Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 804: I don't like people pointing a gun at me

"Mr. Ye, I introduce myself. My name is..."

"Don't talk nonsense, talk about something."

Sammy, who was originally smiling, had an embarrassment on his face.

He looked at Ye Hao, who was indifferent on his face, and he suppressed his inner anger: "We might have misunderstood a bit before."

Ye Hao got up, as if leaving.

"Wait, I asked Mr. Ye to say something."

Ye Hao stopped and looked at Sami indifferently.

Sammy took two glasses of red wine from the plate held by the waiter next to him and handed one to Ye Hao.

"I heard that Mr. Ye has some ability to help Mr. Caesar find his missing child. And this time Grandpa Frank invited you to estimate it is also for this kind of thing."

"I do not drink."

Ye Hao refused Sami's wine.

Sammy smiled awkwardly, and drank two glasses of wine by himself.

"I don't know what your ability is, but he once promised that if someone helped him find someone, he would be willing to give him a quarter of the Judson family's property, or a condition within the same range."

"At that time, a lot of people who were abducted and deceived appeared because of this huge temptation, but Grandpa Frank had a bad temper. Those who were good were thrown out with broken legs, and those who were unlucky were thrown into the virgin forest to feed the pythons. Up."

Both inside and outside Sami's words seemed to threaten Ye Hao.

Seeing Ye Hao's brows frowned slightly, he was secretly happy, this kid seemed to be scared.

"Then I don't know what Master Frank wants to entrust me." Ye Hao asked curiously.

Sammy's face sank, and the boy was not afraid, but he asked. He was really a kid who wanted money without life.

"Huh. Boy, I'll just tell you directly. Don't interfere with this matter. I'll give you one hundred thousand dollars. You can go back wherever it comes from. Don't be nosy."

One hundred thousand dollars?

Ye Hao smiled contemptuously: "If you are finished, go slowly and not send it."

Sami looked at Ye Hao's non-entertainment, and was angrily ready to turn around and leave.

At this time, Wei Qiang came over with a serving bowl with some snacks on it and an opened bottle of wine.

Ye Hao directly picked up the bottle of wine and poured himself a glass, slowly tasting it.

When Sami saw this scene, he put Ye Hao on the list of unwelcome people.

He gave him wine before, and he said he didn't like it.

Now a small attendant brought a bottle of wine, but he started drinking it, isn't this slapping him in the face.

Looking at the back of Sami leaving, Ye Hao smiled at the corner of his mouth. This family is a bit interesting.

The master asked people to do things, but the juniors below wanted to ask someone to go.

"Mr. Ye, what did Master Sami tell you?"

"It's okay."

After that, Ye Hao didn't see the so-called Master Frank during the entire banquet, and this banquet was actually just a fixed banquet held every three months by the Judson family, in order to allow people in the family to move around each other.

After the banquet was over, Caesar was back.

"Sorry, Mr. Ye has been waiting for a long time. Master Frank has just finished his physical examination, please follow me."

Ye Hao walked behind Caesar.

This time Caesar took Ye Hao up the revolving escalator and hovered up.

The architectural stairs of this castle are all made of stone, and when you walk into it, you have a feeling of returning to the Middle Ages.

Walking to the third floor or so on the stairs, Ye Hao saw a row of maids and servants standing beside them in the corridor.

Several bodyguards stood in front of a room door, with guns pinned to their waists clearly visible.

"Stop, we want to search."

Several bodyguards stopped Ye Hao with sharp eyes.

"He is Master Frank's guest!" Mr. Caesar frowned.

"Even if it is Grandpa Frank's guest, it must be searched. Otherwise, who knows if there is any weapon hidden in this kid, if he suddenly attacks Grandpa Frank, who will be responsible for the matter."

Sammy walked in from the side with his arms around him, and patted the bodyguard on the shoulder.

"Give me a good search, if something goes wrong, you can't afford it."

The bodyguard's eyes lit up, and his face showed an understanding expression.

He walked up to Ye Hao and said solemnly: "Sir, please cooperate with our inspection."

In this scene, needless to say, these people must have gotten Sami's hint that they wanted to trouble Ye Hao.

Although Sammy is not directly related, he is the young master of the Judson family after all.

"You... I'll go to Master Frank!" Caesar was not a fool, trying to find someone.

But Ye Hao stopped him: "It's okay. Since they want to search, then I will let them search."

Ye Hao walked to the middle of the bodyguards and opened his arms.

"Search well."

Several bodyguards gave each other a glance, and several people surrounded Ye Hao and started searching.

One of them walked behind Ye Hao and pressed his hands on Ye Hao's shoulders, seeming to check, but his hands began to work secretly.

These people are professional bodyguards, and the strength in their hands is quite big.

Just when the man confidently thought that the man who had offended Master Sami in front of him was going to cry out for pain.

But he couldn't see any pain in Ye Hao, he kept increasing the strength on his hand, Ye Hao was already motionless.

"Why? As for the body search, you keep pressing your shoulders." Ye Hao said coldly.

"We need to check carefully." The bodyguard found an excuse and saw other people cast doubtful eyes on him.

That was interrogating why this guy didn't make a fool of himself, he shook his head and made a gesture.

That means this person is stubborn.

The other two grabbed Ye Hao's hands and fumbled on their arms. Suddenly, they clasped Ye Hao's elbows and secretly used force.

If that strength is changed to an ordinary person, it is estimated that the elbow will break directly.

At the same time, another person clasped Ye Hao's waist with both hands.

The bodyguard behind him also started to work hard at the same time.

This posture is completely intended to remove Ye Hao's body bones.

Caesar noticed something strange, he hurriedly tried to stop.

But Ye Hao first made a move.

"Have you searched enough? I don't like men touching me all the time!" Ye Hao yelled, and his body was shocked.

The four bodyguards around unexpectedly ejected directly and hit the wall heavily.

This sudden change caused the surrounding bodyguards, maids, and attendants to draw their pistols from their waists and aim them at Ye Hao.

"Boy, you dare to attack our bodyguard. I think you were sent by our family's opponent to murder our grandfather Frank!" Sammy stood up and pointed at Ye Hao, his eyes were vague.

"I don't like others holding a pistol against my head." Ye Hao said coldly.

Faced with so many guns, Ye Hao didn't show any timidity. He didn't pay attention to these people at all. If they dared to do something, he would dare to let the entire castle disappear from Siri, Australia today!

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