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In fact, it is not just the Fuxi country. In the world, many small countries, although they all have a certain number of destroyeres, they have not repaired the ability to destroy the armor, but only among the countries. If there is a strong domestic, there will be a meditation. If a small country wants to repair the smashing armor, it must seek the help of a big country and pay a lot of money, and some can apply for assistance directly from the temple.

The sacred armor of the world comes from the temple. The temple will also send people to the small country every five years to repair all the armor, and if the armor needs to be repaired during the period, the small country can only Resist the pain of the meat and ask for help from a powerful country.

Monsoon smoke This is the second time that I heard the rumors of the temple. Between the vagueness, she always felt that there was a certain connection between the temple, the deceased and the national teachers of various countries.

"If I didn't guess wrong, Fuxi could only use 20 to 30 people to destroy the world. If there are more, I am afraid that the border will not be guaranteed." Gong Zhengyu concluded.

"The twenty-three annihilation of the world ... this number is also quite a lot." Meng Fusheng's support, for the devastation of this almost surviving existence, he still has a deep shadow, it was the death of the world They led the team to encircle their Red Blood Brigade, only to force them to hide into the Happy Valley. So far he has been stunned by the power of the deceased.

Between the national wars, it is not only the number of troops but also the number of people who have died in the world.

The combat power of a deceased on the battlefield can reach thousands of soldiers, and their lethality is even more terrible.

Akasaka nodded slightly.

"If, as Gong Zhengyu speculated, our next battles need to be very careful. The ordinary wizards and archers can't bring enough damage to the deceased, and their speed and attack power are more than 100 times higher than ordinary people. ”

If it is a simple military attack, Akasaka is sure to block hundreds of thousands of troops from each other with thousands of troops.

However, once there is a dying person to participate in the war, there is a huge variable in all this.

The eyes of the monsoon smoke turned slightly, and immediately smiled and said: "You don't need to worry about this. If Fuzheng really sent the dying person, let me handle it."

"Queen, I know that you are very strong, but the two fists are hard to beat the four hands. Shi Dakai has suffered a big loss this time, and he will certainly be more cautious. He will certainly tell these to those who have died." Opening.

They want more than just victory, but they win with the least casualties.

The Huaxia State, which has just been established, cannot stand any casualties.

"Reassured, I have a few in my heart." The monsoon smoked a smile.

When Akasaka was preparing to analyze the next possible movement of Fuxi, suddenly a member of the Red Blood Brigade rushed in from the hall.

"Queen's adult! Not good!!" The man's face was white, and he looked like a ghost, and slammed into the front of the monsoon smoke.

Everyone in the temple was a glimpse. The first reaction was the movement on the side of Fuxi.

"What happened? You made it clear, is there any moth on the other side of Fuxi?" Meng Fusheng asked quietly.

The man in the Red Blood Brigade shook his head again and again, panting and sulking: "No, not Fuxi... It’s outside... It’s coming outside..."

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