Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 3041: Raven Devourer

Chapter 3041 Lin Devouring Holy Society

"About the soul sage, you can be regarded as asking the right person, Mr. I just know the information about this matter.

The soul sage has basically recovered from the last injury. If it is normal, he should be out in half a year. "The tavern owner said.

Half a year?

Ye Hao was too late to rejoice, because the tavern owner hadn't said anything yet.

"However, recently there is a very important thing in the Necromancer. Because of this matter, the soul sage will leave the customs in a week." The tavern owner said.

"One week!" Ye Hao's eyes widened, and he asked without understanding: "What is it that can allow a soul sage who hasn't fully recovered from his injury to leave the barrier?"

You know that for the strong, there are few things that are more important than the repair of their own injuries.

Some things, if the injury cannot be repaired in time, it is very likely to cause irreparable consequences.

"Because of the Lin Devouring Holy Society!" said the look of worship in the tavernkeeper's eyes.

"Lin Devouring Sacred Society?" Ye Hao muttered this vocabulary in a puzzled way.

"This is a holy meeting within the scope of the Necromancer, haven't you noticed that there are a lot of creatures in this city?" said the tavern owner.

Ye Hao said helplessly: "I'm only here for the first time. I thought it was like this in normal times."

"No, an ordinary thing. The flow of people is only one-tenth of what it is now. The Necromancer is different from other Gods. This is a very low-key thing.

The gods under the Necrotic Gods have also followed this habit, and they have never participated in any disputes between the gods and the world.

But once the other forces of the gods and ten thousand realms come to find their troubles, they will also be very united to help each other, perhaps this is because they have some fundamentally different relationships with other gods. "The tavern owner explained.

Because what they are cultivating is the laws of the soul, and a large part of it is related to the spirit body?

"Can you talk about this Lin Devouring Holy Society in detail?" Ye Hao interrogated the incident.

It allows the soul sage to give up the time for cultivation and leave the customs early.

What kind of Lin Devouring Saint's Association is quite unbelievable.

"Lin Devouring Saints Association has always been an activity that the Necromancer is very keen on. Generally, it will start once every 100,000 years.

However, the time is not fixed. So far, the shortest interval is 80,000 years, and the longest interval is 130,000 years, depending on the specific situation.

And this Lin Devouring Holy Society came because of the remains of an ancient divine beast in the Necrotic Gods! "The tavern owner said.

Ancient beast?

In this era, there are many that can be called sacred beasts, but those that can be called ancient sacred beasts are quite rare.

Because it can be called this title, it must have a hard standard.

That was the sacred beast beside Chuangshi God back then!

Because of the relationship of following the **** of creation, the realm of these sacred beasts is quite terrifying.

"Remains of ancient beasts?" Edith showed a curious look.

Edith was all interested in this matter, because the strongest ancestor of their dragon clan was also one of the ancient beasts, but unfortunately there were no descendants.

It is also peculiar to say that most ancient sacred beasts basically have no direct descendants, only descendants similar to themselves are sufficient.

I don't know if these ancient mythical beasts really didn't leave any offspring, or because of objective reasons.

This is why the current races of Warcraft and Fierce Beasts are far less powerful than they were in that era.

Even the dragon clan has been reduced to a second-rate **** system.

"It's a unicorn," the tavern owner said.

"Kirin!" Ye Hao and Edith both showed surprised expressions. .

Regarding this kind of creature, most of the god-based plane civilizations have rumors about him.

Even on the plane of the earth, there are his myths and legends.

After coming to this world, Ye Hao knew even more that the unicorn actually existed.

It used to be one of the mounts and pet beasts of the God of Creation, and its strength was quite terrifying.

If calculated according to the current strength, it is estimated that it is already beyond the existence of the **** king level.

But it has not yet reached the level of combat power of the creation god.

But later, the unicorn disappeared without a trace.

In fact, most of the ancient mythical beasts disappeared and their whereabouts are unknown.

"There are relics of unicorns here?" Ye Hao exclaimed and looked at the tavernkeeper.

"Yes, it is indeed the remains of the ancient mythical beast unicorn. Said to be a relic, in fact, it should be regarded as a place where the ancient unicorn recuperates.

According to legend, after the departure of the God of Creation, Qilin was still maintaining peace in the world at the beginning. Since then, some unstable factors have appeared among the gods and the world because of the departure of the God of Creation.

The unicorn will fight those unstable factors. Although the unicorn itself is very strong, after all, no matter how strong it is, there are limits.

In a battle, it encountered a very strong opponent. Although the opponent was killed in the end, it was also seriously injured. It could only choose a place to cultivate.

At that time, its soul was too severely injured and it was difficult to completely repair it, so it separated the damaged part of the soul.

Because I was worried that this part of the spirit would become something that would harm the existence of the world, and then used the supreme power to imprison this spirit forever in its wounded place. "The tavernkeeper said

"That's the place where the Lin Devouring Saint will be held now!" Ye Hao guessed.

The innkeeper nodded, and then said: "This place is called Lin Chuan Palace. The magic circle arranged by the ancient **** beasts actually transmitted the power of the **** soul every time when his own soul awakened.

It's like a balloon. After a long time, it has become and is about to fly out. At this moment, a hole is made in it to let the air out. Finally, the balloon is held back again, and the cycle continues.

And Qilin also thought of leaving a gift for the creatures on this land. The power inspired by the soul can give the strong soul cultivator a great opportunity.

So every time at this time, the powerhouses of the Necrotic Gods and the affiliated Gods around the Necromantic Gods will gather here to participate in this tens of thousands of years of the holy meeting!

Seek your own opportunity from it, and this opportunity will not be let go even by the three Necromancers.

But they will also allow other people to be with themselves! This is why so many people come here during this time. "

After hearing this, Ye Hao understood it.

If it looks like this, they only have one week of action this time.

They must find the whereabouts of the three-headed dragon within a week, and then leave the Necrotic God System, otherwise they will be in danger after the soul sage awakens!

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