Unrivaled Medicine God

Chapter 2897: Immortal operation!

Chapter 2897 Fair Operation!

This guy, come again?

In the crowd, Yang Qing’s pupils shrank and instinctively felt fear.

At that time, the spectacular scene at sea, he still remembers it until now.

But recall, Ye Yuan seems to have not been robbed for a long time.

The last time I robbed, it was the time to break through the top of the Emperor.

One thought about this, he could not be blown up by some scalp.

Others don't know how terrible the Ye Yuan's road robbery is, but he knows!

Grandma’s, following this guy, it’s really a life of nine deaths.

Cool is cool, but every day is playing!

Yang Qing knows, but other people don't know.

They listened to Ye Yuan’s words and felt ridiculous.

"Oh, our blood god, adults, he said that we must deal with more than 100,000 people alone!"

"It's awesome! It really is a blood god!"

"Blood God, let us stand here and let you kill, do you want to kill it?"


They know that Ye Yuan is very powerful. If they are all Shenghuangtian, they really can't stop him.

But there are thousands of real emperors on the scene.

Among them, there is also a strongman of the hundred-level.

Ye Yuan alone, can you deal with so much?

If more than 100,000 people have been killed by Ye Yuan, isn’t that a joke?

"What is the waste with him? Take a shot and kill him in this seat! Kill him!" At this time, Blood Connaught has completely gone.

He has a kind of anger that is irritated after being played.

The master of the realm of the realm of the realm, was actually turned by a group of the Holy Emperor.


The blood is angry, and the blood army does not hesitate.

A horrible attack, greeted Ye Yuan.

In this regard, Ye Yuan just smiled.

At this moment, he no longer suppressed his own realm, letting the momentum soar.

Ye Yuan’s realm has been suppressed for too long.

This release, the horrible energy fluctuations, swept around for a moment.

Dozens of holy emperors are directly smashed by this energy.

A few real emperors are also seriously injured.

As for those attacks, Ye Yuan’s unfolding method is not enough for him.

Occasionally, it is also easily annihilated by this energy.

Everyone is in the dark!

This guy broke through, how is it so big?

Really imperial, is this a breakthrough?

It’s a blood god, this is a real breakthrough, and the movement is too big!

But soon, they found that something was wrong.

Road robbery...coming!

"No, I... my road is coming! This... this time, it seems to be very powerful!"

"I... my road robbery is coming! What the hell?"

"What is going on here? I obviously only passed the road robbery, how come again?"

"Ye Ye Yuan! This guy broke through the real emperor, directly attracted the real emperor!"

"This... This is a five-way robbery! It’s really a ghost! Breaking through the real emperor, directly lead to innocent road robbery?"


Among the **** army, screams continued.

Layers of clouds robbery, gathered in the head of the blood family.

Moreover, the more episodes!

The **** army, like the plague, is one after another.

Above the void, there are clouds, but it seems that all the clouds are centered on a huge cloud.

The robbery of the clouds, covering the sky, exudes a heart-warming atmosphere.

It’s the **** look, it’s also a shock.

His heart was terrified, how could this kid attract such a terrible road robbery?

Yes, this kid is a retrograde!

Yes, the retrogression is not so reversed, right?

How much is this guy?

Ye farsighted these powers, and did not draw from the corners of his mouth.

This time, it seems that playing is a bit big!

But the next moment, his pupils shrank and looked at the void.

Because... the robbery cloud began to merge!

The countless robbery clouds are all converging to the most central robbery.

The pressure of robbery clouds is getting stronger and stronger, and getting stronger and stronger!

Tens of thousands of **** strong people, their faces are almost all white.

This... What is this robbery?


Nine miles?

Not like!

Numerous robbers have been mixed, and the level of the robbery has been blurred.

Only one point, this robbery is very strong!

Very strong!

Everyone feels the **** of death and seems to be coming.

Feng Xiaotian also took a breath of air and said: "This... is the person who is pressing the times? This is too shocking, too?"

In unison, the emperors of both sides stopped fighting.

They all looked at the clouds in the distance with extremely shocking eyes.

Even, they each retired a lot, for fear of being robbed by the clouds.

They also don't dare to guarantee that it will lead to a robbery when they are close.

In the presence of the emperor, which one is not a stunning figure of an era?

The road robbery they experienced, I don’t know how many!

Their road robbery is also very strong.

But, never once, shocked like today!

A person who robbed, even triggered more than 100,000 people to rob at the same time!

Then, the robbery clouds of more than 100,000 people all gathered together and became a large robbery cloud scene.

This... too crazy, too shocking!

The **** mouth twitched, and he felt that he was a little weak.

These hundreds of thousands of people will not really be killed by him?

Judging from the horror of this robbery cloud...not impossible!

Blood god!

No wonder... this guy can be a blood god!

Really, it is a person who is amazing to the extreme!

Suddenly, the **** pupils shrank, and the corners of the mouth made a slight arc. They laughed: "Wind, such a terrible road robbery, you guess... Can Ye Yuan escape?"

The wind is whispering, and the face is frenzied!

"Hahaha..., the wind is small, you said, is this just called, playing with fire and self-immolation? I admit, Ye Yuan is very powerful! He even smashed a lot of masters and became the blood **** of my blood family! But if If he can die, even if these hundreds of thousands of people are buried with him, it is worth it!"

Blood Conn also finally understood, just why Feng Xiaotian had to save Ye Yuan.

Such a person can't die!

For Tianyi League, he is hope!

Therefore, from another perspective, Ye Yuan’s death is even more important than winning the Nanzhao Giant City!

If you don't do it, you won't die.

Now, this guy is actually dead!

It is not unacceptable for more than a hundred thousand people to be buried with Ye Yuan.

Some of the Emperor's Heaven and the Emperor's Day are gone, and the blood is more!

As long as ten years, the blood family will have a group of strong, will be born again!

Nanzhao giant city, you can play again.

But Ye Yuan’s death is equal to destroying all hopes of Tianyi!

Under the robbery cloud, as strong as Yang Qing, it is also a white face.

This pressure is too horrible!

Now, it is a place where the emperor is here, I am afraid I will die too!

"Ye... Ye Yuan, Lao Tzu was killed by you! You... What special thing is your ghost thing? Can you make such a perverted thing?" Yang Qing swallowed and said.

Ye Yuan smiled bitterly: "I don't know, I will make it like this!"

At this moment, countless roads were like rain, and they fell wildly.

A breath of breath, falling from the sky!

At this point, Ye Yuan has already struggled, and plans to rob this game.

But the next second, he was shocked.


Countless roads robbed, but magically, there was no road robbery around him!

However, the road robbery around Ye Yuan is the most powerful!


A few hundred strong men, under the road robbery, directly flew away.

As for the Holy Emperor, I don’t know how much I have died in one round.

Just now, the blood is still laughing wildly, laughing at Ye Yuan is dead.

At this time, his smile was stiff on his face, and he looked very surprised.

What is this fairy operation?

(End of this chapter)

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