Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2903: The threat of black cracks

Chapter 2903 the threat of black cracks

At 6 am China time, the dawn today seems to come a little later than before.

And what happened in the past six hours definitely made the whole world not settle down.

Fortunately, because of the cooperation between China Warriors and Dragon Group, they found a key way to solve the black crack.

After that, the Huaxia authorities directly used means to clean up all the black cracks in the Huaxia area in just four hours.

Because of the quasi-god relationship, the missiles they consume are very rare.

At the same time, almost all advanced countries are taking pictures of the gourd and holding their own missiles to temporarily solve this problem.

However, those who don't have the quasi-god powerhouse and don't have enough missiles are not so lucky, such as our African brothers.

At this moment, some people are reporting to Su Xiaoxiao what happened around the world in the past six hours.

"Because of this black crack incident, many areas were plunged into brief chaos.

Ninety-seven black cracks have appeared in the past six hours. Although they are still appearing so far, they are not as rapid as they were at the beginning.

We still have time to respond, and in the past six hours, according to our fighting plan, the major forces around the world have also taken counterattacks.

Sixty-nine black cracks were destroyed, and there are currently 28 black cracks in the sky above the earth.

The 28 cracks are mainly located in Africa, followed by South America and the Arctic Ocean, and there are also several in Southeast Asia.

According to the plan of the Earth Alliance, it is expected that these black cracks will be cleaned up within the next twenty-four hours, if a large number of these black cracks do not appear again. "The staff member said.

"Tell me about the situation in Africa. Didn't we support a few survivor cities over there." Su Xiaoxiao asked.

"Africa's population is now less than 300 million people. Compared with the 1.2 billion people in peacetime, it has dropped a lot.

Almost all other towns except for the Survivor City have fallen under this wave of attacks.

Among them, three survivor cities have also fallen, but that is not the survivor city that China is responsible for supporting.

The city they built... how to say... it's a fortress at best, and it's only a matter of time before it is broken.

The four survivor cities we supported are still very stable, and there is no problem with resisting the attacks of the devil. We also stationed tiger teams in these five survivor cities. "The staff member said.

Su Xiaoxiao nodded in satisfaction, as long as Africa has not completely fallen.

Although Huaxia and them are very strong now, they are beyond the reach. It is impossible to clean up the demons in Africa now.

The only way is to leave a nail over there for the time being to prepare for the future counterattack.

It's like the current situation in South America.

"How about our defense line in South America? In this attack, did anything go wrong?" Su Xiaoxiao mentioned South America.

Although the South American defense line was set by the master of Beiming Wuji, the design on paper, arranged in reality, must withstand the test of reality before we can see some problems that could not be discovered.

"Three black cracks appeared in the sky over South America. The attack of the dark red demon once caused chaos in the defense line.

Fortunately, he was suppressed by the old man Bei Ming later. Relying on the equipment on the line of defense and the cultivator's counterattack, the demons did not break the line of defense.

Then, of the three black cracks that were filled, two were directly destroyed by Mr. Bei Ming, and the other was bombed by a nuclear bomb in the United States.

The old man Bei Ming sent a report of death just now. Of the personnel sent by our side, only three people were injured and no one died.

As for the army guarding the defense line, nearly 800 people died. In addition, the old man Bei Ming saw some minor defects in his defense line, and he was re-repairing it.

But no major problems have been found so far. "The staff member said.

"Eight hundred people? This is already a very good record. You should know that when the Mi Army fought these demons before, they smashed several group armies and ruined at least 100,000 soldiers in ten days.

Eight hundred is just the number of sacrifices they made in a few minutes. It is estimated that at this moment, Laomi's group of people are clearly aware of the importance of this line of defense to them. "Su Xiaoxiao said with a smile.

"This is true. After this battle is over, the United States was awarded a medal directly by the old man of Beiming, and it has further expanded the number of rice troops that the old man of Beiming can command.

Now even the old man Bei Ming has the right to order several nearby missile bases to launch nuclear bombs. "The staff member said excitedly.

Su Xiaoxiao smiled and shook his head: "As long as the United States is not a bunch of fools, it should be clear who is helping them in this battle.

And who should they believe and what should they do. "

"What about Australia in the end? I heard that the situation in Australia is not so good." Su Xiaoxiao asked.

The staff member said: "The situation in Australia is indeed not very good, but it is much better than in Africa. According to the latest information, the east side of Australia's wall of defense has completely fallen.

The demon army has already attacked the east coastline. It can be said that the demons now occupy a quarter of Australia.

Fortunately, there is a relatively backward area, and the developed areas of Australia are still on the other side.

And they have now established several survivor cities over there, and it seems that they have also prepared for the worst.

The Devil Butterfly organization has completely mastered Australia's military power at this moment, and because of this, Australia's original chaotic situation has improved a lot.

Otherwise, according to the attitude of the original Australian officials, it is estimated that Australia will be over long ago. "The staff member shrugged.

Su Xiaoxiao nodded, the situation in Australia was also very troublesome.

But fortunately, the Demon Butterfly Organization was taking advantage of it, and there won't be much problems in a short time.

"The next situation in Europe is a little worse than ours, but much better than other places. It's just that this time it is estimated that many people in Europe originally doubted this matter.

Really realized what is called horror. Those guys are now at this time, and some people think that all this is fake news.

I don't know how such an idiot was taught. "

"Well, how many people did you lose in the world last night?"

"Almost one billion people are mainly diehards who are unwilling to enter the Survivor City."

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