Unrivaled Miracle Doctor and the God-Defying Demonic Consort

Chapter 1014: I finally waited for you (36 more)

"What about people?"

"Why it's gone!"

"Hurry up!"

The sudden disappearance of Mu Tianyin and the three of them caused the disciples of Wuhuayu who were to be swarmed to lose their goals.

"You don't need to look for it here, he has already left Wuhua Palace. The order is passed down, Wuhua City will be blocked, and the culprits must be found." Chu Nian told everyone.

The disciples of Wuhuayu did what she said one after another and dispersed.

After everyone had dispersed, Chu Nian turned his eyes to Mu Qingge and asked, "What does he mean by that? Also, there is nothing between me and him."

The first half is because of Mu Tianyin's sentence when he left, ‘Do you know who he is? ’Doubts. The second half sentence explains Mu Qingge.

Why explain?

Chu Nian herself couldn't understand it, but she didn't want to misunderstand Mu Qingge, who didn't care about it.

Mu Qingge looked at her and smiled: "I don't know what he means. When this person comes out, he speaks harshly and badly. Who knows what he wants to do."

After thinking about it for the first time, he frowned and nodded. "Yes. Such a person is unpredictable, how can he believe what he said."

Thinking like this, she left behind the words Mu Tianyin had left behind.

Poor Mu Tianyin, leaving this sentence before leaving, is to make Wuhuayu people doubt Mu Qingge's identity and want to instigate the relationship between Mu Qingge and Chu Nian.

But he didn't expect that Mu Qingge would solve this trouble with just one sentence.

After letting Chu Nian let go of the doubts in his heart, Mu Qingge sneered in his heart. 'who am I? My history is innocent, and I can find it out by just a look. Besides, there is also the Emperor Huanyue. Who dares to question? ’

Seeing Zai Hancun arrogantly **** her, Mu Tianyin is very arrogant, but now in front of her, but like a mourning dog, Mu Qingge feels very happy.

It seems that the heart that wants to kill him is not so urgent.

She wasn't in a hurry, because she wanted to torture him well before killing him, so that everything he cared about and what he longed for was worn out bit by bit.

"Qingge, we blamed you for this matter." Chu Nian said to Mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge smiled faintly, shook his head and said: "It's okay, you also have life, and you must deal with it impartially."

Frowning at first thought, his eyes were serious. "But let the thief run away. I don't know what he stole that made my father so angry."

"Hurry up and return to the Emperor of God, I will go back first." Mu Qingge said to Chu Nian.

Chu Nian nodded quickly and said to her: "Well, you go back and rest first. I will tell my father everything and prove your innocence."


Mu Qingge returned to the temporary palace alone. After reaching the door, the two servants in the hall ran out to greet her, and she turned around and said to the two behind her: "It's hard work."

After these two disciples of no Huayu paid her respectful salute, they retreated.

They were ordered to **** Mu Qingge back, and at the moment the mission was completed, they naturally wanted to leave.

Mu Qingge walked into the room and was about to take a break, but her voice suddenly sounded in her mind. ‘Girl, do you know what the corpse you saw was? ’

Mu Qingge raised her eyebrows. She didn't understand why Yan mentioned this matter, but the Wutongqin that she had read for the first time gave her some associations. ‘It’s the Phoenix family. ’

‘Good. It's Phoenix! Do you know that the Phoenix clan does not intermarry foreigners. One phoenix and one phoenix are a pair, accompanied by eternal life. And every ten thousand years, Phoenix will Nirvana once and lose her previous memories. When she opens her eyes and sees that the first person is not her partner, she will completely forget the past and fall in love with the first one. people. ’Yuan said again.

Mu Qingge frowned. Yan would not tell her these things for no reason, there must be something hidden in it.

Jiang Yan's words were carefully considered again.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up and she said to him: ‘Could it be that the woman in the Xiaoye Pavilion was sneaked into the Wuhua domain by the Emperor Wuhua? ’

Can she imagine like this...

‘This woman, in the Phoenix clan, the first person to see after Nirvana is the God Emperor Wuhua. So I fell in love with him, and willingly followed him to Wuhuayu, and had children with him. But why did the woman die? Isn't it said that the Phoenix family has an extremely long lifespan and it is difficult to die? Mu Qingge was puzzled.

‘No, you are wrong. ’Yu made corrections.

'wrong? Mu Qingge frowned.

‘This first-time princess is a genuine little phoenix, but it’s not yet nirvana. Also, if the Phoenix Nirvana once in ten thousand years, you will lose your previous memories, but you may also remember your previous memories. The female corpse was not dead yet, but was sealed with divine power and fell into a state of suspended animation. Even you, the great alchemist, was blinded. ’

Yan's words shocked Mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge said in her heart, ‘you mean that when the woman was pregnant, she met Nirvana. Later, she was brought here by the Wuhua God Emperor. Chu Nian was not the child of the Wuhua God Emperor, and the Wuhua God Emperor worried that the woman would miss him after Nirvana, or that she would lose her if she remembered the previous events. So I selfishly sealed her, not let her Nirvana? ’

‘It’s very possible. But what the truth is, I don't know. All you have to remember is that the Phoenix bloodline on this first thought is very strong, and the status of wanting to come is not low, but it has not yet awakened for the first time in Nirvana. Once she awakens, she will know her own life experience. According to the concept of the Phoenix family, she will return to the demon forest to find her people. If you make good friends with her, maybe you can get help from the Phoenix clan in the future. "Yan reminded.

But Mu Qingge shook his head and chuckled, ‘I’m only more than 5,000 years old at first thought, and there are still thousands of years before Nirvana. ’

‘Nirvana for the first time, if you have a chance, you don’t have to wait ten thousand years. ’Yuan said again.

'talk later. ’Mu Qingge said. ‘Now I don’t have the time to think about their father and daughter. I want to leave the Wuhua region and return to the Western Shenlu to reconcile with Yinchen. My business with Mu Tianyin is not over yet. ’

‘Well, you decide for yourself. "Yan said, and fell silent.

Mu Tianyin's escape made Wuhua God Emperor very angry. He even informed the major gods of the reappearance of the Mu family's remnants, and asked all the gods to arrest them together.

Mu Qingge did not leave in a hurry, but waited two days before leaving.

When she hurried back to the West Shenlu, Mu Tianyin had already returned to the West Shenlu and headed towards her lair.

He returned to the underground cave safely, but he didn't know that after he entered, a faint fox shadow appeared outside the ruined courtyard.

"If it weren't for Mu Qingge, I would have gotten it." Mu Tianyin told Tianlu of his experience in Wuhuayu.

While Tianlue listened calmly, but said in his heart: "I finally waited until you came."

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang Academy, please do not reprint!

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