Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2801: he died?

Chapter 2801 is he dead?

Ye Hao's crazy behavior caused Lanyou to slow down his steps, observing the situation on Yang Xing.

When Ye Hao opened up a part of his space, he let his body bear the impact of the law of time to a certain extent.

His body began to undergo some amazing changes.

For example, Ye Hao's hair began to grow at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. It was originally a one-inch hairstyle, but soon began to grow.

In just a few breaths, the hair became long hair and waist.

"His time has been accelerated!" Lanyou guessed what kind of situation Ye Hao was in now.

The law of time around Ye Hao's body was accelerating, which made Ye Hao's time flow faster.

This would lead to Ye Hao's life-threatening situation.

When Lanyou was thinking about it, this situation had already occurred.

Ye Hao's skin began to appear wrinkles, and his hair began to appear gray. This is the time that Ye Hao has entered the old age.

If it continues like this, Ye Hao's life will continue to flow away until it is completely drained and turned into a bone.

"This madman, this stupid behavior cost him. It's a pity that he has such a good talent." Lanyou felt sorry.

But now it's done, she has no way to stop or the ability to stop Ye Hao's current crisis, she can only watch this genius fall.

Although a bit lost in my heart, it was only short-lived.

After all, the gods and myriad worlds are so big that when geniuses fall, they are almost always performed.

Genius is not important, what matters is the genius who can really grow up!

But at this moment, Lanyou saw an amazing scene.

Ye Hao, who was already in old age, turned his white hair into black, and the wrinkles on his face disappeared!

It seems to be rewinding everything that happened just now, but the speed of retreat is far not as fast as before.

Before aging may only take a few seconds, but the recovery time, but it took a few minutes.

Only then did Ye Hao return to his original appearance.

"How did he do it? Could it be that he had a sudden realization of how to look back in time in this kind of adversity? This...this is not the ability of the law of time? Could it be that he has realized the law of time?" Lan Pomelo's eyes widened, and she couldn't believe it.

But what happened in front of her could not allow her to believe it.

This guy is really a genius, and also a very crazy genius.

This caused Lanyou to have a little impulse to try, but it was a pity that in the end the rationality in her mind defeated her idea.

"I'm not as good as him." This is the first time that Lanyou has admitted that others are better than himself in some respects.

And he was facing a man who seemed to be younger than himself.

Just when Blue Pomelo was about to continue practicing with peace of mind, an even more astonishing scene appeared.

Ye Hao had just recovered, and even directly removed all the spatial positions.

"Lunatic! This guy is definitely a complete lunatic!" Lanyou was surprised at this moment, and couldn't help but admire this guy.

The behavior of Ye Hao before was equivalent to opening his doors and windows during a rainstorm, allowing the storm outside to enter the room.

But now, Ye Hao walked out of the house directly, allowing himself to bear the storm from the outside unsuspectingly.

Such behavior is really crazy.

And this price soon appeared on Ye Hao.

Ye Hao's body began to appear in various astonishing conditions, such as aging in a while, and shrinking in a while.

A second, Ye Hao was still a gray-haired old man, and in that second Ye Hao became a baby waiting to be fed.

This picture looks like a human dream.

At this moment, Lanyou has completely forgotten when he was practicing, but stared at Ye Hao with full concentration.

She wants to know whether this man can survive this state?

Can it?

Lanyou didn't believe it in her heart, but another voice in her mind seemed to tell her that this man can do it!

In this way, Lanyou has been staring.

She didn't know how long she stared.

One hour? Still a day? Or a month?

However, although she did not practice during this period, she had gained a lot of things. From observing the flow of time on Ye Hao, she realized something.

This made her faintly appear the element of time, but this is still the early stage. Whether Lanyou can truly realize the element of time depends on her later understanding.

Suddenly, Lanyou noticed that Ye Hao's body had undergone incredible changes. Half of his body began to age, and his body was still getting smaller!

This scene is really weird, even a little scary.

Do you dare to imagine a person with a 70-year-old man on one side and a baby waiting to be fed on one side?

Even if she is well-informed, the blue pomelo saint, who is the upper master god, couldn't help taking a breath when she saw this scene.

"His body is completely flooded with the laws of time. These laws of time impact his body like a scourge, and he has completely lost control... Maybe he really has to pay for his madness this time." Lanyou said in his heart. My own guess.

She started to feel a little sorry, sorry for this man.

Because of her observation just now, she found that this man was really good at time, and he even tried to change time with his spatial ability.

"If Master sees such a person, he will probably be surprised. Some of his attainments in space have not even been touched by Master." Lanyou sighed and began to immerse himself in his own practice.

Because of her previous comprehension, her later cultivation became much easier.

She didn't know how much time she spent, but at this moment, she finally realized the element of time.

She opened her eyes suddenly, and there was a turbulence of time in the space she created.

However, this turbulent flow of time was created by Lanyou, and was quickly gathered back by Lanyou.

"I understand the element of time." Lanyou was so excited that she raised her hand and looked at the power of time element that appeared between herself.

But at this time, when she went to look at Ye Hao's direction, she found that Ye Hao's whole body was rotten, as if it had become a stone sculpture.

Almost completely can't feel the signs of life.

"It's a pity a genius." Lanyou sighed and couldn't help shaking her head a few times.

And at this moment, she saw a ghost drifting by.

That is a picture of two people next to each other.

When it approached, Lanyou could see clearly, and her face suddenly turned red.

Because these two people turned out to be themselves and Ye Hao, and they still kissed!

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