Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2808: Holy Land for Practice

Chapter 2808 the Holy Land

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Smith pointed directly at the pointer on his luxury watch: "Hey, have you made a mistake? It's obviously half an hour has passed on me, how could it be half an hour."

The janitor took out his cell phone innocently and pointed to the time on it: "Sir, look at it for yourself, it is indeed less than five minutes.

As for your watch... Maybe your watch is broken? "

The watch is broken?

This is tens of millions of watches, how could it be broken!

"It's really half past fourteen." Black Butterfly looked at his cell phone with a surprised expression.

Yakina and the others also took out their mobile phones to check the current time.

Constantine looked at Smith suspiciously: "Hey, when you went in before. Did you read the wrong time?"

"Fuck, how could I misread the time. I'm old, but I'm not so confused as to that. And you yourself just felt that half an hour passed!

This is how we all feel together. It can't be wrong. "Smith himself felt that he was going to be confused, he could only stare at Ye Hao.

Constantine nodded. In fact, he just took the opportunity to tease Smith.

Those of them who entered, really felt that they had been inside for at least half an hour.

If the gatekeeper in front of them hadn't fooled them, then there was something wrong.

Yakina looked at Yang Xing: "Mr. Ye, please don't tell us what is going on!"

Ye Hao smiled mysteriously, and pointed to the door they had just entered.

"Actually, your feelings are right, Mr. Smith, we did stay in there for almost half an hour.

It's just that the time flow in the space inside and the space outside is ten times different, and staying inside for thirty minutes is just equivalent to three minutes outside. "Ye Hao explained.

As soon as the words came out, the people around were briefly surprised.

Then one after another exclaimed.

"Ten times the time gap?"

"Scientists in our country have been studying this kind of time project, but they have never been rewarded!"

"That is to say, ten years of cultivating inside is equivalent to only one year after the outside?"

Black Butterfly is relatively calm. She interrogates a more important question: "Then the human body entered, how is his time calculated?"

"Human time is fixed. You were ten years old before you entered, and you stayed in it for thirty years. When you came out, your body was already forty years old.

It's just that from the outside, it's just a year passed. "Ye Hao said: "But this is actually not important. Now the bottleneck of our cultivation on the Earth plane has been broken.

For example, the life span of cultivation to the seventh level can exceed two or three hundred years, and the eighth level can reach five hundred or even more than a thousand years.

Quasi-God-level people like you can basically live for thousands of years, or even ten thousand years. "

Constantine nodded: "This is indeed the case, ten times the time flow space. Coupled with the energy richness far more than ten times the outside world.

It is almost equivalent to one day of cultivating inside, which is equivalent to an ordinary person who has been cultivating outside for one hundred days! "

Smith said excitedly: "With this Penglai Fairy Island, we can build enough powerhouses in batches! In this way, we can build an army belonging to our planet's defense in a very short time!"

Yakina looked at the other surrounding areas: "How many islands are there? Do these islands have such functions?"

"Penglai Xiandao consists of a total of 72 islands. The time flow rate is divided into three times, five times, ten times, twenty times, and fifty times. There are two other ones with one hundred times flow rate.

However, the faster the flow of time, it will be a great test for themselves. If a person of Tier 5 or 6 is thrown onto an island that is a hundred times faster than the time, their bodies will not be able to support such time erosion.

Not only can he not practice, but he may even die on the spot. "

"One hundred times! My goodness, one day of practicing inside is equivalent to one hundred days of practicing outside, plus the intensity of energy inside..." Smith's eyes widened.

"The two islands that are one hundred times faster are also one hundred times more energy-rich, and they are considered to be islands specially made by me.

An island can hold ten people to practice at the same time. After the eighth-level strong can adapt to the first fifty times the speed island, they can try the two islands.

I have no way to build such an island too much, mainly because it does not affect the global environment. "Ye Hao said.

When Constantine heard this, he felt dry and dry, as if a flame was burning in his chest.

"One hundred times the speed, one hundred times the intensity of energy. One day of cultivating inside is equivalent to three years of cultivating outside! This is simply a cultivator's paradise!"

Everyone looked at Ye Hao with excitement, disbelief and awe.

It was incredible that this man had built such an island in half a month!

And with the existence of Penglai Fairy Island, it is enough to increase the efficiency of their alliance cultivation hundreds of times!

"I will position this place as a special training base other than Wushuang City. The first batch of practitioners will be selected from our alliance.

Later, people from other forces will be allowed in, but the premise is to ensure their loyalty. "Ye Hao said.

"No problem!" Constantine was quite happy to hear that Ye Hao's Penglai Fairy Island was open to allies.

After all, if Ye Hao was only offering Wushuang City or Huaxia people to practice in such a holy land for cultivation, they would not dare to say anything with the strength of Ye Hao now.

"As for the Penglai Fairy Island, there are many more dangerous technologies in it, which are equivalent to nuclear reactors in the secular world.

So I need you to ensure the safety of Penglai Xiandao. If any forces or organizations have any coveted ideas about Penglai Xiandao, I hope you can kill it in the bud. "Ye Hao said very seriously.

On Penglai Fairy Island, Ye Hao arranged the laws of time and space.

Although under normal circumstances, even the strongest typhoon and the strongest earthquake have no effect on it.

But don’t be afraid of 10,000, but just in case, if someone really makes trouble, the turbulence generated is enough to cause a huge disaster to the earth!

"No problem, our 11th district will take care of this matter!" Smith said firmly.

Constantine clenched his fist and said grinningly: "Mr. Ye can rest assured, anyone who dares to have any bad thoughts about Penglai Fairy Island, we will crush them into pieces and feed them to the bears!"

It is because of these guarantees that there will be a thunderous action that will frighten the world's major forces!

The United States, Russia or European forces will not hesitate to strike thunder against those forces that dare to have ideas on Penglai Xiandao.

Although some may be the oligarchs of the country, eradication will have some impact.

But compared with the importance of Penglai Fairy Island, it is nothing at all!

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