Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 395: Professor Ye! !

"That..." The Jiangnan University teacher gave Ye Hao a little hesitantly.

Then he whispered to Secretary Lin, "Secretary Lin, this is not appropriate. Our university campus is open, and anyone is allowed to come in."

"Don't what I said doesn't work! Jiangnan University is public, but the premise of all this is that this is a place for students to learn!" Secretary Lin aggressively.

The teacher's final relationship with Secretary Lin was really not easy to offend, so he could only walk in front of Ye Hao.

"That... Mr. I'm really sorry. For some reason, please leave the Jiangnan University campus."

The teacher didn't dare to look at Ye Hao's eyes when he was speaking, it seemed that he was guilty.

Ye Hao didn't care about the teacher, but looked at Secretary Lin.

"Give you a face?"

Hearing the sound, Secretary Lin's face suddenly changed.

"Or do you still want me to slap you a few more times to make your memory longer?" Ye Hao looked at Secretary Lin lightly.

There are some people who really don't know how many catties they are, relying on a little bit of power in their hands, and they are arrogant there.

"You...you..." Secretary Lin might be afraid that Ye Hao would do it to himself as before, and hurried back several steps.

Ye Hao lowered his head and continued to play with his mobile phone.

Secretary Lin was so angry that she was so angry that she shouted at the teacher: "What are you doing in a daze? Didn't you see the attitude of this person? Don't hurry up and ask the security guard to drag him away."

The teacher had no choice but to follow suit.

Secretary Lin stood there looking at Ye Hao, brat, you wait for me, originally you were planning to find a chance to clean up you, but you hit the gun yourself!

In this way, Ye Hao was playing with his mobile phone there.

The woman was standing there.

Just as Secretary Lin was a little impatient while waiting, a bus stopped in front of the school.

A group of people came down from above.

"Professors, it's really rare for you to spare time to come to our place."

"The principal, you were joking, but we came over and bothered you to receive him personally."

"No matter where this is, you are all national heroes. If I don't receive it personally, wouldn't I lose the face of our Jiangnan University."

Those were four or five people, almost all in their fifties, with a little gray hair and big glasses.

A middle-aged man in a suit was welcoming them.

After seeing them, Secretary Lin immediately put on a smile on his face, as if he had forgotten Ye Hao's existence, and walked up quickly.

"President Zheng, you finally took the professors over."

The president of Jiangnan University, whose surname is Bai, introduced to several people: "This is the secretary of the Yuhang Education Bureau. Because the director has something to do on a business trip, Secretary Lin will come to receive you. Secretary Lin, these are all great mathematics experts. , And now participates in national military scientific research projects."

"I've heard about the professors for a long time, and I finally saw the real person today." Secretary Lin walked to the math professors and stretched out his hand to say hello.

But I didn't expect those people to walk past Secretary Lin suddenly.


Secretary Lin looked dazed, she watched the math professors walk up to Ye Hao who was playing with the mobile phone.

"Excuse me, are you Professor Ye?" One of the 50-year-old professors looked carefully at Ye Hao, who was playing with his mobile phone.

Ye Hao raised his head and looked at the person in front of him. He didn't know him.

"Sorry, you may have recognized the wrong person."

"I have seen your picture. You are Ye Hao, Professor Ye." Another person exclaimed a little excited.

It turns out that these people did not admit their mistakes.

"My name is Ye Hao, who are you?" Ye Hao did remember that he had never seen these people.

"I forgot to introduce myself. We are from the Scientific Research Department of the Military Region, the Mathematics Group.... According to the relationship, we are still Professor Ye's researcher. We have seen your nuclear reactor reduction technology and pollution prevention technology. . It's simply a cross-age technology!"

"Yes, I haven't understood many of the data calculations."

"I wonder if Professor Ye is free, please give us some pointers."

Several mathematics professors have completely lost their usual calm at this moment, as if a thirsty student finally found a teacher.

"It's him, please take him out."

At this moment, the returning teacher, Hong, walked over with a few security guards and shouted at Ye Hao.

The security guard immediately surrounded him.

"Sir, please leave here."

Seeing this posture in front of him, Ye Hao shrugged at several mathematics professors beside him: "I'm sorry, I may be a little troublesome. I don't seem to be welcome here."

"What are you doing!" One of the impatient professors stood directly in front of Ye Hao.

The security guards were taken aback, strange.

Didn’t I just say that someone is making trouble here? Why is there someone coming out to stop them?

"Old gentleman, please get out of the way. Just now we received a report that someone was making trouble here, so I want to expel him." The security said.

"Nonsense, when we came just now, we clearly saw Professor Ye Hao just resting here, how can there be any trouble you said!" The professor shouted, pointing at several security guards.

The security guards hesitated for a moment, then looked back at the teacher who called them.

The teacher is also a little confused. These old people don't seem to be from Jiangnan University. He has never seen them.

Finally, under the gaze of everyone, he walked in front of Secretary Lin. Secretary Lin's expression was a bit wrong, and her eyes were erratic.

"Secretary Lin, you... Didn't you tell me to kick that person out just now."

Secretary Lin has all the thoughts of scolding his mother.

This guy didn't see his wink at him.

Just now Secretary Lin saw the respect of those mathematics professors to Ye Hao, and she felt bad.

Although I don't know what identity this person has, it is definitely not a simple person to make these big people respect.

At this time, the president of Jiangnan University and the mathematics professors all looked at her.

"Um...that we may have some misunderstanding, it must be that they misheard me just now." Secretary Lin hurriedly defended.

"Oh?" Ye Hao looked at Secretary Lin with a playful smile: "It seems that Secretary Lin didn't say that just now. If I remember correctly, Secretary Lin just said that I was rude, rude, and violent. Guys, you shouldn't stay in this place of teaching and educating people."

"Secretary Lin, I hope you can explain it well. Professor Ye Hao has made a great contribution to the country and even to our mathematics community. If you insult him like this, you are insulting us." A mathematics professor's face sank.

If the other mathematics professors were gloomy, it would be obvious that they were on Ye Hao's side.

The principal on the side saw that Secretary Lin didn't speak, it was obvious.

Do it yourself.

Although Secretary Lin's position is quite high, there are several professors in the mathematics field who are said to have a very important position in national scientific research. This time they were finally invited over.

Secretary Lin swallowed, and finally she walked up to Ye Hao with a smile on her face. "Mr. Ye, the previous things were all misunderstandings. I... I am very sorry, please forgive my rudeness." She said, she lowered her head to Ye Hao.

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