Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 806: The person missing for ten years

ten years?

Ye Hao was taken aback for a moment.

Master Frank expected Ye Hao’s expression. He sighed and said, “My grandson disappeared ten years ago. During this period, my son was searching all over the world. I also tried to find him, even if it was just one. The corpse is good too."

"But this search lasted ten years. To tell the truth, I had the idea of ​​giving up several times in my heart."

"But not long ago I heard that Mr. Ye can help Caesar find his missing kidnapped kid by relying on the Internet."

"So I want to ask Mr. Ye to try. But Mr. Ye doesn't have to worry about it. If you can't find it, I won't blame Mr. Ye."

"On the contrary. If Mr. Ye finds a child, whether it is alive or dead. My Judson family will already give Mr. Ye a satisfactory reward or a quarter of the Judson family's estate!"

The series of information made Ye Hao a little unhurried.

If he were to find someone now, there might be some possibility.

But looking for people ten years ago, Australia’s technology was far less developed ten years ago than it is now, and it is difficult to find a person who has disappeared ten years ago through the Internet.

As for the evidence, ten years is enough to make most of the evidence disappear in time.

Ye Hao was silent for a long time without answering for a long time.

"Mr. Ye can think about it first...cough cough cough. Caesar, please be responsible for hosting Mr. Ye. If you have any needs, please do your best to meet. I will take a rest first. I hope to get Mr. Ye's reply at the dinner."

Master Frank said so much in one breath, his face was a little pale, showing exhaustion.

"Okay." Ye Hao got up and watched Master Frank being pushed out by Brown.

Only Ye Hao and Caesar remained in the conference hall.

"Mr. Ye, you don't need to put too much pressure. After all, for this kind of thing, Master Frank also wants to fulfill his best wishes before he is dying. His body is already very bad, and the doctor estimates that he can only live for two years at most. "

Caesar spoke, trying to relieve Ye Hao's pressure.

Ye Hao nodded: "Mr. Caesar. The previous Sammy made things difficult for me, is it related to Master Frank's attempt to find his grandson?"

Caesar sighed, his face showing helplessness.

"The Judson family has been a single pass in the generation of Mr. Frank. And Mr. Frank's son is a very dedicated person. After his wife passed away, he did not take his wife again and only had his son."

"After his son disappeared, he went into a madness, he just wanted to find his own child."

"If the young master does not find it back. It is very likely that the direct line of the Judson family will disappear."

"According to Judson's family rules. Once the direct line disappears, that family property will be inherited by the nearest collateral line of blood, continuing the development of the Judson family."

"Master Sami and his father, Mr. Brown, will have 60% of the inheritance of the Judson family by then, and they will become direct lines."

Ye Hao showed a clear expression.

So that's the case, is it that they don't want Master Frank to find their grandson like this, because they want to be direct.

"Mr. Caesar. Could you please take me for a walk in the castle, and show me all the information about the disappearance of the young master that year." I have helped myself. Since I am here, I can't go for nothing. .

"Yes!" Seeing Ye Hao's willingness to help, Caesar smiled with joy.


In another room in the castle.

Sammy had changed into clean clothes, and he stood there angrily, and many things around him were beaten to the ground.

"Asshole, **** Huaxia. I want people to kill him! I want to smash him into pieces! I use his meat to feed the python!"

"How dare to do this to me, I'm from the Judson family!"

Sammy roared frantically.

The female model stood there embarrassed.

But Sami's mother kept persuading.

"Sami, calm down. Don't get angry."

Sammy gritted his teeth and said unwillingly: "No. I must ask my father to get rid of this person. He will not die, and my humiliation cannot be calmed down."

Step on

At this time, footsteps came.

Sami and Sami's mother turned their heads, just in time to see Brown coming in.

"Father, I..."

Before Sammy could speak, Brown slapped his son in the face.

"What are you doing. Brown, are you crazy! Why beat Sammy!" Brown's wife hurriedly guarded her son.

Sammy was beaten up silly, he couldn't believe how his father, who usually dotes on him, would suddenly do it.

"He should fight. You see what you were like just now, your ugly manner has completely embarrassed me!" Brown said with a sullen face.

"But what's wrong with what I did like that? That kid is here to find the little master who was lost ten years ago. If he finds it, we..." Sammy was still defending himself at the moment.

Brown looked at his son in disappointment. He really had a hard time believing that he was so witty that he gave birth to such a guy.

He did not inherit the good genes from himself.

"Frank's grandson has been missing for ten years. How can a person who has been missing for ten years be found again!"

"When Frank passes away, the property of the Judson family will naturally belong to us at that time! But your performance just now is...it's horrible...too ugly!"

Brown blamed his son.

Sammy lowered his head, but he was still not reconciled: "But... did I just let... the **** Chinese man be humiliated."

"Hey. You can't use your brain when you do things. Do you have to do it yourself to get revenge on someone. He is a supernatural person, so can't we ask others to kill him!"

"Don't forget, this is Australia, not their China!"

Brown sighed, his own son's brain is really only the size of a peanut.

Sammy's eyes lit up and he looked at his father expectantly.

"You stay with me honestly and don't make trouble for me anymore. If someone bullies my son, I will naturally let him understand the price." Brown's eyes showed coldness.

Sammy is not as deep as his father's city, but the two people's vengeance is very similar. "You go out first. There will be a family dinner tonight, so talk less when the time comes." Brown warned his family. He glanced at the female model: "You are going to be engaged to Sami, and you have to forget your previous living habits. Remember you are now Judson's

The wife of the tribe. "

"Yes." The female model replied cautiously. It is every woman's dream to be able to step into the rich.

Several people went out.

Brown went to the window, he picked up his phone and dialed a number.

"it's me."

"I want to trouble you to eradicate a person. It's a superpower, and the ability should be able to manipulate objects."

"Difficult? Isn't that why I have to consider shrinking the funds for you this year? After all, the market is not very good this year."

Hearing the words in his ears, Brown showed a look of contempt. The group did not remind them that they did not know who raised them. "I will send you the photo later, and wait for him to leave the castle of the Judson family before looking for a chance to do it. After completing the task, I will give you another $500 million in ‘sponsorship’."

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