Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2873: Survivor City Project

Chapter 2873 Survivor City Plan

"That is to say, after destroying the **** meat ball, we must also wipe out all the fallen Hellhounds?" someone said.

Long Yi nodded, he called up a piece of information, put it on the screen and said: "According to the intelligence reported from all parts of the Earth Alliance, there have been forty-three such demon meatballs so far. For the time being, we will call this thing.

On average, there will be more than two thousand Hellhounds in each demon meat ball. "

"Is there any way to destroy these demon meat **** directly in space, or find out where these demon meat **** come from!" someone suggested.

Long Yi continued: "Regarding the origin of these demon meatballs, we have sent personnel to investigate in outer space. But this is estimated to take a lot of time, so it is impossible to solve the current troubles in a short time.

Another thing is to eliminate the hypothesis of being in space. It is worth mentioning that these devil meat **** have the ability to prevent being detected. Even if the quasi-god-level powerhouse is in space unless they are very close, they will not be able to observe these demon meat. ball.

In the case of a space station, radar equipment is completely ineffective unless it is observed in time with the naked eye.

But if these demon meatballs enter the atmosphere, they will form meteorite-like flames. This is also when we found them coming.

So at present, the time we can deal with is only when they appear in the atmosphere and when they fall in the city. "

"Then how much time is there to deal with?" Family Chief Tan asked.

Long Yi raised his three fingers: "We calculated the 43 demon meatballs that have fallen in various cities so far, and the average time is three minutes."

three minutes

At this moment, everyone was quiet.

It took only three minutes from discovery to fall into the city.

This time is really too short.

It is necessary to know that a fighter pilot needs at least one minute to receive the alert, start and then drive the fighter plane to take off.

"It's impossible to be completely prepared. Our Huaxia is so big. No one knows when this ghost will fall.

If you want to smash the big meat ball here within three minutes, and then have to eliminate all the fallen hellhounds, this... is simply impossible. "Someone patted the table and said.

Long Yi glanced at this person lightly, and then took out a file that looked very important.

"Because of the threat this time, considering that our Huaxia area is too large, it is very difficult to fully protect it.

So we decided to launch the "Survivor City" project. This is something I discussed with Mr. Ye Hao half a year ago, and Mr. Ye Hao also participated in the formulation of the plan.

This plan has been kept in the secret archives of Dragon Group, and I took it out today. "

Having said that, Long Yi asked his assistant next to him to scan the files with a machine, and then an electronic file appeared in front of everyone.

"The survivor city plan is different from the survivor base that everyone knows. The survivor base is to gather all practitioners and useful elites.

At present, the population of Huaxia's survivor base is only 2 million, and the limit can reach 10 million.

But we must know that China has a population of more than one billion! This is just a drop in the bucket.

And this survivor city plan is specially prepared for ordinary people.

We will abandon most of the small and medium-sized cities that are not important, and move all the population to these cities designated as survivor city plans. "Long Yi pointed to the names of the cities that appeared one by one on the data.

Imperial Capital, Magic Capital, Xiangdu, Omen, Yuhang, Jiangcheng, Gusu City, Xinjiang New City, Mengcheng, Wudu...

"As early as half a year ago in these cities, Mr. Ye Hao and I invested in secret arrangements for construction departments to purchase land in these cities, build resettlement communities, and build shelters below the ground.

Let these cities accommodate more than ten times the original population.

The Survivor City plan is expected to accommodate a total of one billion people, with a limit of 3 billion people.

Each city has established its own internal circulation supply model, with food, water and electricity all available.

These cities are divided into main cities and border cities. There are five main cities and twenty-five border cities. "Long Yi said.

When the Eastern Patriarch saw these materials, he said in amazement: "I didn't expect Team Leader Long and Mr. Ye Hao to be prepared so early."

"In fact, this plan at the time was too subversive. The manpower, material and financial resources required for it were astronomical, and even Huaxia might not be able to stick to it.

But in the end, it was Mr. Ye Hao who rejected all the opinions and was willing to do his best to fund the implementation of this plan. This plan really got into operation.

Mr. Ye Hao is the real feat behind this, and now we are just walking the road he paved for us. "Long Yi has a look of reverence in his eyes.

"But what does this plan have to do with the things we are facing now?" someone asked puzzledly.

Long Yi continued: "The establishment of these dozens of cities will greatly reduce the area we need to defend, and we expect to build towering walls on the edges of these cities in the shortest time.

Of course, these cities have another feature, that is, they are all connected to high-speed rail, so that they can also connect cities.

The plan to face these demon meat **** is that we will set up a special security department. Once a demon meat ball is found in the atmosphere, it will calculate the location of its fall in a very short time.

At the same time, five quasi-god-level powerhouses will be arranged in the five main cities. These five main cities will radiate the surrounding border cities, which is the first line of defense.

In addition to the quasi-god-level powerhouses, each main city will arrange a tier 8 team that can fly. When these devil meat **** appear, they will rise into the air to hunt down the fallen hellhounds. This is the first Second line of defense.

In addition, every major city has a military airport, which can guarantee that hundreds of top fighters will be launched within two minutes. These fighters will form the third line of defense.

Finally, there will be our latest anti-aircraft artillery in the main city and the border city. According to our attempts, these anti-aircraft cannons are capable of killing Hellhounds.

This is the last line of defense! We are going to use these three lines of defense to destroy the enemy within three minutes!

Assuming that hellhounds land, then there will be a tiger group, army, ten guild, and small groups formed by major families to hunt these hellhounds inside and outside the city. "

Hearing about Long Yi's plan, everyone was very amazed. Such a plan is really perfect.

"Then how long will the survivor city plan be established?" someone asked.

"Three days is enough, if it's faster, two days will do." Long Yi said confidently.

Everyone feels weird. This represents the migration of hundreds of millions of people, and it only takes three days?

How many things they have arranged behind this.

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