Li Jiachen and others were shocked when they heard this number.

They did not expect that so many companies would go bankrupt because of this financial war.

But they were still curious when they were surprised, what Ye Hao was doing with the statistics.

"Not enough. There are three short." Ye Hao wrote the names of the three companies on the paper.

"Lao Jin, make arrangements. Before Friday, I want these three companies to go bankrupt!"

Ye Hao's fingers tapped **** the three names.

"Mr. Ye, what are you?" Li Jiachen looked at Ye Hao puzzled, wondering why Ye Hao was so fierce.

"So far, China has committed 159 people who committed suicide by jumping off the building because of the previous attacks on the Xiangdu stock market."

"There are some things that come at a price. For every person who dies, I will bankrupt their company!"

Ye Hao's unremarkable words shocked Li Jiachen and the others secretly.

This young man's words are too domineering.

One life is worth one company.

It is estimated that few people in the world can speak such domineering words.

They noticed that most of the more than one hundred companies are inextricably linked to the five major consortia.

After a few days, the world financial market finally returned to calm.

Island Congress Office

At this moment, it seems a lot of depression here, except for a few people, all the traders have disappeared.

"Miss Catherine, this time we can say that we have suffered a heavy loss. Several companies under our consortium have gone bankrupt, and the direct loss is as high as 80 billion US dollars!" Sato looked at Caesar who was wearing a red hot evening dress with a sullen face. Lynn.

Catherine looked at him blankly: "What? Do you want to blame this failure on my head?"

Sato gritted his teeth without speaking.

"Okay. This time, I don't think everyone thought that China could have such a powerful trader organization." Roy sighed; "Our consortium also lost tens of billions of dollars, and it will take a long time to slow down. Come on."

"No. We want revenge, we absolutely want revenge!" Henry stood up angrily. His bloodshot eyes showed that he hadn't had a good rest for a while.

"Retaliation? What revenge shall we take now."

Fack laughed at himself: "In order to prepare for this war in the Xiangdu market, we started planning half a year in advance. You think we can get hundreds of billions of dollars in funds in a short while."

"If you want to have another financial war of this scale, it will take at least a year and a half."

"What's more, our Mr. President has called our consortium over and over again because of European currency problems."

"If it causes trouble again, it is really possible to trigger a global financial crisis, and no one will benefit by then."

Obviously Sato and that Henry were very unwilling, after all, this time they lost the most.

The most important thing is Henry, whose share price has fallen by 40%, and several subsidiaries of the Logan consortium like them have also gone bankrupt.

For these things, the Tzu Tak consortium has been scolded, and Henry is estimated to face the risk of dismissal this time.

"Okay. This time we lost. Since we lost, we have to lose. Don't be embarrassed here." Catherine put on white gloves and a top hat.

"I have left beforehand. Goodbye."


Catherine turned and left. The stock market business was over, and she had no reason to stay here.

A black car was already parked under the clubhouse.

Catherine got into the car, and next to her was Soros.

This man who has been riding the mall for most of his life now has gray hair and his eyes have lost the eagle-like look of the past.

At this moment, he is like an ordinary old man.

"Miss." Soros called tremblingly.

He was trembling all over while sitting there, and he didn't even dare to look at Catherine.

"You know how much money you lost to the Asley Consortium this time." Catherine's voice was a little cold.

Soros swallowed, he dared not speak, nor quibble.

Because he knew very well that the woman in front of him hated others to quibble in front of her.

It is better to admit your mistakes honestly than to quibble.

"Don't be smart. Talk!"

Catherine turned her head abruptly, staring at Soros with blood red eyes.

Soros trembled as if seizures.

"Master...I...I was wrong, it was me...incompetent. Caused...Master"

An invisible pressure made Soros pale, the meridians under his skin almost popped out, and the whites of his eyes turned over.

Catherine pressed her finger in the small wine cabinet next to the car, and a bottle of red unpackaged wine stood there.

"Pour me wine."

Soros knelt on the ground with a plop, obediently picked up the bottle of wine, took out a glass from the side wine cabinet, and carefully poured the red liquid inside into the glass.

Then he offered it to Catherine with both hands.

"Soros, how old are you this year."

Catherine picked up the wine glass and took a sip. At this moment, her red eyes disappeared.

Soros also breathed a sigh of relief, and replied in a low voice: "Ninety-six years old."

"I still remember you lingered when I saw you."

Soros lowered his head.


He recalled the original scene in his mind. He was already a billionaire at the time, a legend that drove the mall.

But no amount of money can keep his life going.

His bodily function was exhausted and he began to come to the end of his life.

But at that moment, the woman appeared in front of him and gave him the right to choose.

Eternal life or death.

He chose immortality and became the servant of this woman.

He still clearly remembered that over thirty years have passed, the face of the woman in front of him has not changed at all, only her identity has changed.

"Remember. I can give you eternal life, and I have the same ability to take your life away."

Catherine stared at Soros.

"at any time."

"It's the master." Soros almost touched the ground with his head.

"In order to make up for your mistake this time, you have to earn 50 billion dollars for the family within five years."

Soros breathed a sigh of relief, although 50 billion is much, but there is still hope.

"Yes, master. I will definitely donate 50 billion dollars to make up for my failure this time."

"Go down."


Soros got out of the car.

Catherine drank a glass of wine.

"Miss, where are we going now?" a voice came from the driver's seat.

"There is one more thing we have to deal with. Go to the airport, book the nearest flight, and let's go."

"Xiangdu." The red in Catherine's eyes flashed past.

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