is a saying in China: If something is different, there must be a monster!

I suspect that there may be some danger surging in the undercurrents behind this, and I have always felt very uneasy during this period. "

Xue Tu Luo a little thought that his elder sister was a little worried too much, but it was impossible to say it directly.

"This is a benefit that everyone enjoys, even if it is really dangerous. It is also a danger that everyone bears together." Xue Daluo said indifferently.

Hei Butterfly chuckled and shook his head: "When you reach the Quasi-God level, you will understand that there is only a world like the Earth in your eyes.

And you have to know that there are many dangers outside the earth. If someone is really making trouble behind this matter, then I suspect that it is most likely that some other forces are about to act on us. "

"I remember Mr. Ye mentioned before, what about the Demon Plane?" said Xue Daluo.

Suddenly, Black Butterfly shook her body, and a smile of joy appeared on her face: "He's back!"

After that, the black butterfly turned into a black butterfly and disappeared.

"This..." Xue Daluo looked at the sky empty, and she quickly guessed that Ye Hao should be back.

Only Master Ye Hao's return would make Master Black Butterfly such a gaffe.

"Since Master Ye Hao is back, I think Master Black Butterfly can also rest assured." Xue Tuolo said with a smile, and Master Ye Hao could not help but appear in front of her.

A blush appeared on her cheeks.

You must know that there are no men in the Demon Butterfly Organization, and now there are many photos of men in the room of Xue Tu Luo. The person in this photo mountain is undoubtedly Ye Hao!

Because Ye Hao has fewer photos in recent years.

Therefore, the Xue Tu Luo can only use some of the scenes that Ye Hao appears in the surveillance to intercept them.

However, the effect of the monitoring screen is really not good.

If it's a photo, it's pretty good.

The recent Ye Hao didn't have a photo, then the previous Ye Hao must have a photo, for example, when Ye Hao hadn't revealed the mountains and dews.

But I didn't expect anyone to hold such an idea like Xuedala.

There was also a special auction on the black market, specifically auctioning things related to Ye Hao.

From photos, to Ye Hao's school uniforms, and even some weird things.


At this time, Xue Daluo's cell phone rang, and it was a news that an auction was about to start, and there were items to be auctioned this time on it.

(School uniform of Ye Hao Primary School)

(The pen that Ye Hao used in high school)

(Photos taken when Ye Hao participated in activities in high school)

As soon as there was a photo, Xuedra's eyes glowed.

"The last time Ye Hao's photo was taken by a wolf man named Romeo! This time, I will grab this photo anyway!" Xue Tualuo said firmly.

It is estimated that it is difficult for people in the dark world to believe that a famous killer would now pursue a picture of a man like this!

This hobby is too special.

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