Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 319: I can send you to see them

Next to a hillside.

Du Chuan looked at the hillside with a drop of almost fifty or sixty meters behind him. There were a lot of rocks underneath. If he fell, he would be immortal and disabled.

"Unexpectedly, in order to kill me. The Jade Building was so depraved to invite foreigners." Du Chuan looked at the two men before him sullenly.

His fists were **** and bloody, the Thai fist was really powerful, and some dark spots appeared on his skin, which was a poisoning situation.

It was caused by the strange-looking man.

"What is this Chinese person talking about? I don't understand Chinese language." Iron Fist shook his fist, twisted his neck and looked at Du Chuan contemptuously.

"I don't know either." The scorpion said lightly.

"Then don't talk nonsense with him, kill him, and then go find Ye Hao!" After the Iron Fist King finished speaking, he fists out.

Du Chuan bit his scalp and pushed forward.

The two fists smashed together, and there was only a click, which was the sound of cracking bones.

The fingers of Du Chuan's right hand were bent and they were still shaking constantly.

It is said that ten fingers are connected to the heart, and the expression on Du Chuan's face at this moment is very painful.

Of course, the Tekken King would not be merciful. A heavy blow hit Du Chuan's abdomen. Du Chuan spit out a pool of blood, which also contained minced meat. It is estimated that some of the internal organs were crushed.

Du Chuan fell to the ground.

Du Chuan looked at the two in front of him angrily: "Ahem..., if... if it wasn't for my old injury, how could you foreigners be my opponent."

Although the language is not clear, Tekken and the others can still feel Du Chuan's angry emotions.

"It seems that he is very unwilling." Tekken King walked towards Du Chuan step by step, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"There are too many people who are unwilling to die under our killer's hands. I hate blood, you can solve him quickly." The poisonous scorpion stretched out his lavender arm, which was stained with blood because of the fight just now. A trace of disgust flashed inside.

He took a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the blood from his hand.

"Haha. I believe that others say they hate blood. You guys also say they hate blood." Tekken Wang gave the poisonous scorpion a white look, and when he walked in front of Du Chuan, he slammed his fist directly.

Seeing the fist fall.

Du Chuan gritted his teeth, slapped his palms on the ground, and jumped up directly, kicking the iron fist toward the head with one blow.

"Huaxia, don't you know that Thailand's legs are also very good."

The Tekken King spoke contemptuously, and the kick hit his abdomen faster than Du Chuan.


Blood gushed out from Du Chuan's mouth again, and his body flew out toward the cliff.

A trace of madness flashed in Du Chuan's eyes.

"My day, your grandma." When Du Chuan flew out, he suddenly threw a belt out of his hand, wrapping around the legs of Tekken King.


Tekken's face changed, but at this moment he was too late. Being pulled by Du Chuan who fell off the cliff, he also fell off the cliff.

"Damn it! Tekken!" The poisonous scorpion didn't expect the target to fight back and hurried to the edge of the cliff.

"Fak, Fak. This Chinese guy is a lunatic, he almost killed me."

Seven or eight meters below the cliff, on top of a dead tree that grew out, the Tekken King was holding the dead tree with his own hands, hanging in the air. He held a dagger in his other hand, and a broken leather belt was wrapped around his foot.

"Not dead." The scorpion smiled rare.

"Hurry up and get me up. If I hadn't reacted quickly just now and cut the belt. Then the Chinese would kill me." Iron Fist King vomited.

"I'll send you a word. Don't let your guard down at any time, otherwise your prey will bite you back." The poisonous scorpion smiled and said: "Wait, I will find you whether there are trees or vines. ."

"Need my help."

The sound from behind and the sound of footsteps made the poisonous scorpion's face change, and his body immediately jumped to the side, and a black poisonous dart appeared in his hand.

"Hey, it's me." Appeared in front of the poisonous scorpion, it was a gun ghost.

The gun ghost was very embarrassed, his clothes were covered with blood, and there was a big hole in the abdomen of his coat.

"The goal is solved?" The scorpion asked with a sigh of relief.

"Solved. Cui Zhenhu is clearing up the battlefield, and he will come here soon. Does that Huaxia have an iron fist?" Gun ghost asked curiously with his hands in his pocket.

"The Chinese man fell off the cliff. I guess he is dead. Tekken is hanging on a dead wood on the cliff. I am about to pull him up." The poisonous scorpion said lightly: "This task is not easy. Four people died and we were all injured."

"That's how we are in this business. But at least we have completed the mission now. The four of us are divided equally between the four hundred million dollars, and each of us has one hundred million dollars." The spearman walked to the edge of the cliff and poked his head down. took a look.

Sure enough, the Tekken King was hanging there. The cliff was very steep. Although it was only seven or eight meters away from their position, there was no other place to stand apart from the dead tree that grew out. It would be difficult to climb up without the help of others.

"Gunman, stop chatting on it. Get me up quickly." Tekken King shouted.

A smile appeared on the corner of the gun ghost's mouth: "Don't worry, I'll get you on it soon..."

The spear ghost suddenly flashed, and the dagger in his hand blocked the poison dart from the attack.

"Poisonous scorpion, what do you mean?" Gun ghost looked at the poisonous scorpion with a gloomy face.

The poisonous scorpion said coldly: "Do you think we will fall twice by the same method? Ye Hao."

Gun ghost frowned slightly: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

"The gun ghost's pistol never leaves. If I attacked him just now. What he took out should not be a dagger but a pistol."

"The pistol was damaged in the battle just now." "Although you are wearing the clothes of a gun ghost, your voice and face are very similar. But can you tell me that there is a gap as long as your abdomen on your clothes, and there is blood. That should be the mark of the dagger cutting through the abdomen, but why there is no wound in your abdomen." The scorpion is alert.

Looked at the "Gun Ghost": "Where is the real Gun Ghost?"

A smile appeared on the "gun ghost" face.

He stretched his hand to his neck, and the skin on his face began to wriggle surprisingly, and then Ye Hao's face appeared.

Ye Hao twisted his neck, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Misguided, misguided. I didn't expect you to observe so carefully."

"As for you asking the spear ghosts? I don't know where they are now."

Murderous aura flashed in Ye Hao's eyes. "However, I would rather send you to see them."

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