Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2792: Screening battle

Chapter 2792 The Battle Of Screening

Hearing the threat from Kaos, everyone around looked at Ye Hao with a little emotion.

Most of them sigh for this young genius.

Such a young deity, but with such an arrogant temper, directly contradicts a first-class **** of space master. Isn't this asking for trouble?

"Okay. Now all 30 places have been selected, and the remaining people and accompanying people will stay here next.

Those who get the spot will go to the final place where they will compete for five spots. "The woman standing in the center said.

However, although there are 30 places, only 26 people can actually advance to the next stage.

Because Ye Hao alone got five places!

Although this is because Ye Hao exploited a loophole in the rules, since it has occurred, there is no way to modify it.

So this time there are only 26 people participating in the final round!

Next, a door appeared beside the woman.

This is certainly not an ordinary door, but a space door.

Other people walked in one after another, and Ye Hao followed in too.

Angel Moi and Angel Tier, of course, stayed in this space just like everyone else.

However, there have already appeared a few things that look like big screens in this space. It should be a rebroadcast of the screening process there.

After Ye Hao passed through the gate, he found himself in a black void, and all the people who came here were floating here.

There are no signs of life here, and no planets.

Likewise, there is no light source. If it weren't for the few receptionists who followed in with luminous lamps in their hands, it is estimated that this area would be pitch black.

"This is a subspace that was once thought to be created by the space god. It is a failed product. But it is very suitable for combat."

The reception woman appeared again at this time, a crystal appeared in her hand, and she clapped her hands.

This crystal immediately expanded into a very large translucent light body, the size of which was very large, which was equivalent to having an earth.

People like Ye Hao naturally appeared very small in front of this light body.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Ethereal, and I am one of the recognized administrators of the Space Apostle Organization." Ethereal smiled at everyone, and she did not hide her realm at this time.

Lower Lord God!

Although only a lower main god, everyone did not look down on this woman, because she can be accepted as the manager of the Space Apostle Organization, which shows that this woman must have her own uniqueness!

"I think everyone has heard of the next battle process, but even this is the case. I still have to talk about it.

Next, you will enter this light body. In this light body, you can only use the black hole created by the law of space to swallow the black hole of others.

If it is found that someone uses other powers, it will automatically lose the spot. "

Ethereal took out a small fire candle: "Everyone has a fire candle. I will put someone on your head later. If the fire candle goes out, it means that this person is disqualified.

At that time, it will be automatically eliminated by the light body. In the end, when there are only five people left, these five people will be the last ones to advance. "

The rules of this are very clear to most people.

But for Ye Hao, it was very novel, because this was his way of fighting duels like this.

And before that, he had no chance to fight with space ability masters.

"Now assign positions, and the battle will begin in twenty minutes!" The ethereal began to ask the other reception staff to bring them all into the light body.

In this light body, they felt the feeling of being watched, and no one dared to release their power before announcing the start, because it was illegal.

Soon, twenty-six people were located around the light body.

Because this light body is the size of the earth, the distance between these 26 people is actually quite far.

At least in the eyes of ordinary people, it is completely invisible.

That's someone thousands of miles away.

However, these gods can still see their opponents.

Ye Hao stayed where he was, with a candle floating above his head.

"Please don't move your body, otherwise it will cause the flame to go out!" When the receptionist arranged these, he specifically asked Ye Hao.

It turns out that people can't move yet. It seems that they are simply letting everyone use the created black holes to fight.

Once a black hole becomes chaotic, or dissipates.

It is possible to cause the candle where you are to go out because of the black hole.

At the same time, when creating a black hole by yourself, you should not act too hastily, otherwise you may cause your own candle to be extinguished by the black hole that you cannot control.

"After ten seconds, the battle will begin!" The ethereal began to announce at this time.

At the same time, the color of the entire light body also began to change.

Everyone in the light body is ready to go.

"Boy, you'd better hold on for a while! I'll treat you well in a while!" At this moment, Kaos, who was separated from Ye Hao by several people, shouted to Ye Hao.

This guy seemed to be really eyeing Ye Hao, and wanted to take this opportunity to retaliate against Ye Hao.

It is even possible to take this opportunity to kill Ye Hao!

Because of this battle, there is still a certain danger.

"Mr. Ye Hao will be fine, right?" The angel Moy in the space outside said with some worry.

Because Ye Hao had a relationship with him, he had an affair with Kaos.

If Ye Hao is injured or has a more serious condition in this, it will make her feel uneasy!

"Don't worry, there will be no problem." Angel Tier was very confident in Ye Hao.

Angel Moi bit his vermilion lip lightly: "But Mr. Ye Hao is only a lower main god, and Kaos is an upper main god. There is a big power gap between the two!"

"There is a big gap between their strengths, but you have to be clear. This is not only strength, but also the epiphany of the laws of space.

Don’t you believe Mr. Ye Hao’s epiphany on the law of space? How did he tease that Kaos just now! I actually feel that this Kaos is going to be unlucky.

If he is only interested in grabbing the quota, if he targets Mr. Ye Hao, I feel that he will be quite miserable in the end! Angel Tier smiled and watched the battle that was about to begin in the video.

Angel Moy didn't know why Angel Tier was so confident.

She still clenched fists with both hands and prayed silently for Ye Hao.

I hope that Ye Hao can be safe and get the quota this time!

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