Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 828: Nightingale's determination

"It's best not to use your power lightly. This time I am by my side. If it is someone else, I don't know what the consequences will be." Nightingale warned.

Ye Hao nodded, if it wasn't for Nightingale to control him.

It is estimated that he will most likely die from exhaustion in the end, and the best result is collapse, and it is estimated that he will lie down for a long time.

"What did you say in my ear just now? At that time, I felt a lot brighter in my mind." Ye Hao recalled the time when Nightingale had controlled herself, and whispered in his ear.

"That was the meditation curse taught by a Taoist master when I was a child." Nightingale got up and she slapped the dust on her body.

"It's about to dawn, let's leave here first. The mice brought you here before."

Mice? It should be said that the child.

"I let him hide outside, let's go find him."

The two talked as they walked, and Ye Hao asked about what happened to Nightingale in the past six months.

Nightingale didn't hide it, telling Ye Hao that he was now in the Demon Butterfly Organization as Ah Ye.

As for the reason, she heard that the tattoo that Nightingale was looking for appeared on the body of the leader behind the Demon Butterfly Organization, maybe it was the person Nightingale wanted to hunt down!

"How do you know that I am now nicknamed A Ye? I came out this time but cut off all contact with the previous ones." Nightingale asked.

Ye Hao smiled bitterly: "I spent tens of billions of dollars to find out from Eagle Eye Intelligence."

Being willing to spend tens of billions of dollars to inquire about a person's intelligence, perhaps only Ye Hao can do this kind of thing.

Hearing that he had inquired about him from Hawkeye, Nightingale also understood.

"Then you go to track down the people, how come you ran to attack some islander's flight?" Ye Hao is still too crazy thinking about Nightingale's actions now.

If it wasn't for Ye Hao to rush to the last fight in time, Nightingale would be really bad luck.

"Although I have been in the Demon Butterfly organization for less than half a year, I have never been able to get into their inner circle, and I have never seen the boss behind the scenes."

"And I heard that in the second half of the year they will organize a meeting of high-level personnel. At that time, the behind-the-scenes boss of Modie will come out. With my current position in Modie, I cannot participate in this meeting."

Nightingale said with a serious expression.

"So the task you are performing now allows you to quickly improve your position in the Demon Butterfly and participate in the Demon Butterfly high-level meeting! See the mastermind behind the Demon Butterfly organization!"

Ye Hao looked at Nightingale. Although she knew what she was thinking, she was too reckless to act like this.

Nightingale nodded, agreeing with what Ye Hao said.

Ye Hao stopped.

When Nightingale saw Ye Hao stop, she turned her head suspiciously and looked at Ye Hao behind her.

Ye Hao's face was very serious.

"Nightingale, your current state is very wrong. You weren't opponents in a team at the beginning, and now you have not recovered from your old injury, not as good as you at that time."

"Have you ever thought about what to do if that person is really your enemy?"

Faced with Ye Hao's culture, Nightingale did not answer, but her plain eyes showed that she already had an answer in her heart.

"Although you don't speak, I already guessed what you would do then!" Ye Hao pointed to Nightingale.

"You will not hesitate to raise your weapon to avenge your sister. But your result, you are also very clear in your heart. You will die forever. No! With your current strength, there is not even a chance!"

Ye Hao walked in front of Nightingale, his eyes were straight at Nightingale.

"I don't want to see the person I rescued today and ran to waste my life."

Nightingale smiled, she looked at Ye Hao with interest.

"You are worried about me."

Ye Hao was taken aback, he rarely saw a smile in Nightingale.

His eyes were a little dodging: "I just don't want to see the person I save ruining his own life. Look at how tact and cautious you are when you are fighting and performing tasks. Why do you do so when you encounter revenge..."

"Ignorance?" Nightingale said the word first.

Nightingale turned her head and looked at the light that appeared in the dark night at the end of the grassland.

"I know that with my current skill, I am not that guy's opponent. I am not stupid enough to waste my life."

"Do you know why I wasted more than half a month of time here? With the skill of those island ninjas, I want to leave and they can't stop me."

"And the communicator that connects the mouse with the organization was also deliberately broken by me."

Hearing what Nightingale said, Ye Hao was taken aback, a thought flashed through his mind.

"You are for the war of warriors!"

Here, Nightingale insisted on leaving the reason not willing to go, and that was only the upcoming war of the warriors here.

"I have performed missions in many parts of the world, and I heard a rumor in Australia. The primitive tribes here hold wars of warriors every five years, and those who win the title of Prairie Warrior will be able to receive the power from the God of Prairie ."

Ye Hao smiled and shook his head: "When did you still believe in God?"

"This is not a god. This may be the power passed down from the primitive tribe for thousands of years. As for what happened, no one knows."

"However, it is rumored that people who accept ‘power’ can repair their internal injuries, even if they are terminally ill. They can even break through the current state."

There was a light in Nightingale's eyes.

"You want to repair the old wounds in your body, and then break into the congenital realm." Ye Hao understood what Nightingale meant.

"Yes. What you just said is correct. My current strength is not an opponent at all when I meet that guy. But if I break into the innate realm, then I will have a chance to fight!" Nightingale said firmly.

What Nightingale said was extremely possible.

Nightingale's strength is quite strong, and she can fight against the strong above the innate in the refining realm. If she breaks through the innate realm, she will definitely be the youngest and strongest martial artist in modern China.

"Okay. I'll stay and help you." Ye Hao stretched out.

"Why did you come to Australia this time?" Nightingale asked.

Ye Hao briefly talked about his purpose of coming to Australia.

After that, Ye Hao took Nightingale to the place where the mice had been placed before.

Ye Hao looked around and found no one, but soon a small body sprang out under a grass.

"Sister A Ye!"

I saw the mouse happily pounced directly on Nightingale's body.

"Are you okay." Nightingale touched the mouse's head.

The mouse shook his head: "I'm fine. Sister A Ye, you are not injured, right."

Watching the nightingale and the mouse chatting there.

Ye Hao smiled and said, "Your boy, this mouse totem is very useful. Not being a killer really scares you this hidden ability."

It wasn't the mouse that jumped out by himself. Ye Hao probably couldn't find this guy unless he used fluoroscopy.

The mouse totem makes the mouse's presence particularly low, like a "transparent person".

"Don't talk about my totem!" The mouse stared at Ye Hao, as if he didn't want others to mention his totem.

This guy, seeing that Nightingale was okay, he completely forgot how he begged Ye Hao before.

"Okay, stop arguing between you two. Ye Hao, Mice is a girl, how could you spank her before." Nightingale looked at Ye Hao reproachfully.

Ye Hao? "Girl?"

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