Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 3038: Weird Tavernkeeper

Chapter 3038-Strange Tavernkeeper

Are these Necro Pillars to maintain the existence of the entire Necro Space?

Ye Hao was a little surprised. If you look at it this way, then these dead spirit pillars are quite incredible.

If these dead spirit pillars can be controlled artificially, it is equivalent to mastering the rise and fall of the entire dead spirit system!

However, it seems that no one has mastered this technology yet.

After all, even Ye Hao, who thinks that he has a good talent and who can practice the Soul Law, feels very small in front of this dead spirit pillar.

Let alone explore this thing.

"Shall we go in now?" Edith looked at Ye Hao and asked.

"Is it possible to enter from any place?" Ye Hao looked at the dead spirit pillars.

Edith shook her head and said, "You can say that, but it's not. There are many places on the border of the Necrotic Gods that are still very dangerous.

Of course, if you are a person of our level, you don't need to care, if it is a cultivator who is only at the Quasi-God level and below.

Or honestly enter from the door, and enter the door of the necrosphere, there are many places.

In this **** system where we are, there are three gates leading to the dead spirit **** system. "

"In order not to be an eyesore, we still go in through the gate, but let's not rush, take a break here to see if we can inquire about some information about the Necrotic Gods." Ye Hao said.

Edith nodded.

After that, Edith took Ye Hao to the city with the largest divine system and closest to the border gate.

Although Ye Hao had learned a lot of information from Xuan Lei Yinglong before.

But after all, the information was previously known to Xuan Lei Yinglong, and no one knew how much had changed during this time.

Ye Hao still needs to know some real-time intelligence by himself, so that it can facilitate Ye Hao's actions.

In a city-state.

There are a lot of people gathered here, and most of these people have strange appearances, and some even don't even have a body.

Ye Hao and Edith wore black cloaks to cover their faces.

I thought they dressed like this would be a little noticeable, but now it seems that their dress like this is nothing here at all.

"What's going on here?" Ye Hao interrogated his doubts.

"Actually, I haven't been out of the dragon **** system, but if I think it's right. It should be because of the relationship between the necrotic **** system.

In this area, there are actually subordinate racial gods of the Necrotic Gods, and most of the subordinate clans of the Necrotic Gods are actually strange like this. "Edith started.

Ye Hao breathed a sigh of relief, at least in this way they don't have to worry about the problems they will expose.

Ye Hao chose a tavern that seemed to have a lot of people, so maybe he could get more clues.

I have to say that in this weird place, even the things you drink are not the same.

"Excuse me, what do the two guests need? We have all kinds of drinks here." When sitting down at the bar, a guy dressed as a bartender enthusiastically asked Ye Hao and Edith what they needed.

"It's the first time that the two of you have come to our place. Would you like to have something special about us?"

Seeing that the other party wanted to prepare a special drink for them, Ye Hao hurriedly stopped this behavior and ordered a very ordinary juice.

It's not that Ye Hao is worried about being scammed, but that there are too many weird things here. In case this drink is something extraordinary, then Ye Hao can't accept it.

Edith ordered a drink by herself, which seemed to be something like juice.

Seeing that the customer didn't order the drink he recommended, the bartender didn't care either. He still had a smiling face, and I have to say that the service attitude is quite good.

"Several guests are here for the Necromancer." The bartender squinted at this time and looked at Ye Hao with a smile.

Ye Hao didn't change his face and said, "We just happened to be out for a tour, passing by here."

The bartender smiled while wiping the empty wine glass and said, "Sir, I am actually the owner of this shop. I have no other skills, but I am very accurate.

I actually noticed you when you came in. "

Ye Hao squinted, staring at the bartender in front of him?

The bartender still had a smiling face. He looked at Ye Hao and said, "Don't worry, I know what you are thinking.

I have no malice against you, I just want to have a chat with you. "

Ye Hao looked at the bartender in front of him in confusion: "I don't know, what is there to talk about between us?"

"For example, sir, the purpose of your coming here? Although I'm just the owner of a tavern, you must know that if you talk about intelligence or other information, no one here knows more than I do." The boss looked at Ye Hao with a smile.

This guy actually wants to talk to himself about this.

"Then how do you know that I am who you think?" Ye Hao smiled and looked at the barkeeper.

He really didn't expect that the tavernkeeper would have realized his purpose at a glance.

He also took a special look at the realm of this tavernkeeper, who was just a quasi-god-level powerhouse.

In front of Ye Hao now, it was nothing at all.

"Actually, there are some things that can't be owned by owning a realm. For example, looking at people, I have been the boss here for 500,000 years.

I have seen more people than some master god-level powerhouses.

When I first started, I liked to see all kinds of people here when I was not busy. I found that every creature is different.

The look in their eyes, the breath on their bodies, their movements, as well as the way they speak, and some movements that come in.

After a long period of observation, I found that some strong people like to hide themselves, but in fact, they can be spotted at a glance among the crowd.

Because they are gold, even if their light is blocked under the thick sand, there will still be a trace of it exposed.

This gentleman, when you came in just now, you were very indifferent. You looked around all around, and when you ordered a drink just now, you didn't ask for the price at all.

From these points, you can see that your own strength is very strong, otherwise a stranger will be very careful when he comes to a strange tavern.

After all, places like pubs have always been more dangerous places. "

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