Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 832: Tenacious mouse

"Six times gravity."


Several sounds of hitting the ground came, and a person touched the ground, blood even shed on his skin.


There was even a man who opened his mouth in pain and was about to abstain, only to hear a creaking sound from his neck, and finally there was no movement at all.

He was soon carried down by the wizard.

Such a scene did not scare anyone, but because of the blood and death, people around him burst into violent cheers.

The first example of death appeared, and people began to choose to abstain. After all, life is still very important.

All of a sudden there were only eight people left in the field, still holding on.

The mouse has knelt on one knee, and the ground has been wet with her sweat.

"She is going to be unable to hold the mouse anymore, let her give up. She can support her now and it is pretty good." Ye Hao said worriedly.

"This is not her limit." Nightingale said coldly.

Seven times gravity

Suddenly, a person who was standing directly burst open, and blood splashed on other people's bodies.

The mice that were closer were even more wet with blood.

The mouse's heart trembled, and her other leg knelt on the ground. At this moment, her knees were already deeply pressing the ground, sinking into the mud.

The others who are still standing are the same, with sunken pits under them.

Eight times gravity


Nine times gravity

People outside couldn't feel what it was like nine times the gravity, but looking at the hideous faces in the circle, they were a little trembling.

at last!

Finally reached ten times the gravity!

There are only four people left in the circle, including mice. Blood has flowed from the corners of the mice's mouth, and bleeding beads penetrated their skin.

"The gravity in the field is now ten times. We will conduct the second round of testing. One minute later, the people in the circle will fight under ten times the gravity, and the survivors will advance."

The moment the referee's words were spoken, there were boiling shouts around.

A small simple hourglass was placed next to it, and the sand inside was slowly passing away. After the sand had cleared, the battle began.

Among the four people in the field, except the mice, everyone else began to pull out their weapons.

However, everyone's hands with weapons are constantly trembling. Under ten times the gravity, let alone fighting, even a breath is a great load on the organs in the body.

"Don't let the mice come down yet?" Ye Hao looked at Nightingale.

Nightingale did not speak.

The mice in the field gritted their teeth and slowly began to exert their legs, trying to get themselves up.

The sand in the hourglass began to slowly bottom out.


As the last sand fell, the other three people in the field remained motionless, as if they were all waiting for something.

One of them happened to be the man from the Gray Wolf tribe who had provoked Ye Hao before.

Holding a ferocious mace in his hand, he stared at the enemy three or four meters away.

Those two people stared at them too.

But the mice did not attract their attention. I don't know if it was because the mouse had a low sense of existence, or because the mouse looked like a child and no one cared about her.


Finally, the gray wolf man took the lead, waving the mace in his hand and smashing it towards the nearest man.

The speed is not very fast, one point slower than ordinary fights.

However, in this environment, breathing is very difficult, and it takes a lot of perseverance to be able to wield weapons to fight.

The man who was attacked by the gray wolf, he also gritted his teeth and raised the scimitar in his hand to resist.

The mace and the scimitar collided, and the gray wolf man stepped back, and the man just sat on the ground, abruptly making a hole on the ground.

The man's eyes and ears were bleeding out, and he gasped for breath.

The gray wolf man did not have time to attack, because another person beside him had already rushed over with his fist.

The gray wolf man's mace waved, and the man directly pushed it up and clamped the mace with his left arm. He didn't care that the wolf's teeth pierced his skin, and the blood flowed down desperately.

The man yelled and hit the gray wolf man's chest with his right fist.

The gray wolf man couldn't pull his mace back, so he simply let go of his hand, grabbed the man's arm with both hands, and violently bent the man's arm.


The man yelled in pain and knelt on the ground.

The gray wolf man smiled grimly. He picked up his mace and smashed it at the man's head. Blood splashed in the man's horrified eyes.

Ye Hao frowned in this scene.

Ordinary fighting contests, even if they don't care about life or death, maybe this kind of battle is the only place here.

Accompanied by the excitement of the surrounding cheers, the gray wolf man stopped his mace and gasped for breath.

The man on the ground no longer breathed.

The gray wolf man looked at the person who had fallen on the ground next to him, who had not yet risen.

Under ten times the gravity, once you sit down, it takes a lot of effort to remember, most of which is the pressure on the knee joints, giving people the feeling that the leg will break in the next moment.

"I give up, I give up." After struggling for several times without getting up, and seeing another person die tragically, the person begged for mercy.

The gray wolf man smiled contemptuously, and turned his head to look at the mouse next to him.

"Little devil head, still standing."

The gray wolf man approached the mouse step by step.

The mouse gritted his teeth and held a dagger in his hand. The shape was similar to that of the Nightingale, but slightly smaller.

"Are you the companion of that person just now? You said I killed you here, would he stomping his feet with hatred outside." The gray wolf man turned his head and his eyes fell on Ye Hao.

Ye Hao's face wrinkled, this person was really careful, now he still remembers the previous contradiction, and wanted to anger the mice.

"Nightingale, it has not been easy for the mouse to support it now. You see, that person may deliberately retaliate against us, the mouse is in danger." Ye Hao reminded Nightingale.

Nightingale looked at the field, still silent.


The mouse's hands kept shaking, and the dagger in his hand fell directly to the ground.

"Little devil, I can't even grasp the weapon, and I want to learn from others to fight, I think you should go back to the mother's womb." The gray wolf man smiled and raised the mace in his hand and slammed it directly at the mouse's head.

This stick is down, it is estimated that the scene is quite terrifying.

Although the mouse had panic in her eyes, she jumped up directly, and bit the gray wolf man's arm before the mace in the gray wolf man's hand fell.

Ye Hao looked at this scene in surprise.

Can jump up under ten times the gravity environment!

How can this mouse totem adapt to the environment? If the mouse is allowed to stay in this environment for a while, it is estimated that she can really get used to this environment.

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