Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2895: The fourth prophecy fulfilled

Chapter 2895 the fourth prophecy fulfilled

In one minute, almost all survivor cities lit up harsh red alarms, which were transformed from the original air defense alarms.

Because it was the night, most people had already fallen asleep and were suddenly awakened by the alarm. Many people were still a little at a loss, wondering what happened.

But when they opened the window in a daze, they saw the sky outside.

They were dumbfounded for an instant, and at that moment they felt as if they had seen a super-large locust covering the sky, like a doomsday in the game.

At the same time, countless fighters were launched, countless missiles were launched, and practitioners who could fly or hang in the air also flew into the air and joined the battle.

From time to time, you will see a big fireball bursting out of the dim sky, or a big explosion that affects a small city.

Or maybe a fighter plane fell into the city.

This scene was really terrifying. The residents of the Survivor City ran into the defensive facility at a faster speed than before during the acting.

Those who live outside the city of survivors can only find a basement or a place to hide, praying that they can survive this night!

Holy Hill of the Holy See, in the main hall.

The old pope looked at the five murals in front of him. Three of the murals had cracks, and the remaining mural was showing cracks at the moment. The cracks were spreading at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And the scene on this mural is exactly the same as the outside world.

All kinds of terrifying creatures flew in the sky, covering the sky and bringing fear to the world.

And these are the five prophecies of the Holy See, and this mural represents: the day of the devil.

"Five prophecies, four have now been fulfilled. We are getting closer and closer to the arrival of the real hell. Could it be...our world really cannot escape from this disaster?" The old pope sighed. In one breath.

He walked out of the main hall.

Outside the main hall, it was almost empty.

Because all the knights and bishops of the Holy See have been sent out by the old pope to protect the survivor cities in Europe.


China Wushuang City, in a huge command room located 100 meters underground, there are hundreds of people here, and each of these hundreds of people is operating at least two or three computers.

If the Earth Alliance is compared to a person, then this is the person's brain.

Because the people here will count what is happening in the world, such as certain cities have fallen, and certain cities request support.

Every minute, hundreds of messages enter here.

An old woman wearing a military uniform with five stars on her shoulders is standing in the front, and there is a firebird mark on her shoulder.

This is the badge of the Suzaku team.

This old woman is the leader of the Vermillion Bird Group and the strongest intelligence expert in China!

And now her identity is also the commander-in-chief of intelligence dispatch here!

Although she is not a very strong cultivator, in terms of intelligence scheduling, there are definitely no more than three people who can surpass her on the entire earth.

She can transmit the most important information to the place where it should be transmitted at the critical moment, and she even has the right to directly issue orders at the critical moment!

"The number of black cracks in the world has reached 31, and the number is still increasing!" A deputy chief said nervously beside the Suzaku group leader.

"We still don't understand these black cracks very well. We need to figure out whether this black crack is indestructible like the black air mass.

In other words, whether it is possible to use thermal weapons, we have to figure out all of these.

Otherwise, if we proceed with this amount, we calculated that we finally resisted the attack, and it is very likely to pay a very heavy price! "Suzaku group leader said in a deep voice.

"Then what to do? Plan A and Plan B. Plan A asks Comrade Xia Xue to attack a black crack and try to destroy the black crack.

Plan B is to use missiles to attack the black crack to see if the thermal weapon has any effect on the black crack. "Suzaku group leader said.

"This plan A is okay, but plan B. It was because the United States used nuclear bombs to attack black air masses in South America before that caused the terrible war in South America.

We use weapons so easily...it's a bit too sloppy! "The adjutant said worriedly.

Team Suzaku said in a cold voice: "This kind of thing can only be known after trying, and who said that nuclear bombs were used in the first round? First use conventional missiles. If conventional missiles have no side effects, then use nuclear bombs to understand!

Moreover, the black crack of this plan B cannot be chosen over our country, just this...in the position of Assanyo. "

Hearing the arrangement of the Suzaku group leader, the adjutant swallowed: "This matter... still needs to be reported to him."

"I have already reported, and they will give me an answer in half a minute." Suzaku group leader said.

"Half a minute? Can they be so fast." The adjutant said in surprise.

Suzaku group leader snorted coldly, took out a cigarette and smoked directly: "My mother told Long Yi directly, if they don't reply within half a minute, my mother will give the order directly."


The adjutant took a cold breath, and it is estimated that this man would dare to say these things with such confidence.

It's really because this guy is not strong, but in terms of background, he is quite powerful.

Although she is a woman, she is the descendant of many families in history. Her maternal grandfather was the cousin of the head of the Beiming family at the time, and her maternal grandmother was a direct young daughter of Shi Lao Hui.

He can even get a little relationship with Ye Hao, and this old woman does have a lot of abilities, which is why Wushuang City will invite this man with a military background to host such an important organization.

This half-minute time is not long or short.

Because in this half a minute, there are tens of millions of information they have got here.

Among them, five countries in Africa were destroyed, 20 cities were destroyed, and a similar situation occurred in Europe.

But these cities are not survivor cities.

But don't think that there is nothing wrong with Survivor City.

There are a total of four survivor cities in Africa, Europe, and the United States. The most dangerous situation has been reported, that is, it is very likely to fall within an hour. Request any degree of support!


At this moment, a message passed through the private mailbox of Team Leader Suzaku, and she immediately opened it.

After opening it, the corners of her mouth showed a curve.

"Plan A Xia Xue has agreed, and plan B has also been agreed. Give me instructions immediately to arrange...a conventional missile first.

Let's see what is going on with these guys! "

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