Chapter 2850 Sister

Luo Bing Angel King, this name has been a long time since this era.

Now some angels may not remember such an angel king, but Sheila and others cannot forget this angel king.

Not only because they were from the same era.

More because of the particularity of this female angel.

If the strength of the female angel kings of the angel clan is ranked strong or weak, then Luo Bing Angel King can definitely enter the top three.

In contrast, Cecilia, the strongest angel king now, does not have this qualification.

This is also enough to illustrate the strength of Luo Bing Angel King.

You must know that the Angel God System was the strongest existence among the first-class God System.

Even if the male angel fell, it only weakened the combat power of 30% of the angel race, and the angel **** system still stood at its peak.

The reason why the Angel God System is not as prosperous as the Immortal Buddha God System, even to the point of being on par with the Olympus God System.

That's because the talents of the angel kings in the past are getting worse and worse. In the beginning, the female angel kings were among the best among all the **** kings.

Even at the peak, the top five powerhouses of the gods and ten thousand realms belonged to the angel race.

But now?

Only a Cecilia Angel King can barely get to the top three position, and it is still in this era that is not a heyday.

And if Ye Hao can really resurrect the Angel King Luo Bing.

That is great news for the Angel God System.

Not only can it directly surpass the Olympus **** system, but there is even hope that it will be on par with the fairy buddha **** system again!

"Can you really do it?" Angel King Rowling took out the angel heart of her sister Luo Bing Angel King.

"I'm not 100% sure, but even if it fails, at least it won't damage this angel's heart. I'm sure of this." Ye Hao's words put the hearts of the two angel kings in their stomachs.

"If you can resurrect Angel King Luo Bing, can't you also resurrect other angel kings!" Angel King Sheila looked at Ye Hao eagerly.

Ye Hao said: "In theory, it is possible, but other angel hearts are not necessarily similar to Luo Bing's angel hearts.

Moreover, I resurrected the Angel King Luo Bing because of an advantage. I can directly borrow the blood of Angel King Rowling. Because the two of them are sisters, they can be used directly.

The body created in this way can exist for a long time.

If this problem cannot be solved, the resurrected angel can only exist as briefly as before. "

"As long as my sister can be resurrected, it doesn't matter what I ask me to do!" The Angel King Rowling was so excited that he directly grabbed Ye Hao's hand.

It's hard to imagine that a twelve-winged angel king is now excited as if he were a child.

"Okay, I will start now. This process needs the help of the two of you. Wait a moment. I need the blood of Angel King Rowling. At the same time, Angel King Sheila provides me with some of your angel laws.

Do everything as I say, cooperate with me. "Ye Hao said seriously.

This is the first time he has done this, and to be honest, he is also very nervous.

The Angel King Rowling and the Angel King Sheila waited quietly for Ye Hao's instructions.

Ye Hao took a deep breath and pressed his hand on the angel's heart.

The Law of Time and Space·Time and Space Backtracking

The heart of the angel, which was originally dim, began to emit light at this moment, like a withered flower, which was in full bloom again at this time.

"It's really the law of time and space. When I heard Tier and the others mentioned before, I couldn't believe it!" Sheila Angel King muttered in surprise.

The Angel King Rowling clenched his fist, very nervous.

If it were in the past, she would definitely be very excited because of the law of time and space, but now it is in her heart.

The laws of time and space are not as important as my sister's business.

Recalling his sister's voice and smile, and remembering that when she was fighting, her sister was finally injured and fell seriously in order to protect herself...

This has always been a knot in the heart of the Angel King Rowling.

The light of the angel's heart became more and more dazzling, and finally it slowly became nothingness and became a luminous light source.

This light source separates countless filaments of light, and these filaments are like blood vessels, weaving the shape of a female human body around the light source.

From nothingness to substance.

Sweat beads began to appear on Ye Hao's forehead. In fact, his operation was to restore the state of the angel's heart to the state before the fall of Angel King Luo Bing.

Regarding this matter, when he got the law of time and space, he kept thinking about this plan in his mind, and he had done hundreds of millions of simulation experiments in his mind.

"Ahem..." Ye Hao couldn't help coughing up blood.

"Ye Hao!" Sheila Angel King looked at Ye Hao worriedly.

Ye Hao waved his hand to indicate that he was okay: "It's nothing, a small mistake. This is the first time I have done such a thing, although I have simulated it countless times in the sea of ​​consciousness.

But the real operation is still very rusty. But there is no major problem, Sheila Angel King will now trouble you to inject your angelic law into this light and shadow! "

Sheila Angel King nodded, and she raised her hand.

The law of angels turned into points of light, little by little absorbed by this light and shadow.

In fact, when Sheila Angel King placed the light spots of these angelic laws around the light and shadow, the light and shadow were like young birds waiting to be fed, and they absorbed these light spots by themselves.

With the absorption of these light spots, the light and shadow became more and more substantial, and the light and shadow of the first pair of wings began to grow behind.

"Master the speed and rhythm, continue typing. If you can't support it, tell me!" Ye Hao reminded.

"Well, at this speed, I can still hold on for twenty minutes." Sheila Angel King said next to him: "If it is the limit, I can hold on for forty minutes."

This limit estimate is to pay a certain price.

"It's okay, twenty minutes is enough." Ye Hao stared at the light and shadow in front of him.

Soon a second pair of wings was formed.

"The Angel King Rowling is now, to force your blood out and drop it on my finger!" Ye Hao raised his right index finger!

The Angel King Rowling was about to press his finger on Ye Hao's index finger, and the golden blood penetrated from the pure white skin and landed on Ye Hao's finger.

A drop

A drop

Followed by a drop

But Ye Hao treated the blood as if it were silk threads, passing through the light and shadow a little bit.

At this moment, the entire light and shadow became more substantial, skin began to appear on the periphery of the body, and feathers appeared on the wings behind it.

A very beautiful face began to appear on his head.

Seeing the fit of this face, the Angel King Rowling couldn't help but shed tears on her cheek.


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