Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2803: Blue Pomelo Saint's Favor

Chapter 2803 Favor of the Blue Pomelo Saint Lady

Lanyou didn't know what happened. She witnessed Ye Hao return to normal, and simultaneously summoned the law of time and space.

She was still immersed in surprise at first.

In the next second, she didn't know what was going on at all, she felt as if her body was immersed in nothingness.

She couldn't feel her body, her five senses, and she even felt that her consciousness was about to dissipate.

And at this moment, she felt a warm current in her world, which was flowing out of the world that was about to be exhausted.

Let the originally gray world exude a different color once again.

And Lanyou herself subconsciously draws on this power, she wants more.

Gradually, some of the things I lost before returned to Lanyou again.

At this time, Lanyou also felt the warmth on her lips, she slowly opened her eyes, and suddenly she woke up suddenly.

The man is kissing himself.

This picture...isn't it the phantom that I saw before.

It turned out to be such a thing, seeing that there is no way to escape this future.

And at this time, Lanyou can feel the gentle law of time in his body soothing the turbulence that just rushed into his body.

At this time, even if she wanted to ask for this embarrassing situation, she was unable to do so, because her body had not fully recovered her control.

But from the embarrassment at first, the shyness became accustomed to the back.

Lanyou's emotions even calmed down, and he even enjoyed the stable laws of time in his body, trying to understand these laws of time.

After all, there is rarely a chance to sense the law of time at such a close distance.

Time passed bit by bit.

Lanyou doesn't know how long it has been, only when she feels the warmth in her childhood.


With a soft sound, Lanyou opened her blurred eyes. She breathed slightly and looked at the man who had withdrawn before her.

She was still a little reluctant, she wanted to have a deeper understanding of the feeling just now.

But how could she say such words.

"How do you feel?" Ye Hao took the initiative to break the silence.

Lanyou checked her body. Her current physical condition is simply good and can't be better.

It's better than when I was killed before.

This is because Ye Hao just used the law of time to restore Lanyou's physical condition to its best condition.

"I'm fine, thank you." In this case, Lanyou himself was still a little embarrassed, his eyes dodged.

After all, she has never experienced the opposite sex, when did she experience such a thing.

"You don't need to say thank you, I should say sorry. It is all because of my relationship that caused you to fall into such a danger." Ye Hao said apologetically.

If he hadn't made such crazy attempts before, Blue Pomelo would not be in danger of death because of the shock wave at that time.

Lanyou remembered the scene at that time, she couldn't help looking at Ye Hao and asked, "Have you...have already understood the law of time?"

I was seen by others anyway, Ye Hao didn't hide it, and nodded in confession.

"Then have you..." Lanyou hurriedly asked, but thought that it was someone's privacy, so direct interrogation was a bit embarrassing.

"Although I have mastered the laws of time and space now, I still haven't understood the laws of time and space. Otherwise, it wouldn't be like that just now." Ye Hao shrugged and said.

Lanyou nodded clearly: "But you have already comprehended the law of time and the law of space. This can be regarded as the one closest to the law of time and space among the strong men in the history known by the heavens and the world.

And I think your bone age seems to be younger than mine, right? It shouldn't be tens of thousands of years. According to your talent, it is very likely that you can understand the laws of time and space. "

How many years old?

This made Ye Hao couldn't help but ask curiously: "What is the blue pomelo saint Fangling?"

"83,000 years old, I think you were with the angel race before. Our humanoid race, although the life span is not comparable to these talented races.

But our cultivation potential is still very large, and we can reach a height that other races can't imagine in a very short time.

Just like your earth species, my master mentioned that the racial potential of your earth plane can at least be among the top three among the major races of the gods and all realms!

It's a pity... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."

Blue Pomelo subconsciously wanted to talk about the war before going to the earth plane, but when he thought that Ye Hao was an earth species, this topic was a bit out of date.

"It's okay." Ye Hao smiled and shook his head. He looked around and then looked at the blue pomelo: "There is no benefit to me anymore.

So I am going to wander around and explore this time gap. "

With that, Ye Hao gestured to the surrounding space.

Lanyou understood what Ye Hao meant, and she immediately opened her space position: "Okay, you go. I have recovered and can take care of myself. I can stay here for a while.

But Master Ye, I hope you can think about my previous proposal outside. You now have the law of time and space.

And my master happened to be one of the founders who founded the Space Apostle. She is familiar with this aspect.

Maybe, you can have some gains from my master! "

Lanyou now attaches great importance to Ye Hao. After all, Ye Hao is now a character who possesses the laws of time and space. If this is spread out.

It will definitely shake the entire world of gods and become the most amazing thing in the past ten thousand years.

"I'll think about it, see you outside." Ye Hao smiled and said goodbye, and lifted his spatial position, now because there is the law of time.

Ye Hao seemed to be like a fish in the gap in this time, and he could move here at will.

After a while, he disappeared in front of Lanyou.

Lanyou looked at the direction where Ye Hao disappeared, and stood there for a long time.

She touched her lips, and then recalled the feeling before: "How old is he? He is so young that he has such accomplishments.

It is still in the realm of a lower main god, and you can have the law of time and the law of space at the same time. This future is unlimited. "

Lanyou completely sighed in front of this man.

But if you let her know that this man from the plane of the earth is actually not thirty years old, she doesn't know what the blue pomelo saint will look like at that time.

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