Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2834: Hey, don’t close your eyes, how do you look at my stalwart body with your eyes closed

Chapter 2834 Hey, don't close your eyes, how do you see my stalwart body with your eyes closed

"This is because you and I have different ideas." The God Emperor Galaxy said in a deep voice.

The Goddess of the Star Sky chuckled: "Idea? You are here to talk about the concept with me. I remember that you told me at the time that your idea is to bring the Star Sky **** system to a higher place.

After billions of years, my dear brother, it seems that the current Star Sky God System is no different from when I left. "

The Galaxy God Emperor squeezed his fists: "My concept is not wrong, I will definitely make the Star Sky God System the strongest God System, but it will take more time!"

"Ha ha ha, more time? Silly brother, I remember your ridiculous idea, if you want to leave the war and continue to expand the Star Sky God System, so that the number of powerhouses in the Star Sky God System can increase.

Have you become the leader of the first-class **** system? "The Star Sky Goddess looked at her brother.

"Yes!" The Galaxy God Emperor looked at the Star Sky Goddess: "I didn't want to do that, but sister, since you built the Star Sky God System into a first-class God System.

You never have the idea of ​​going further with the gods, and you are still opposed to the matter of sending troops to the earth plane!

It is necessary to know that sending troops to the earth plane and defeating the demon plane, only such a war can completely shuffle the existing forces! In that situation, we have a chance to go further!

And you? You said to me that the current Star Sky God System is enough, and you are no longer ready to go further.

I am not reconciled. I have always targeted you since I was young. I want to fight everywhere like you and become the strongest deity in this world!

Let our Star Sky God System become the strongest God System. Everyone must respect us when they see us, and all gods must kneel down and worship when they see us! "

Listening to her brother's crazy words, the Goddess Star Sky looked at her brother with a trace of pity in her eyes.

"Don't look at me like that!" The Emperor Galaxy felt his sister's eyes, and he roared angrily: "I'm not wrong. I asked you to pass the position to me at the beginning. If you don't want to continue to fight, then I will fight for you. .

But you don't agree, you are greedy for pleasure, and you are unwilling to upgrade the Star Sky Divine Element.

That's why I overthrew you, because I want to bring a stronger and better Star Sky God System! "

The Goddess of Star Sky sighed and said: "The weak and strong food is indeed the rule of this world, but you also have to know a degree clearly.

There must be a degree in everything I do. I brought the Star Sky God System from a small God System to a first-class God System. At that time, that was the limit of the Star Sky God System.

The other fairy-Buddha gods, angel gods, and others have a history of billions of years.

And us? We are just a duckweed for the time being, we need time to digest what we have. And at that time, we were already first-class gods. Isn't that enough?

At that time, the people of our Star Sky God System were already respected first-rate people of God System. Everyone could settle down and work and practice freely. Isn't that enough?

Brother, you have to know that a person cannot be too greedy. If a person is greedy, it may just ruin him.

The head of the family is greedy, and all he has destroyed is a family. A city owner is greedy, he may destroy a city.

And if a person in charge of the gods is greedy, it is very likely that he will bring his gods into the abyss! "

"Shut up, you are all ridiculous!" The God Emperor of the Galaxy shouted angrily.

The starry sky goddess's eyes gradually turned cold: "In fact, you already know the answer in your heart. The previous Desert God System is actually the same as the current Star Sky God System. The eagerness for quick success has caused their strength to be compromised.

Let us at that time have the opportunity to catch up from behind and win the position of the first-class **** system.

And now? It's been over a billion years, what the Star Sky God System was like when I left, and what it is still like now! No, it's worse than it was then!

At that time, at least, you and I added together, we have two **** king-level powerhouses, close to ten high-ranking gods!

Looking back now? It's been a billion years, you haven't even cultivated a god-king-level powerhouse. As for the number of upper-level gods? I am afraid it has not broken through a single digit yet!

Looking back at the Desert Gods, the Desert Gods have kept their powers and bide their time for billions of years. Although they have been very upset with us, they have always been honest.

They are now about to give birth to a second **** king-level powerhouse, and the number of upper main gods is also increasing by leaps and bounds!

Let me tell you, the more than one billion years you have wasted will make the Desert God System surpass us again! It is easy to get into this position, but when we fall from this position.

That is the real abyss. Those who originally feared us will turn into wolves and tigers to pounce and bite you.

Those who originally flattered you to please you will hide away and watch them coldly!

At that time, Xinghe, do you know regret? "

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" The Galaxy God Emperor screamed frantically, his eyes were bloodshot, and at this moment his consciousness had begun to be a little unconscious.

"I'm not wrong, I'm not wrong, I'm not wrong!" The Galaxy God Emperor roared loudly, and the spear in his hand aimed at the Goddess of Star Sky.

"Don't think I don't know what you are thinking, do you just want to delay time? Hehe, I tell you, sister. I won't give you this opportunity.

The Star Dome God System does not need any Star Dome goddess, now there is only one God King in the Star Dome God System! That is my Galaxy God Emperor! "

With that, the Galaxy God Emperor threw his divine spear.

The divine spear flew towards the goddess of the star sky with vast and majestic power.

The Star Sky Goddess closed her eyes in despair, but she still failed.

If you give yourself another hour...No, if you give yourself another hour, even if it's only twenty minutes, she can regain that power.

At that time, he will have the ability to compete with this evil obstacle.

Zi Zi Zi

Suddenly a strange sound came from my ear, and there was also a crying sound.

"Hey, I'm not dead yet. Don't close your eyes, how can you look at my stalwart body with your eyes closed."

A familiar voice came.

The Goddess of Star Sky opened her eyes, and she looked at the familiar but unfamiliar figure in front of her in surprise. Somewhere in the depths of her soul, at this time waves began to rise.

"Ye Hao? Why are you here!" The Star Sky Goddess exclaimed.

It was Ye Hao who stood in front of her at this moment.

At this moment, Ye Hao opened the Kunpeng Law, a giant Kunpeng phantom wrapped them, and outside Kunpeng was the divine spear of the Galaxy God Emperor.

Of course, the Kunpeng Law alone could not resist the attack of a god-king powerhouse.

Ye Hao also blessed the law of space on the law of Kunpeng, weakening the power of this divine spear.

It was dangerous and dangerous to resist, even so, the Kunpeng phantom also began to crack.

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