Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2870: Devil's first day

Chapter 2870 the first day of the devil

The twentieth hour of the evil invasion of the earth.

Because the time of the demon invasion was the morning of the previous day, after these twenty hours, it happened to be when the sky was cold the next day.

But just in this day's time, the whole world has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The forces in various places have taken out the SSS top-secret plan that has been drawn up a long time ago, and implemented it within their respective forces' countries as quickly as possible.

"This is China's emergency news. In the next period of time, all entertainment and variety shows will stop broadcasting, and all residents are only allowed to act within the scope of their permission. The recovery time will be notified separately.

During this period, the emergency bill is implemented, and anyone who violates the emergency bill will be directly sentenced! ..."

Not only Huaxia, all parts of the world are now putting all the intelligence information that was originally regarded as secret in front of the public.

Despite the previous warm-up in all aspects, panic, fear, tension and anger are still spreading all over the world.

For example, there have been many riots in some Western worlds. In addition, some countries can hold guns, which makes the situation a bit bad.

But in just one day, 80% of the world's regions were restored to a step-by-step order, and the army and the forces of the original cultivation world directly intervened in the city.

Iron fist-like methods have caused certain people with bad intentions to be directly obliterated in the cradle.

Coupled with Wushuang City's Skynet system, it will effectively attack those forces that attempt to subvert the regime or those who are ready to harm the world with the fastest speed.

All this is attributed to Ye Hao's arrangement.

Afterwards, someone counted the changes that occurred on the earth on this day.

On this day, 200 million people died in the battle of demonic invasion, mainly in South America and Australia, followed by Europe and the bear country.

The Asian region is because of the island nation sea battle in the dragon protection plan, which effectively contained the danger in the bud.

On the other day, there were overturning regimes and out-of-control events in 28 countries, and 15 of them restored order within a day.

Thirteen countries are left because they have lost control.

The alliance directly dispatched its own team to directly intervene in thirteen countries, using thunder to wipe out those who made trouble, and then support the new regime.

At this moment, the Earth Alliance has completely replaced the position of the United Nations and has become the strongest organization among all the forces on Earth!

This is also Ye Hao's arrangement. Once this is the time, all the forces that can be controlled on the earth must be controlled.

Some people may think that this is too rude and there is no freedom.

But in the face of this world-destroying danger, what kind of freedom is bullshit!

And Ye Hao's idea was unanimously approved among the major powers in the alliance.

At this time, only under this unified system can the earth survive!

The total number of casualties caused by these incidents and the chaos of various countries has reached 20 million!

Yes, it occupies a quarter of the demons slaughtered mankind. This is the horror of human infighting. If it is not controlled in time, this number will be even more terrifying.

Some lunatics even wanted to use nuclear weapons, but they were stopped in time.

In addition, there are statistics. On this day, 200,000 people made sacrifices because of poor mental capacity, or lost their hearts, and because of their beliefs.

In short, the number of suicides reached 200,000.

This is also in everyone's expectation. Some people are only suitable for peaceful times. Once they step out of their comfort zone, their worldview will be completely subverted.

And the pursuit of death is what they think is the only way to escape from the ‘reality’.

Seven billion people have only lost more than 200 million people.

This can be said to be a perfect start to any end of the world.

Originally, Ye Hao hoped that within a week of chaos, one-fifth of the people on the earth would be saved, which is about one billion people.

In this way, this will far exceed Ye Hao's expectations.

China Wushuang City

Xia Xue looked at the series of data reports in front of her, feeling that her head was about to explode, and she reluctantly took a sip of the plasma drink next to her.

Although she doesn't need to drink blood anymore, she still likes the taste. Of course, this is artificial plasma, and she can make various flavors according to Xia Xue's preferences.

"Have you watched it all night?" Nightingale came out and looked at Xia Xue.

Xia Xue nodded with a wry smile: "Yeah. Who would have thought that those demons would talk endlessly. The situation on our side in Asia is the best. In the dragon protection plan, the black air mass was successfully controlled.

In addition, a cordon was placed around it to kill the demons emerging from the black air mass at any time. "

There is a real-time video screen next to it.

It can be seen that in the island country sea, the area of ​​the originally huge black reef is now only one-tenth left.

Among the few tenths, the corpses of hellhounds can be seen everywhere, and they can even pile up on the hills.

A bulldozer was stacking these Hellhounds together, and then poured gasoline to burn them all.

Here, cordon lines have been laid out, and the fence made of steel is still under construction.

But the innermost one has been completed.

A series of weapons such as machine guns, artillery, and rocket launchers were placed on the walls.

Although these weapons have no killing effect on the existence of demons and above, they can still be wiped out on the Hellhound.

In the previous plan to protect the dragon, all three demon warriors fell due to the team leader Long Yi and others.

Then it took ten hours to wipe out all 90% of the demon army.

And began to set about the line of defense here, also known as the Dragon Wall Project.

Because so far there is no way to destroy the black air masses, and the black air masses are constantly pouring out of **** dogs. Although this time the battle is successful, these **** dogs cannot be allowed to appear.

The only way is to build a line of defense nearby, and then destroy these hellhounds as soon as they appear.

And in order to prevent the emergence of demon people or even demon warriors.

In this Dragon Wall plan, there must be at least two Quasi-God-level powerhouses at the same time in this position, and ten eighth-level powerhouses garrison!

In addition, there are hundreds of squads composed of Tier 7 powerhouses, standing by at any time.

So far, the plan has been very smooth.

At least the danger of the devil’s entry into the island country and the stick country has been eliminated a lot.

"But the most important issue now is that in other places, I am not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs. I now know what this means."

Xia Xue scratched her head irritably, then looked at the chaotic battlefield pictures on several large screens.

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