Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2876: The enviable privileges of Chinese people

Chapter 2876 the enviable privilege of the Chinese people

The earth was invaded by demons on the fifth day.

On this day, in addition to the black air masses in the Bermuda Triangle and Australia, the volume of the other four air masses has also doubled.

The demon armies that have emerged, as well as the three demon armies that have appeared in South America, have greatly increased the threat of other theaters.

And so far, the original more than two hundred to three hundred countries on the earth have disappeared more than fifty, close to a quarter of the number.

However, these countries are mainly small countries, and most of them are located in the African region.

Although there is no black air mass in Africa, it was one of the safest places in the world at the beginning.

But with the appearance of the Devil Meat Ball, the lack of defense in Africa also appeared.

In addition, most of the African area is flat land, which is very suitable for hellhounds. Hellhounds may have been attacking a country a few hours ago.

In a few hours, it may appear hundreds of kilometers away, in a city in another country.

And when the cultivators arrived, the country here had completely fallen and it was difficult to re-establish it, which led to the breakdown of the government.

Originally, the population of Africa was 1.2 billion. During the fighting in the past few days, nearly a quarter has been lost, leaving only 800 million.

The World Alliance also noticed the terrible situation in Africa, and immediately adopted China's system.

Eleven survivor cities have been planned, which are located in the most important cities in Africa. Because of the lack of local cultivators, the Earth Alliance will connect these eleven cities with the world's major powers.

Supported by these national forces.

Some people might say that it's hard for them to do it at the moment, and who cares about these African brothers.

No, it will manage. And everyone is very active!

That's because what is the most important thing about modernization?

Not airplanes, artillery, missiles!

It's oil!

The modern war is a war that burns oil, and everyone knows that Africa is also one of the several major oil fields in the family.

For those households who have difficulty in oil extraction in their own country, it is certainly the best if they can obtain oil through this side.

Otherwise, the country’s oil is not enough, not only will there be problems in the lives of the residents, but even the military equipment will be difficult to operate.

And Huaxia directly waved his hand and recruited the four African cities that had good relationships to his own subordinates.

They are Tanzan City, Sands City, Awanda City and Niger City.

These four cities have been under the control of the Chinese military. The Chinese military has deployed 100,000 troops in these four cities, and has also arranged a quasi-god-class powerhouse in Africa.

Four eighth-tier strong, nearly a hundred people seventh-tier strong team.

Unfortunately, because the infrastructure in Africa is quite backward, unlike China, although it has implemented the Survivor City Plan, each city can still rely on high-speed rail and other transportation equipment to communicate.

There is no such thing in Africa, they are like isolated islands.

Fortunately, there are not many hellhounds falling here.

The Earth Alliance has also coordinated a task force of thousands of people, specifically responsible for the hunting of hellhounds outside the survivor cities in the African region.

And the Earth Alliance is also good at using a local ‘special product’.

The existence of mercenaries.

A reward was issued, how much is the reward for hunting a hellhound, and how many cultivation resources can be rewarded for how many hellhounds are hunted.

This encouraged the local mercenaries who were already belligerent and began to clean up the hellhounds galloping on the land of Africa.

Closer to home.

Basically, there is nothing to talk about about the war in Huaxia, because here everyone has entered the wartime life system, and the academy has also restructured. Besides the addition of a cultivator's major, life is basically restored to order.

As long as you follow the government's arrangements, no matter what your job is, you can at least have a place to live and fill your stomach without worrying that you will fall into the mouth of the devil.

Of course, in order to inspire the people, you have to think about it better. You have to be a master like you did before and drink spicy food.

Then you have to show your worth.

As long as you can show your own value, then you can live better than others!

In this era, the laws of the forest system began to emerge slowly, but the smell of blood was missing.

What is worth mentioning here is that there has been a wave of national survivor cities around China.

That is the city of survivors who want to go to China.

Because the transportation system in Asia is still relatively advanced, although it is in its current form, certain flights are still open, mainly to restore the trading system and financial system.

But many people want to use these flights to travel to the city of survivors in China.

Even if the price of a ticket to Huaxia is now as high as several million Huaxia coins, it is hard to find.

The Huaxia government has introduced a rule that all Huaxia nationals who hold passports can buy air tickets back home at peacetime fares, or buy them first.

And each Chinese civilian is allowed to bring one or two non-domestic family members, and these family members will set the fare according to the family situation.

If the family is rich, the fare is the normal fare. If the family is poor, they can enjoy the same treatment as a Chinese citizen.

Although such a clause has caused many people in other countries to protest.

However, this is the rule set by other people's China Airlines, the plane of their own country, and the fare is still paid by the Chinese government.

Those foreigners who are jealous can only curse on their lips and on the Internet. In reality, they can only envy them with eyesight.

At the moment on the streets of Seoul.

A few idle female high school students are blowing the cold wind on the street, eating snacks.

"Oh, I didn't expect the world to become like this. I can't even see the performance of the Obamas."

"Give it back to Obama's performance? I don't know if I can survive now."

"Have you heard that a demon meat ball fell down the day before yesterday in Busan City. Although it was smashed in the air, those hellhounds still fell.

A block was directly bloodbathed and tens of thousands of people died. One of my cousins ​​was there. "

"There are still videos circulating on the Internet. The thieves are scary! Think about it if those Hellhounds fall in our Seoul.

"I don't know what the people above are doing. This kind of thing has happened five or six times in the past ten days. Busan Castle is the most dangerous. Not only must you guard against falling from the sky, you must also be careful about the island country sea. Popped up.

I heard that there have been demon creatures that can swim in the water in South America, if it appears on our side.

Jeju City and Busan City are both in danger, so it is better to go to China.

Since the first wave of Devil Meat Balls, China has never seen such a situation again, and the Devil Meat Balls have all been eradicated in the sky! Don't leave one! "

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