Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2775: Angels in the Hall of Valor

Chapter 2775 Angels In The Hall Of Valor

Hall of Valor?

Ye Hao followed the Angel King Rowling in, and Angel Tier and Moy followed Ye Hao on both sides.

This is a very large palace, divided into several floors.

Except for the outermost wall, all the building materials inside are made of exquisite crystals.

It is magnificent.

And each layer is like a terracotta warrior, using some special materials to make angel statues. The carving technique is really good. From the appearance, except for the difference in size, it is really no different from the real angel.

Each level is divided according to level, and the most numerous are of course the wingless angels and the two-winged angels.

The size of the wingless angel is almost the size of a palm, floating in the space on the first floor.

Two-winged angels are about twice the size of non-winged angels, in the second level of space.

Then there are four-winged angels, seraphs, and eight-winged angels.

The size of a ten-winged angel is basically about the size of a normal angel.

And at the top is an angel statue that is two or three times larger than normal angels. They are all twelve-winged angels! The angel king of the angel **** system!

These are not ordinary statues, and their respective angel hearts are placed on their chests.

"All the angel hearts that can be collected are stored here. However, there is no way to preserve the angel hearts for a long time. For example, the angel hearts of wingless angels can only be preserved for about 100,000 years, and then they will turn into dust." The Angel King Rowling stirred his wings and started flying towards the upper floors.

Ye Hao and the others also followed, and he scanned the angel hearts in these angel statues.

There are some very new ones that should have only died in recent decades.

The hearts of some angels are bleak and have completely lost their light.

"I want you to conduct a series of experiments now." The Angel King Rowling looked at Ye Hao seriously.

Ye Hao shrugged: "I know that the reason why I stand here is to prove my ability."

The Angel King Rowling first closed his eyes and prayed a few words before facing the entire Hall of Valor, speaking the angelic language.

Then some angel hearts flew out of the angel statue and flew into the hands of the Angel King Rowling.

"You resurrect this first." The Angel King Rowling gave Ye Hao the angel heart of a wingless angel.

Ye Hao tapped his finger directly on it.

The angel's sword burst into light, and a pure white angel woman appeared in front of Ye Hao.

"Oh right... The angel I resurrected is in the most initial state, so you'd better prepare some clothes." Ye Hao suggested.

But the Angel King Rowling was unmoved, and even said provocatively: "In our angel's eyes, the body is just an unimportant part, and the clothes are only for beauty and some fighting effects.

If you want to watch it, just watch it. In fact, as long as you want, you can stay in our angel city and choose a few female angels that you like. Not only can you watch, but you can also do what you want to do with you. "

This woman would definitely lose out if she didn't become a businessman, she was tempting herself naked.

Closer to home, the wingless angel that Ye Hao resurrected appeared intact, but her eyes were dull and godless.

The Angel King Rowling called for a few times, but there was still no response.

"She has no mind. Although I can resurrect her now, I can only resurrect a body, and if fighting too much, her body will break apart again.

I don't know if she can be resurrected at that time. "Ye Haozi said next to him.

"This is a wingless angel who died in a trial of 70,000 years." Rowling Angel King said lightly.

Then she took out the angel hearts of some two-winged angels, four-winged angels, seraphs and even eight-winged angels one after another, so that Ye Hao kept resurrecting.

In three hours, a total of more than 100 female angels were resurrected. For the angels below the Seraphim, the Angel King Rowling obtained a reliable data.

That is the heart of the eight-winged angel and the angels below the eight-winged angel.

The best resurrection time is the first one percent of the time limit for the demise of the Angel's Heart. The lower the strength and the higher the injury, the greater the ratio.

For example, the longest existence of the angel heart of the wingless angel is about one hundred thousand years.

The wingless angel whose death limit is less than one thousand years has the possibility of being completely resurrected.

However, because the strength of the wingless angels is too low, the final accurate data obtained is one-thousandth, that is, the wingless angels who died within a hundred years, Yang Xing can resurrect them intact, including resurrecting them. Will.

At this moment, there were three wingless angels whose deaths did not exceed a hundred years and were resurrected by Ye Hao intact.

But it may be because they were in a coma for too long, and their minds were still a little confused.

Moi arranged for someone to take it to rest.

"You died three wingless angels in a hundred years?" Ye Hao said with some surprise.

"Wingless angels are not combat units in the first place. In our angel **** system, those who are allowed to go on the battlefield or perform missions must at least be four-winged angels.

Two-winged angels will only be deployed in large-scale battles that involve the entire gods and all realms.

As for Wingless Angels, when they are transferred, they must be a battle that threatens the safety of the Angel God Element. "Roling Angel King explained.

Ye Hao also understood the meaning of Rowling's Angel King's words.

That is nothing more than the requirement for the conscription period in the war.

For example, the normal conscription is over the age of 20, but when it comes to important wars, it is possible that the conscription is over the age of 16.

And when the war of annihilation develops, it may be that people over ten years old will be on the battlefield. That is the time to desperately.

"Furthermore, in the past few hundred thousand years, we have not had many war missions, and the number of casualties has not been large. And it is not always possible that the angel heart of every sacrificed angel can be recovered.

Only one-third were recovered, and sometimes only one-fifth or even one-tenth. "When the Angel King Rowling said about this, he was obviously a little sad.

Ye Hao nodded clearly, which meant that more angel hearts would drift outside until it turned into dust.

After all, the appearance of the angel's heart is a crystal clear stone, and it may emit a faint light when it is dark, except for the breath that the angel can feel.

Other races cannot feel any fluctuating stones.

Such a useless thing, unless you want a collector like Lucifer, the greedy demon god, you generally won't care at all.

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