Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 732: Currency war

"Asshole, what are you talking about. I am the director of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. I was responsible for these things! If you cause the chaos in the Xiangdu financial market, you are responsible for this."

Director Qiao heard the thorn in Ye Hao's words, and was fully responsible for the affairs here.

Immediately pointed at Ye Hao angrily and roared.

"Hehe, don't you think you are ridiculous. So far, there are nearly 150 billion in funds. Up to now, it is estimated that you have tossed about less than 500 billion."

"Just like you, still talk to me here. You just want to put all the money in your hand into Guilao's pocket."

Ye Hao sneered and looked at Director Qiao.

"You!" Director Qiao desperately wanted to argue with Ye Hao.

"Director Qiao, now please leave the Li Financial Building immediately."

Director Qiao was stunned. He looked at Deputy Director Fan with a cold face next to him.

"Director Fan, you can't do this. Up to now, I'm dealing with the whole plan. You can't change coaches temporarily."

Deputy Director Fan didn't see Director Qiao's plea at all.

"Because of my wrong decision, we lost hundreds of billions of funds. I don't want to make another wrong decision to paralyze the financial order that we have finally established."

"I don't want to be a sinner in Xiangdu's financial history. Regarding what happened before, I will write a detailed report and submit it to the Xiangdu government. Director Qiao, you can do it yourself."

Director Qiao tremblingly stepped back, his face pale.

If Deputy Director Fan's report is handed in, then his own career will be ruined.

"Deputy Director Fan, you can't do this. You can't do this."

Finally, in Director Qiao’s begging for mercy, Deputy Director Fan was caught in the elevator by the security guard and threw out the Li Financial Building.

Director Qiao sat in his car unwillingly.

"Damn it, a bunch of bastards."

Director Qiao slapped the steering wheel angrily.

Suddenly at this moment, a thought popped up in his head, if the kid-led plan would eventually be ruined.

At that time, you can get rid of sin and transfer all the responsibilities to that group of people.

Director Qiao showed a treacherous expression.

"Don't blame me for being unrighteous if you are unkind."

Director Qiao took out the phone...


"Okay. Mr. Ye, now I give you all the rights here. But unfortunately, our mobile account has only been left less than 50 billion recently, and most of them are still in the stock market."

Deputy Director Fan looked at Ye Hao.

"It's okay. Money, although a little more is good. But if used cleverly, it can be ten times more effective."

Ye Hao stared at the computer screen, which was full of English letters mixed with some numbers.

European stock markets are open.

As soon as he came up, Ye Hao took the most direct approach here, which was to directly buy a number of currency-related stocks. In short, they would eat all the currency-concept stocks in the European market.

And the large-scale exchange of US dollars for euros and pounds sterling caused the two currencies to rise temporarily.

Because of the crazy buying here, the European market opened up a lot.

Both the British pound and Europe have seen increases in varying degrees.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is an unreasonable transaction, and someone deliberately bought these stocks and currencies maliciously.

Island Congress Office.

"Look. They started to act. They seem to be targeting the currency this time. They want to short the euro and the pound." Kathleen looked at the European stock market chart on the screen.

"There is no artistic touch. It's like a tramp who has been hungry for half a month." Soros looked at the screen contemptuously.

To know who is best at short-selling currencies in this world, of course Soros.

He launched several short-selling events against various currencies, and he can be said to be the boss of short-selling currencies.

Now someone is going to short the euro and the pound in front of him. This is simply a trick.

"Just now a director of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. I called me. Under the leadership of a person named Ye Hao, they were going to short European currencies." Sato walked over with his mobile phone.

The look in his eyes was obviously not good. You must know that this group of people had taken away a lot of money in the island country before that.

Catherine's eyes moved slightly, and she picked up the phone and sent a text message in English.

"Investigate a person named Ye Hao in Xiangdu now. I want all his information."

"Mr. Soros, you are a master at short currency. We have less than 100 billion funds on hand now, what are we going to do?" Fuck asked a little anxiously.

"If they accumulate a certain amount of pounds and euros in their hands and carry out large-scale selling, it will easily lead to a substantial decline in the currency."

Soros smiled sarcastically: "Everyone, this is an opportunity to make money, don't you see it.

"Don't they want to buy British pounds and euros on a large scale. That's right, a few hands should have a lot of pounds and euros."

"They sell to them if they want us."

Roy was stunned, and he asked in a puzzled way: "Mr. Soros, what do you mean? Doesn't this mean that the bomb in their hands has more weight."

"But the problem is that the bomb is still in their hands. I ask you, how much money do they have? One hundred billion dollars? Or five hundred billion dollars? But no matter how much their funds are, they may run out."

"At that time, this bomb will explode in their hands."

"On the contrary, we can make a fortune."

Many people still don't understand the meaning of this sentence.

Katherine's eyes shined.

"Their plan must first raise the euro and the British pound, and then sell a lot of shorts. So they will buy first. And now the exchange rate between the euro and the British pound is obviously inflated, then we might as well fight poison."

"We can sell them as much as they want. The dollars in their hands are always used up."

"When they don't have enough funds, they will definitely sell the euro and pound in their hands. This may lead to chaos in the European currency market and a sharp drop in the stock market." "But at that time, we have a lot of funds in our hands. We can wait. They sell the currency, and when the currency price falls to the normal price, they buy crazy. In this way, we will have more currency in our hands than when we sold it.

. "

"The market will also stabilize the situation under our funds, and the risk of currency shorting will be completely non-existent. This is a Chinese saying: "Stealing chickens is not worth losing money."

Everyone brightened their eyes and understood the reason.

"But...what if the people of Europe buy currency." Roy asked such a question.

Soros smiled and said: "I ask you, who controls public opinion in Europe? Of course, you are the consortium. Then you only need to release the news. The euro and the pound are only falsely high and they will definitely fall."

"The people will be afraid that when it is too late to sell currency, how can they still buy it."

"Then the price difference here, of course, will make those Chinese people pay the bill. Everyone showed a merchant's unique expression.

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