Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 3035: I am not a qualified husband

Chapter 3035 I am not a qualified husband

Hearing such a question, the expression on Patriarch O'Neill's face became gloomy, and there was even a faint feeling of anger.

His arm directly turned into a dragon claw.


Following this, Chief O'Neill directly blasted on the wall next to him.

Countless cracks appeared directly on the wall.

Fortunately, these giant dragons had already blessed their dwelling place as long as they were built. After all, their own strength, they themselves knew very well, sometimes they fell asleep and accidentally lashed their tails on the wall.

It is possible that ordinary mountains will be broken down. If it is not modified, it is impossible for a dragon to live here.

Ye Hao looked at the big hole smashed by the dragon claw, and the cracks on it.

Soon afterwards, these recovered, as if nothing had happened just now.

"The next thing I want to say is the thing you can't let Edith know." Chief Onion said with a dark face.

It seemed that Ye Hao wasn't the cause of the patriarch's anger just now.

But because of thinking of something that makes people angry, and this is most likely still the father's secret.

"I can promise you." Ye Hao nodded.

"In fact, Edith is going to perform this task. If it goes well, she will know the secret sooner or later. If it doesn't go well...

In short, if she finds this secret by herself, let her know about it. If she doesn't find it, then let this become a secret and keep it away forever. "

Patriarch O'Neill took a deep breath, raised his hand, and saw three huge picture frames appear in front of him. In the picture frame were the influence of three dragons.

The three-headed dragon is blue all over, and one of them is very slender and pretty.

"This is a kind of dragon among the dragons, called the pure blue dragon. This is a very special kind of dragon. They are not good at fighting, they yearn for knowledge, and they are a very smart dragon.

They can be said to be the wise men of the dragon clan.

And this female dragon is a great female dragon, quite dazzling! "O'Neill raised his hand and stroked the blue dragon that Ye Hao thought was very beautiful.

"Could it be that... she is yours..." Ye Hao thought of a possibility.

"Yes, she is my wife. And the appearance of these three dragons is the mission the elder gave you.

My wife's name is Antonia, she was a princess in the pure blue dragon clan at the time, and the other two were from her clan, and they were also her cousins. "Patriarch O'Neill looked at his wife in the frame with affectionate eyes.

Ye Hao frowned: "Then why your wife and the other two blue dragons are in the Undead God System?"

"It's because of that **** Necromancer, Soul Sage!" A powerful wave of air erupted from the chief of O'Neill, and his eyes were bloodshot.

If it wasn't Ye Hao, but an ordinary Lord God, it would be impossible to withstand this terrifying Longwei at this moment.

After a few seconds, Patriarch O'Neill's breath finally calmed down, and he took a deep breath: "I'm sorry, I just got out of control just now.

In fact, this is not the same as what I said before. Our Dragon God System is actually the race of the victim.

There are a total of eight dragons and twenty-seven Yalong! That guy wanted to study the difference between the souls of our dragon clan.

He took these dragons cruelly and made them experimental objects for this guy! "

It turned out to be such a thing.

"But you said before. According to the promise at the time, all the victims should have been returned. If they haven't returned... Is it just..."

Ye Hao did not say the word death.

"It looks like this on the bright side, but on the original list, the three pure blue dragons, including my wife, are missing.

And after my investigation, other races also had some missing personnel.

However, compared with the total number of victims, these missing persons are really insignificant.

In addition, the soul sage didn't admit that he had taken these guys abducted, and said that the abducted and alive ones have been returned. "Patriarch O'Neill squeezed his fist, and the dragon claws had already pierced into his palm.

Drops of dragon blood dropped to the ground.

This is the dragon blood of a pure dragon, if it is replaced by the outside world, it is quite an incredible treasure.

"You suspect that the soul sage guy actually left some victims quietly by himself! Among them, your wife is included!" Ye Hao said in a deep voice.

Patriarch O'Neill nodded, his eyes filled with blood and said: "That lunatic is a full-fledged demon. Although there are restrictions, he thinks that he will never leave the Necromancer.

Although he can continue to get some prey from the outside world through the people under his hands.

But the people under his hands, the Necromancers could not be dispatched for this kind of thing, they were at most some lower and middle main gods, or quasi-god-level guys.

However, the targets these guys can plunder are limited, and naturally they can't satisfy this guy's purpose, so he quietly left some of them back then as his experimental props for some time in the future! "

Ye Hao didn't speak, he looked at Patriarch O'Neill.

"I know what you are thinking. Since I am sure about this, why didn't I go directly to the Necropolis and rescue my wife back then!"

Are you laughing at my cowardice, a dignified dragon, even afraid to save his wife! "Blood and tears fell in the dragon eye of Chief Onion.

Ye Hao looked at the man, and he said lightly: "If I didn't guess wrong, you considered your race and your children back then."

The corner of the head of O'Neill raised his mouth, showing a self-deprecating expression: "You are right. This is the ‘reason’ I found at the time. At that time, I was already the patriarch of the dragon clan.

I am not only a husband, but I also have to assume the responsibility of a patriarch. A contract has been signed between the first-class gods.

If I violated this contract at this time, it would be equivalent to declaring war with all the first-class gods.

Although our dragon **** system is very strong, but after all, it is not the opponent of those first-class **** systems, so I can't lead my race to perish for me alone.

Also, my children were still very young and they were still in their infancy, so I had to take care of them.

I...I...I can say with a clear conscience that I am worthy of my identity as the patriarch and my father.

But... facing my wife, I am an incompetent husband, and I am a waste! "Patriarch O'Neill roared.

Ye Hao looked at the man in front of him. His behavior was indeed uncomfortable, but he had to say that he was also a poor man.

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