Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2882: When the sun rises, fight back!

Chapter 2882 When the sun rises, counterattack!

At this time, three boundaries began to appear on the map.

They are red, yellow, and green.

"In fact, in addition to the counterattack plan, we have also formulated several backup plans. One of the plans is similar to yours, defending North America and creating a strait to resist the invasion of the devil.

But then the last resort cannot be used when it is not a last resort. "Bei Ming Wuji said.

Then he pointed to the green line, which formed a circle, the smallest circle.

This circle contains an area that is still under the control of the Mi Army, as well as some areas from the first line of defense to the second line of defense, but the current owner of that area is a demon.

"What do you see in this green circle?" Bei Ming Wuji looked at the three American colonels.

Colonel Bit raised his hand and said, "Mr. Beiming, the green line you took is a perfect fit for the geography of South America. If you build a defense line on this line, it will be very advantageous.

But there are also a few more risky points, such as these three places, these three places will undoubtedly become the top priority of the devil's attack, and it is almost difficult to keep these three points under the attack of the devil for a long time. "

Bei Ming Wuji nodded his head in satisfaction. His green line was a defense line established in accordance with some natural conditions such as steep mountains and rivers.

As the Colonel Bit said, there is no truly perfect line of defense in this world, and this line of defense naturally has its shortcomings.

"I also know these shortcomings, but what I want to say is that these shortcomings will be solved by Wushuang City. Our counterattack plan is not to completely drive these demons out of South America.

This is very difficult. After all, because of the stupid behavior of your superiors, you lost three nuclear bombs in the Bermuda Triangle, resulting in an astonishing number of demons here.

It takes a long time and a lot of power to drive all these demons back into the sea.

According to the current world situation, it is difficult to mobilize such forces in a short period of time. Even China, we must first consider the situation in Asia and Africa.

So I can only choose this idea of ​​establishing a stable line of defense.

I call this direction the Panlong Line of Defense. Within this line of defense, we will build about six survivor cities and three fortress cities based on some of the original national infrastructure. In these few places. "

Bei Ming Wuji pointed to the area inside the green circle, and six city marks appeared in the inner area, and three fortress marks appeared on the line of defense.

The six cities are Galaska City, Quito City, Bogota City, Georgetown City, Santarem City, and Para City.

Those six cities are all major cities in South America, either with abundant local materials and convenient transportation, or port cities. In short, there are some inherent advantages.

Seeing these six cities, none of the three colonels was surprised.

Because these six cities are indeed more suitable, in fact, the cities that were originally more developed in South America are still those in the north.

However, because of the stupid behavior of the United States, those cities have already fallen under the devil's claws.

So I can only choose these six cities.

"These six cities need certain repairs to reach the survivor city, such as the towering walls and the internal circulation ecosystem within the city, as well as defense equipment.

You, the U.S. can provide these things. This is a task that the U.S. needs to complete within a week after the counterattack plan is carried out. I hope that we will not be disappointed.

By then, at least each of these six cities can satisfy 30 million people! "Bei Ming Wuji squinted at the three colonels and said.

Colonel Barton nodded and said directly: "If Mr. Beiming's counterattack plan can be achieved, I believe the government will be able to accomplish what you said.

If they can't finish it, I don't mind driving my Washington, flying a fighter jet to take a lap over their Congress! "

Colonel Barton is serious about this, because this follow-up task is really nothing to the once strongest country in the United States.

If none of this can be done, the leaders of the United States feel that all of them have committed suicide by caesarean section.

"The other three fortress cities will be led by our Wushuang City, and you will help the United States complete it. Because of the need for combat, it is divided into three phases.

The first phase of the project will be carried out while regaining these places while our counterattack plan is underway, and will be completed within five days.

The second phase of the project was also completed within five days, mainly to build defense facilities in all aspects.

The third phase of the project is to truly build the fortress city into a fortress city that can take root in South America. It is expected to be completed in a week.

At that time, the combat power of each fortress city can be directly leveled by a medium-sized country.

In addition, these three fortress cities will be under the jurisdiction of our Wushuang City, named Dragon Cape City, Dragon Bone City, and Dragon Wing City. "

Colonel Bit stood up and asked at this time: "Mr. Beiming, I agree with all of your arrangements, and I also believe that the U.S. government is capable of accomplishing what you said.

But the prerequisite for all this is whether your counter-offensive skills can succeed.

According to the meaning of your picture, these demons must be driven out of the outermost yellow line! "

Colonel Bit pointed to the yellow line on the map, which was between the second line of defense and the first line of defense established in the US.

In this case, it is obvious what the three color lines mean.

The green line represents the area where residents live, and this area must be completely safe!

Once the green area is breached, it means that this survivor area has completely fallen.

The red area means that once a large-scale demon army appears in this area, when a very dangerous battle is about to occur, all defense lines need to enter a high alert state.

Outside the yellow line represents the area they have now given up. Let those demon legions wantonly, and you need to be careful inside the yellow line.

The setting of this distance is also very clever.

The attack distance of the giant elephant cannon happened to be on the red line.

If the gargoyle launches an attack, it will take five minutes from the red line to the nearest fortress city.

These five minutes are enough time for the defense forces to respond as they should.

"The counterattack plan? Of course I am ready. This is my counterattack plan. When the sun rises tomorrow morning, it will be the time for us to strike back against these **** demon bastards!" Bei Ming Wuji snapped his fingers.

An electronic version of the counterattack plan appeared in front of three US colonels!

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