Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 3052: Dive into success


This is the situation Ye Hao is facing right now!

An idea flashed through Ye Hao's mind, and then he slammed Edith's hand.

Under Edith's surprised eyes, their lips pressed together.

Edith's eyes widened. This amazing move made her feel that her head was empty in an instant, and she didn't know what to do now.

Just let Ye Hao take control of her body.

In the eyes of the outside world, these two wandering souls were intertwined at this moment.

"Huh!" The two spirit warriors were dumbfounded at this scene, and their footsteps stopped abruptly.

Both of them are single dogs. Because they have been working as guards here for a long time, they have never had a chance to talk about a partner.

And now watching the two wandering souls are actually entangled together, this has caused a heavy blow to their hearts.

And this meal, after more than ten seconds, the two entangled wandering souls entered the range of Soul Heaven Lake very smoothly.

The two spirit warriors glanced at each other.

"It seems that these two wandering souls are in the mating period, which is no wonder. I have heard before that during the time period of the wandering souls mating period, some abnormal things will be done."

"However, the mating of wandering souls is still relatively rare. I didn't expect to be seen by us today."

It may be that they don't like this mouthful of dog food. The two talked casually, and then left the matter behind and continued their patrolling work.

Ye Hao and Edith breathed a sigh of relief.

The big stone in Ye Hao's heart was put down at this moment, and he slowly left Edith's lips, but the hands of the two were still held together.

Edith's cheeks are almost blushing, and everyone who doesn't know will think she is a fire dragon!

"Sorry, it was because the situation was too special just now, that's why I would do something like that!" Ye Hao saw Edith like this and hurriedly transmitted his own voice to Edith's mind and explained.

"I know, go ahead with your plan. Don't worry about other times now." Edith said lightly. In fact, her evasive eyes had already shown the fluctuations in her heart.

This is her first kiss.

Is this the feeling of lightly kissing the opposite sex? Why did I feel that my mind had stopped at the time, but kissing the man in front of me didn't seem to be disgusting.

Ye Hao certainly didn't know what Edith was thinking at the moment. He took Edith and slowly approached the area in the center of the soul sky lake.

In Ye Hao's sea of ​​knowledge, Luo Bing Angel King ridiculed and contemptuous words.

Talking about Ye Hao, this is taking the opportunity to take advantage of other people's little dragon girl.

No matter how Ye Hao explained, Luo Bing Angel King didn't believe it.

As the Angel King Luo Bing staying in Ye Hao, she actually saw the scene clearly just now.

She naturally knew that Ye Hao's behavior at the time was actually being forced into helplessness.

But there was still a sour feeling in her heart, and she was very disgusted with such behavior.

Even if it wasn't like that at the time, she might have rushed out to organize Ye Hao's behavior.

"Damn, what's the matter with myself? Isn't this just two physical contact? I have lived for billions of years, so I haven't seen such a thing.

Haven't you ever seen a pig run if you haven't eaten pork? It's normal and nothing special. Why do you feel so uncomfortable? "

Angel King Luo Bing felt her complicated emotions, and she didn't know what was going on.

In other words, she actually thought about why it was like this, but she didn't want to continue thinking about it.

Just when the two women Luo Bing Angel King and Edith each wanted to get into trouble.

Ye Hao had already brought Edith to the area in the center of the soul sky lake.

At this time, Ye Hao noticed the bracelet on his wrist, and several cracks also appeared at this time.

Ye Hao immediately looked at the bracelet on Edith's wrist. The crack was twice as large as before, which was equivalent to spreading to one-fifth of the entire bracelet.

It seems that in this soul heaven lake, the impact on the soul is still quite huge.

Can't let Edith stay in such a place for too long.

Ye Hao watched the magic circle hub in the center of Soul Tianhu intently, and he was waiting for the opportunity.

And Edith on the side also noticed Ye Hao's serious look at the moment. She didn't disturb Ye Hao's thoughts, although she was not very smart.

But she also roughly knew what Ye Hao was thinking about now.


At this moment, a blister appeared at the bottom of the lake, which seemed to have appeared suddenly.

But Ye Hao's eyes flashed at this time.

The law of time!

Ye Hao directly used his own law of time, and at this moment the time flow rate of the entire array hub changed accordingly.

"It's now!" Ye Hao hurriedly pulled Edith and started rushing down.

And Edith felt a strong pressure, squeezing her soul, which made her very uncomfortable.

And at this moment, cracks appeared on her bracelet at a speed visible to the naked eye.

I don't know how long it has passed, it seems to be a few days, and it seems to be a few years.

But it seemed that it was only a blink of an eye, that depressed feeling suddenly disappeared, and the crack on Edith's wrist stopped spreading.

"Huhuhu..." Edith fell abruptly to the ground, breathing heavily, sweat on her forehead.

"Okay, we have now entered the laboratory, how is your situation now?" Ye Hao looked at Edith panting.

Her face was pale, like a girl who had just played a roller coaster in an amusement park.

"I...I'm okay, I just need to slow down a little bit." Edith waved her hand.

Although her current state is uncomfortable, she relies on the dragon's powerful body and recovery ability.

It only takes ten seconds to restore her state.

And Ye Hao took this time to begin to feel the layout of the entire laboratory.

He used his own law of wind, so that wherever the wind flows, a detailed map can be formed in Ye Hao's mind.

In almost a few seconds, wherever the wind can reach, a map was formed in Ye Hao's mind.

By judging the terrain, Ye Hao quickly saw where the imprisoned experimental objects were held.

"Come with me!" Ye Hao took Edith's hand again and walked towards the destination.

This time, although there was no need to hold Edith's hand, Ye Hao didn't want to take advantage either.

He was worried that Edith would lose control of his emotions when he saw his mother. In order to control such a situation, Ye Hao could only do this.

When Edith is out of control, he can stop it in time!

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