Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 3031: Zihuang Dragon Slayer

Chapter 3031 Zihuang Destroying Heavenly Dragon

Just when the smell of gunpowder smoke was on the verge.

An old voice came.


A purple-golden dragon appeared on top of everyone's heads.

When seeing this giant dragon, the King Xuanlei Yinglong all lowered their heads.


"Grandpa Zi Huang!" Edith waved happily.

"Is it you?" Ye Hao also looked at the giant dragon in front of him in surprise.

This giant dragon Ye Hao has met once!

"Young man, we met again." The old dragon flew in front of Ye Hao, and the dragon eye looked at Ye Hao: "Unexpectedly, within a short period of time, your realm has actually been raised to this level.

I have to say that your cultivation talent is really pretty good! "

"Aren't you the old dragon on top of the dragon clan?" Ye Hao was curious about the identity of the old dragon in front of him.

When Ye Hao saw this old dragon before, it was when Xiaocui strayed into the top of the dragon clan.

This old dragon appeared and explained to Ye Hao the situation on the top of the dragon clan.

This is also his fate with this old dragon.

"Don't be so rude to the elders! Do you know who you are facing!" Xuan Lei Ying Long Wang looked at Ye Hao furiously.

I have to say that when he faced Ye Hao's provocation before, he was not so angry.

It can be seen how important the old dragon is in his mind.

Ye Hao looked at the old dragon suspiciously. He really didn't know the identity of the old dragon in front of him, and the most amazing thing was that he couldn't sense the breath of the old dragon, he was like an ordinary dragon.

"Grandpa Zihuang is one of the four dragon races, the Zihuang Sky Slayer. Grandpa Zihuang is the oldest and strongest dragon in our dragon family.

The patriarch of the previous generation was there, and was later taken over by my father, and then Grandpa Zihuang went to the Dragon Clan to cultivate. "Edith on the side said seriously.

Zihuang kills the dragon!

Ye Hao was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the old dragon in front of him was actually the most powerful dragon in the legend, the Zihuang Dragon Slayer!

"I originally thought that the other three of the four dragon races have been extinct so far. I didn't expect that the Zihuang Sky Destroying Dragon would still exist!" Luo Bing Angel King also looked at the Zihuang Sky Destroying Dragon in surprise.

"It's going to be extinct too. I am the last Zihuang Dragon Slayer, and my fertility has been lost. My life span has reached 800 million years, and it is estimated that if I live another 100 million years, I will die.

At that time, there would be no more purple radiant dragons in this world. "Zi Huang Mietianlong explained with a smile.

100 million years!

This is still a long time.

However, Ye Hao quickly understood that this billion years refers to a normal situation in the state of self-cultivation, plus possible battles.

This time will be greatly shortened.

"Young man, introduce yourself first. I am Zihuang Tianlong, and my name is Adelaide." Old Long introduced himself.

"Grandpa Adelaide, hello. I have known before that the combat effectiveness of the Zihuang Heavenly Slayer Dragon is the strongest among all dragon races.

Unexpectedly, you can still see the deity today. "Ye Hao is not flattery.

It was the truth at a fair price, coupled with the fact that the Purple Light Slayer Dragon had been alive for 800 million years, and the respect that Xuan Lei Ying Long King had for him.

Then he must be a **** king-level powerhouse.

A god-king-level Zihuang Heaven-Slaying Dragon, this combat power is estimated to be ranked among the top ten powerhouses among the gods.

However, according to his current state, if he really did his best to fight, it is estimated that his life span would be greatly affected.

This is considered to be a trump card of the current dragon **** system, or it is the background, it will not move easily.

"I heard what you just said. You need the blood of the Primordial Blue Dragon to save the Primordial Blue Dragon? Do you know, about the Primordial Blue Dragon, maybe I know this dragon." Ade Old Ryder Long asked curiously.

Ye Hao scratched his head and said embarrassedly: "The circumstances at the time were very special and I didn't have time to interrogate his name.

But I can describe his appearance to you, and he seems to have lived for a billion years. "

The old Adelaide dragon said with a bit of frustration: "The Primordial Azure Dragon controls the law of space, and their lifestyle is different from ours.

A normal giant dragon, even a powerhouse of the **** king level, can only survive for a billion years at most.

But the Primordial Blue Dragon can live in the gaps of space for a long time, which greatly reduces the speed of their bodies aging, plus their uncombatable personality.

Life expectancy can often be greatly increased by about 50%.

The longest-lived Primordial Blue Dragon in history is nearly 1.3 billion years old. "

1.3 billion years old!

Ye Hao was a little shocked when he heard such numbers.

In fact, among the gods and all realms, secular people think that gods can live forever, but this is not the case.

Deities also have a lifespan, but because of their own race relations and increased strength, their lifespan can be greatly increased.

During that long time, everyone thought that the gods were actually eternal existence.

After all, it is equivalent to the life span of an ordinary person of one hundred years, and a **** king-level **** can live for hundreds of millions of years, which is comparable to an eternal existence.

"If you are going to use God's blood to save the Primordial Azure Dragon, I can allow you to take away the God's blood." Adelaide Old Dragon made a decision.

"Elder!" King Xuanlei Yinglong looked at the old Adelaide dragon in surprise. He didn't expect the elder to make such a decision so simply.

"O'Neill, I know what you are worried about, and I agree with what you have done as the patriarch. The problem of the reproduction and number of the dragon clan is indeed very serious.

I think I have no way to solve this problem, so I handed over this responsibility to you.

But I don't want this to be your burden.

As for the divine blood he wanted, we collected three copies of the divine blood of the Primordial Azure Dragon. Even if we lose one copy, the remaining two copies are enough for us to use.

If he can really save a Primordial Azure Dragon, then this is also a good harvest for us, isn't it.

In comparison, a contribution of divine blood is nothing. "The Adelaide old dragon finally convinced Xuan Lei to be the Dragon King.

Xuan Lei Ying Long Wang glanced at Ye Hao, and fell silent.

"But you can't take this blood for nothing, I need you to do something for us." Adelaide old dragon looked at Ye Hao.

"What's the matter?" Ye Hao looked at the old Adelaide dragon curiously.

"O'Neill just said that, in fact, many of our compatriots are imprisoned by other races for various reasons.

Some of the reasons are reasonable, and those dragons take the blame for themselves, but some are purely for their own purposes.

But we have no evidence, nor can we come forward directly.

So now I need you to go to a place to help us find the whereabouts of the three-headed dragon. If it falls, you need to bring back their inverse scales. If they are still alive, I need you to rescue them. "Adelaide old dragon said.



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