Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2745: The devil prepares for war again

Chapter 2745 the devil once again prepares for war

After separating from Yakina, Ye Hao explored the earth plane again.

However, there was still no gain in any aspect, which caused Ye Hao to let go of this matter temporarily.

After all, there is no clue, plus Ye Hao can't perceive any clue.

He can't stay here all the time, he still has a lot to do.

For example, things on the Black Great Wall.

According to the news from Ten Thousand Demons City, the defense line on the Black Great Wall suddenly appeared a large number of demons three days ago.

And Queen Isabella used the wormhole to jump to the demon plane and found that at the other end of the teleportation circle, a terrifying army of demons had once again assembled.

Various pieces of information indicate that the devil is about to launch a second attack on the Great Black Wall.

Although Ye Hao and the others resisted the first attack, Ye Hao still couldn't take this second attack lightly.

After Ye Hao finished dealing with matters on this side of the earth, he rushed to the defense line of the Black Great Wall non-stop.


Black Great Wall Defense Line

At this time, the island cities on this line of defense have once again entered a state of combat readiness.

The Demon Region City is on emergency standby every day, and every ten minutes there is a message from the front sentinel.

Tell them if there are any changes in the demon camp.

Inside the meeting hall of Demon Region City.

The city lord of all cities are gathered here at this moment, this time it is not a projection image, but all the real people of the city lord are here.

After all, the battle of the second demon invasion is about to begin, and they must be fully prepared.

"My suggestion is that we must now gather our superior forces and attack their teleportation base directly, as long as we can take down that teleportation base! We can do it once and for all!" a city lord suggested.

The other city lord shook his head and said: "In terms of offense, once we leave the defensive circle of the island city, our combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

And there must be a lot of things waiting for us on the demon base, even if we finally captured their teleportation base, we will completely destroy the teleportation circle from here, but we will pay a very heavy price for this. ! "

The previous city lord stood up and said: "Is this bad? As long as we destroy the teleportation circle, we will win the final victory.

We paid a little price for this, so what? And don’t forget that we still have the Zerg allies. Their large quantities of Zerg troops are put on the battlefield, and they can also provide us with considerable help! "

"But have you ever thought that the demons can build a teleportation base, which means that they are not sure and have the ability to build a second one.

If we paid a heavy price in this battle and achieved a short victory.

But if they have established a teleportation base somewhere in this space in a few years, or even a few months later, that would be bad news for us.

Our soldiers died, it will take a long time to recover!

Take the current Black Great Wall. After experiencing the previous battles, even one of the fallen island cities has not yet been repaired.

Although everyone's strength has improved in quality, the quantity has not completely returned to the level before the first battle.

Now we have the help of the earth, but after all, it takes time for them to get used to the battle here.

But the demons are different, they have thousands of armies, as long as they have the opportunity, they can immediately come back. "

The city lord patted the table and said solemnly: "They have failed, and there may be a chance to come back three times and five times, but if we can't take risks, we only have to fail once!

Then we may face devastating results. "

In the meeting room, everyone started arguing differently.

At this time, a figure appeared in the conference hall.

"Ye Hao? When did you come back?" Ye Ming looked at his grandson in surprise.

"I just came back, how about my father? Why didn't he come to preside over things here." Ye Hao looked around, only Ye Ming was here.

When other people saw Ye Hao appearing, they stopped arguing and looked at Ye Hao in awe.

"The kid knew there was a meeting here, so he ran away long ago." Ye Ming said helplessly.

Ye Hao also knows his father's character. If there is a fight, he runs faster than anyone else. With this kind of meeting, he also runs faster than anyone else.

"Young Master Ye, long time no see."

"Young Master Ye has improved again."

"City Lord Ye Ming is really blessed to have a grandson like Master Ye."

Everyone looked at Ye Hao and said flattering words.

Ye Hao raised his hand, and everyone fell silent.

"I also listened to the content of your meeting just now. I can almost hear that you all have two ideas. Either take the initiative and the target is the enemy's teleportation base, occupy and destroy their teleportation circle!"

A Demonic City Lord stood up and said, "Yes, that's what we think. With our current strength and the help of the Zerg Alliance, this is not difficult!"

"But you have to consider the danger of this existence!" A Terran City Lord objected.

"Be quiet, another idea is to watch the changes first, and wait to see what kind of arrangements the demons have in the next step. If they launch an attack.

We just fought a defensive counterattack as in the second battle. "Ye Hao looked at the city owners who insisted on the second point of view.

"Yes, what was the original intention of our Black Great Wall defense line? Just for defense, with island cities and shady enchantments, we have the ability to confront the devil head-on.

And if we take the initiative to attack, then we have a certain risk, once the loss reaches a certain level, then we want to defend without any chance.

And I think that if we have the experience of winning the first battle, we can win the second time.

We cannot take risks, behind us is the earth! We can't risk the earth! "The Terran City Lord said.

With this said, people with two views are ready to argue again.

"Everyone, let this matter go temporarily, and listen to me say another thing." Ye Hao motioned everyone to be quiet. Ye Hao's words were still very useful, everyone calmed down and looked at Ye Hao.

"I think everyone should have heard about the resurrection of the earth plane's spiritual energy." Ye Hao mentioned this matter.

Everyone nodded.

Now, unlike before, the Black Great Wall plane will exchange news with Ten Thousand Demons City every once in a while, although not very timely.

But news within two or three days can be delivered quickly.

This happened for a month, and of course they all knew.

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