Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 777: Catherine the Vampire Marquis

Now the Kowloon Walled City is full of Catherine and ghost people.

Ye Hao couldn't expect the people from Hawkeye to intervene in this matter. No matter what happened below the seventieth floor, Hawkeye would not intervene.

"I ask you something. What is going on with the group of people who are chasing you? It looks like they are not ordinary people." Ye Hao whispered.

Olena thought Ye Hao was a saint at the moment, and was very respectful to Ye Hao.

"Those people are blood races!"


Ye Hao raised his eyebrows.

It's no wonder that there is a strange aura in those people, who turns out to be similar to themselves.

Wait, those people are kinship, which means that Catherine is also kinship!

Ye Hao uttered his question.

Olena nodded, her eyes mixed with disgust and hatred: "Catherine is a blood clan and a vampire marquis. She is very powerful. The reason why I fled before was because I was injured by her!"

Marquis Vampire!

"Catherine isn't one of the top ten consortiums in the world! How come you become a vampire."

"Behind the big consortia and organizations in the world, how can you survive in this era without any strength?" Olena whispered: "The consortium is just her surface identity, and her actual identity is a vampire."

"Marquis-level vampires can fly out of thin air? How is the combat effectiveness?" Ye Hao asked.

According to legend, the Holy See is the enemy of the blood race, since it is the enemy, you should know a lot.

"The marquis-level vampire has the ability to manipulate blood to transform wings, but the flight speed is very slow. That Catherine is very strong, after all, he is a man who has lived nearly 500 years old."

"It's almost equivalent to your Huaxia's innate strength."

Lived more than 500 years!

Although knowing that vampires live long, they are close to the existence of immortality.

But thinking back to Catherine's peerless face, and then hearing that this was an old monster over five hundred years old, she was considered to be a person of the generation of Grandpa Ye Haozu.

The five-hundred-year-old man was tossed by himself dancing the seaweed dance, singing and conquering.

Ye Hao felt that when Catherine saw herself, she was finished!

"Innate, then we are not her opponents, we can't confront them head-on!" Ye Hao muttered.

She is not an innate opponent, Olena is defeated by Catherine, nor is it her opponent.

Now Ye Hao can only find a way to escape from this place.

"You come out to perform such a dangerous task, why are you alone? You are not from the Knights Templar, do you have support outside." Ye Hao looked at Olena.

Olena lowered her head, her eyes a little dodging: "I am the only one in Xiangdu."

There seems to be a story.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it. You adjust it, and we will act in three minutes." Ye Hao told Olena.

He took out his mobile phone and was sending something.

"What are you doing?" Olena looked at Ye Hao's phone screen curiously, but the font on the screen was Chinese, which she couldn't understand.

"Whether we can get out of the predicament depends on this information."

After Ye Hao sent the message, he put the phone in his pocket, actually putting it in the space ring.

He opened the door and peered into the corridor outside, but found no one.

"Have we rested, we are about to move."

Olena nodded heavily: "Under your Holy Light therapy, I have no problems at all."

"All said it is a supernatural power, not a holy light."

Ye Hao was too lazy to entangle this issue with Olena, he took Olena out of the fire escape and walked slowly outside.

"Found the goal!"

When I walked out, a flashlight was projected from a distance of tens of meters.

"Run! Run as fast as you can. Turn left fifty meters ahead and continue forward for sixty meters, and there will be an elevator!" Ye Hao started to run after finishing speaking.

Olena followed without hesitation. She heard Ye Hao telling herself to run as fast as possible. She was worried that Ye Hao would not be able to keep up if she was too fast.

But she was surprised to find that no matter how fast she ran, Ye Hao could keep up with her own speed.

And seeing that, it's totally accommodating her speed. If he didn't take care of her, maybe he could run faster.

Because of the movement here, many people appeared around, some with machetes, some with pistols and shotguns.

"Those who block me die!"

Ye Hao said coldly.

Those people didn't care at all, they just shot them.

A cold light flashed in Ye Hao's eyes, and seventy-two soul chaser blades flew out, reaping the lives of those people mercilessly.

When Ye Hao and Olena ran to the elevator, the elevator door just opened, and inside was a row of men in black holding rifles, and their guns were aimed at Ye Hao and Olena.


After a few seconds of gunfire, the elevator car became quiet.

Olena poked her head out from the side, and she saw several people in black in the elevator car collapsed to the ground, with a soul chaser stuck in their bodies, and blood splashed all over the elevator car.

She looked at Ye Hao in surprise. She originally thought that she was very powerful as a knight, but this Chinese woman turned out to be even more powerful than her. Let alone this supernatural power, Ye Hao pushed her aside as soon as the elevator door opened just now. Battle book

Can be like a warrior who has experienced many battles.

Is this the power of the saint?

"What are you doing in a daze. Come in quickly!" Ye Hao did not shy away from the elevator covered with blood and corpses, and walked directly in.


Olena walked in and the elevator door closed.

A few seconds later, a group of people appeared outside the elevator door.

"Report, report. This is the No. 8 elevator exit on the 13th floor. We found the target, but the target took the elevator down!"

The man in black reported the situation.

The first floor of Kowloon Walled City.

"I didn't expect it to be my honor to see the famous Marquise Catherine here." J looked at Catherine next to her.

Catherine sneered: "I don't think it's my honor to meet you guys who live in the dark."

J was not angry about Catherine's arrogance.

A vampire with a knighthood is not a vampire if he is not arrogant.

"Miss Catherine, this time our enemies have cooperated. We can also cooperate. We only need to get what each other wants." J proposed.

"I don't care about the process, I just want to see the results." Catherine did not refuse.

After all, in Xiangdu, their blood clan doesn't have a lot of manpower.


"My lord. The person above reported that the target got down by elevator No. 8. The people on the upper floors had not had time to intercept, but the other party did not get out of it!" One of the men walked to J and reported.

"Elevator No. 8!" Both J and Catherine turned around and looked at an elevator fifty meters to the right. The number eight was written on it.

And the reminder lights of the elevator were on.


People around are ready.

The elevator door opened slowly.

But everyone only saw the corpse lying on the ground and the blood on the wall, but no one was seen.

"People!" J said with a sullen face.

"I...I don't know. The report above is indeed in the elevator!" The subordinate dared not look at J's eyes, and replied timidly.

"It seems that your subordinates are all rubbish." Catherine raised her head and looked at the elevator ceiling. There are **** palm prints and footprints there, as well as the appearance of being opened.

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