Unrivaled Miracle Doctor and the God-Defying Demonic Consort

Chapter 1090: Obey the principle! (2 more)

Two hundred dragon tooth guards burst out of blood-red rays of light. These rays of light gathered together to connect them to each other. Even if they didn't stand together at all, and didn't choose any good directions, just standing so casually, they could still connect with each other.

"The breath is connected! It's not blood, not the same race, how can the breath be connected!" Xu Xiu murmured, his eyes widened in shock.

You know, there are thousands of different kinds of people. Everyone has different thinking and different thoughts in their hearts. Even after special training, it is difficult to achieve this same tacit understanding, blending and harmony of breath.

Such things have mostly happened to twins since ancient times, and not every pair of twins can do this.

What's more, these guards of Mu Qingge are not all blood brothers.

There was an uproar in Xu Xiu's heart, and he couldn't understand how Longyawei did it. Because, he didn’t know that in Longyawei’s heart, no blood or background is needed. Their bond comes from Mu Qingge. As long as Mu Qingge is there, they will all be like the same mother and compatriots, and they will reach each other's will like a person. Highly integrated.

The blood-red light soared into the sky, illuminating the entire hall, and dispelling a lot of the cold light in the hall.

The survivors of the Mu clan who had originally wanted to rush up to teach Longya a lesson and Mu Qingge a lesson, but at this moment stopped involuntarily.

They looked at the red light on Longya in shock, and they didn't understand what it was for a while.

The aura on Longfang Guard remains unchanged, the realm remains the same, and the cultivation base has not changed, but it just gives them a feeling that they are countless times stronger.

If the former Dragon Tooth Guard was just like a child in front of them, then at this moment they are rapidly growing into giants.

Mo Yang did not participate in the war. He is still guarding Mu Qingge's side.

However, seeing Longya's performance, his quiet eyes also showed excitement. They have been practicing Longya for so long, but they rarely show it.

Because Mu Qingge is too strong, she has solved any danger before they can take action.

Sometimes, he wondered, who is protecting whom?

Today, these survivors of the Mu clan dare to question their little Sir, so let Longya be shocked and slapped.

"What's the situation?" Some of the survivors of the Mu clan couldn't help taking a step back.

Before, he felt that defeating Longfang Guard was just a process of several moves. But now, he looked at Longfangwei again, but found that he had no confidence before.

"Those who don't obey orders, kill!"

"If you don't obey Sir Alex, kill!"

"Unfaithful, kill!"

"Those who don't obey the discipline, kill them!"

Two hundred dragon teeth, shouting in unison, actually monstrous. At the spot where the blood-red light converged on their heads, a huge and sharp illusory sword appeared.

With this scene, Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed slightly.

Back then, in the trial space of the Saint Yuan Empire, Longya showed the power of condensation for the first time in order to protect her, but at that time, the first thing they condensed was a blue shield.

And now, they have thoroughly understood that the best protection is to attack bravely.

"Condensing momentum!" Xu Xiu was shocked.

Those who don't understand will never know how difficult it is to do this step.

This is not two people, five people, ten people blending together, but two hundred people! This shows that the two hundred people have the same heart and trust each other as one person.

Just do this, it is as difficult as the sky!

What's more, they can actually rely on this idea and this kind of momentum to train them to form a shape.

This difficulty is not as simple as one plus one!

The auras of two hundred people were mixed together, and the power came out, and the power was almost equal to the mid-level power of the Saint Realm. When the blood-red sharp sword was unsheathed, a powerful, unprecedented aura, directly suppressing the survivors of the Mu clan of nearly a thousand people, the divine power in the body was not working smoothly.

Nearly a thousand people, their complexion changed suddenly, and they looked at the scarlet sword pointed at them in horror, and they couldn't resist.

They began to panic and began to want to escape.

But at this time, the blood red sword swooped down directly at them.

"Quick! Stop it!" Someone broke out in the crowd.

Nearly a thousand people hurriedly used their divine power to resist the pressure that fell from the sky.


The deafening explosion made the underground palace almost collapsed. Fortunately, there was a blessing made by the high priest here. After trembling, his calmness gradually recovered, and even a crack did not appear.

But when the momentum of the sword dissipated, the scarlet sword still hung in the air, staring at the nearly a thousand people on the ground. But those survivors of the Mu clan fell back in the hall, wailing.

Mu Qingge slowly shook his head and looked at Xu Xiu.

Xu Xiu was completely shocked, even Mu Qingge couldn't notice the look in his eyes.

Until Mu Qingge said in a cold voice: "Just rely on such a person to recover the Mu clan?" In this sentence, there was no irony at all, only the facts.

However, this is the truth, and Xu Xiu and the survivors of the Mu clan were stabbed all over.

However, the battle just now made them afraid to refute Mu Qingge's words easily.

The lesson is still there. The invincible **** sword is still hanging on their necks, and they can clearly feel that the blow just now is not the most powerful.

"Retreat." Mu Qingge raised his hand and waved casually.

The dragon teeth retracted their steps uniformly, their pens stood upright, and the people were as tall as a steel gun. The scarlet sword gradually faded and turned into nothingness.

They stood there as if nothing had happened, even if they had won nearly a thousand people with one move, they still didn't show the slightest pride on their faces.

This is an astonishing army!

Xu Xiu looked at Longyawei in a daze. He seemed to see the army that belonged to the Mu clan when Jiuzhongtian was the most glorious back then. That kind of iron-and-blood prestige energized the gods of the four seas and frightened the desolate demon realm.

Mu Qingge's ability to train such a guard is really shocking.

"Did you see it? Are you still complacent now? Do you still think that I have accepted you, how much advantage is it? I can tell you that their number is more than that." Mu Qingge's voice revealed something The majestic way.

More than that? Actually more than that?

How many such subordinates does she have!

Mu Qingge sat up straight from the chair and looked down at everything in the hall from the nine steps.

She said: "To stay by my side, the first thing to do is to obey absolutely! Obey me."

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang Academy, please do not reprint!

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