Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 333: Moran shot

"That... Ye Hao, what shall we do now..." Although Li Zhongwei said that he was not afraid, his panicked eyes at this moment still exposed his timidity.

But this is no wonder.

A group of heavily armed soldiers held up their guns and aimed them there. They would be shot into a hornet's nest in an instant with an order.

Step on

A middle-aged man in a suit and sunglasses walked out, and he approached Ye Hao.

"You are the newcomer? Do you know how much crime you have committed now."

"Deputy team leader, don't talk nonsense with him. He is an arrogant newcomer. He wants me to tell me to take it back and get a lesson!" The ability captain walked over and stared at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao snorted coldly: "What did I make? I made a mistake. My mistake was that it hurt Captain Tangcheng."

"Ye Hao, don't say that. Chief, this matter is all because of me, so there is any punishment for me to carry it." Tang Cheng stood up, the not tall man seemed to be able to carry everything.

Ye Hao held down Tangcheng’s shoulder, and he looked at the middle-aged man: "But you are not wrong. Hehe, what important national personnel, what I see is just a gangster, if you give it to me again Opportunity. I will still teach them."

The middle-aged man wrinkled.

The ability captain immediately pointed at Ye Hao and yelled: "You kid still dare to be so arrogant now, I tell you. This is the military area, as long as we order, you will not escape!"

"Really, we might as well try." Ye Hao's eyes flashed cold.

Ye Hao didn't want to cause trouble, but he was not afraid of trouble either.

Big deal, I will exchange a few more abilities to make you upside down.

"Wait." At this moment, Moran walked out.

She walked to the middle-aged man, stood up straight and saluted.

"Moran, a member of the yellow group nine. Chief, you are the leader of the special operations team."

The middle-aged man looked at Moran: "Yes. I am the deputy leader of the special operations team, Hou Boyi."

"I have something I hope you can listen to, Chief." Moran took out a pencil-like thing and pressed one of the buttons.

A voice came from inside.

"Beauty, leave me a call."

"Lanlan, don't do that. Look at me, I am a supernatural person, how powerful. You are my girlfriend, how safe you are. Although I have almost one...two... …"

"Five. Although you are the sixth girlfriend, you can rest assured that I will be as good to you. Although China does not allow three wives and four concubines, I am a supernatural person, just like the protagonist in that kind of novel. Things are normal, right."

Moran said coldly: "This is a recording of your player named Aso molesting me."

Hou Boyi's face wrinkled.

The ability captain on the side hurriedly called: "This is just his personal problem."

"What about this one."

Moran pressed the second button.

"Looking at what you were doing just now, does the beautiful president I molested before have anything to do with you?"

"It's ok."

"It's okay to take care of your hair. I am planning to give her a night attack in two days. There is no woman in this world that I can't conquer. I am not afraid to tell you that I am an F-level peak speed superpower. Take care of you, I will follow It's like packing up a mouse."

The voice stopped, Moran said indifferently: "If it was a personal question just now, then may I ask if this is a matter of principle."

Hou Boyi did not speak, and glanced at the ability captain next to him.

"Besides. I have one more here." Moran pressed the third button again. "

"Ahem... Haha. Suppress me? Come on if you have the ability, I tell you, that woman I'm watching. When I have time, I will go to her and I will torture her well."

"I'm not afraid to tell you, I just want to play with that woman. What can you do with me? Lao Tzu is a supernatural person, Lao Tzu is a national treasure of the country. You dare not ruin me if you give you the courage."

"This is not the same. The number of abilities is scarce, and the country should give a certain degree of protection. The abilities naturally have a certain degree of privileges."

The recording stopped at this place.

There was something wrong with the surrounding breath at this moment.

The recording just now was not just from them, even some soldiers around heard it.

Some soldiers have already put down their guns.

With hostility, looked at the ability captain with contempt.

Liu Chuang secretly gestured a thumb to Moran, and this move instantly turned their situation over.

Hou Boyi gloomily looked at the ability captain next to him, and he whispered: "I gave you privileges, but I didn't let you mess around like this! This is lawless! I have heard that many people below have problems with their usual styles! I think it's arrogant to this point!"

"This... this, I will definitely take care of these problems when I go back." Ability Captain said in a low voice with sweat on his forehead.

Hou Boyi raised his head and looked at Ye Hao.

He knew they were in the wrong place for today.

"Ahem, it seems that we still need to investigate the matter. But even if the special forces team members have a little quality problem, you can't give up both of his hands. And the Tangcheng with your skills indeed violated the principle. Question. You are also rushing into the military restricted zone now."

Although they knew they were wrong, after all, the supernatural beings were still very precious, and Hou Boyi still had to decide for his own people.

"Then what do you plan to do?" Ye Hao said coldly.

Hou Boyi thought for a while, and he said: "The status of the captain of the 9th team of Huang Group in Tangcheng is revoked, and the small black room is closed and cancelled, but a suspension warning will be imposed. Others will go back and write a review, but..."

The voice paused here, and Hou Boyi's eyes fell on Ye Hao: "But you need to follow us. You have to injure a member of the special forces team. You must be closed for at least a month."

Ye Hao doesn't care about his punishment, but he doesn't want to go to that special combat team.

Ye Hao felt disgusting just by looking at the appearance of those people.

And the most important thing is that Tangcheng's punishment has only been reduced a little.

This is not what he wants.

"Removal? Haha." Ye Hao raised his head proudly and looked at the deputy leader of the special operations team: "Your special operations team, I won't go back. And Tangcheng's punishment will be cancelled."

Hearing Ye Hao’s words, Hou Boyi’s face looked ugly; “You’re trying to keep an inch. You know what the result of your stubbornness is.” “I don’t know, and I don’t want to know.” Ye Hao’s after the previous killings The heart has changed a lot from before.

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