Mu Qingge raised his eyebrows and looked at Li Yuan.

Li Yuan stood up from the chair, revealing a tall and graceful figure.

I have to say that Li Yuan is a woman who is very good at magnifying her own strengths, and also very good at hiding her shortcomings, making her look perfect, and she can't pick out a flaw.

She was wearing a tight dress with a girdle, making her waist very slim and her legs straight and slender.

Step by step away from Yuanyuan, she walked down the steps, dragging the skirt behind her, adding to her nobility and elegance.

Mu Qingge looked at her and approached her step by step, the expression on her face unchanged.

Li Yuan walked in front of Mu Qingge, she was only a little lower than Mu Qingge, but the imposing manner of the emperor made her appear much higher than the average person.

Her momentum oppressed Mu Qingge.

Not deliberately, but after that habit, it comes out naturally.

As if she likes to see everyone, bowing her head and knees in front of her, bending her spine.

However, it was Mu Qingge that she met today.

Mu Qingge had nothing else, but had a back that couldn't bend.

She stood in front of Li Yuan, instead of looking at each other, her back was still as tall as a gun, with a fierce aura, like a sword out of its sheath, which should not be ignored.

The two confronted each other, and the fierce collision of eyes was like a battle for hundreds of rounds.

Of course, even if Mu Qingge's current realm cultivation is inferior to Li Yuan, he did not lose out in this confrontation.

A hint of surprise flashed in Yuan Yuan’s eyes, and she said in an indifferent joy and anger: "You really surprised me."

Mu Qingge smiled slightly and said neither humble nor arrogant: "Thank you for the praise of the Emperor."

"Oh? Am I complimenting you?" Li Yuan laughed. There was a hint of coldness in his smile. The look in his eyes also became playful, as if mocking Mu Qingge's arrogance.

Mu Qingge said with a smile, "I think it is." Sometimes, being praised by the enemy is also a success!

"Hahaha..." Li Yuan laughed suddenly. In her laughter, she still did not forget the nobility and reservedness of the **** emperor, and there was always a little bit of chic and magnanimousness in that laughter. "You are indeed interesting, and it has aroused my interest. No matter how hard you work, maybe I will go for a visit to Yueyu myself."

"The emperor is going to change Yueyu?" Mu Qingge raised his eyebrows.

Li Yuan laughed playfully, "Yeah, if you are really funny, I will go to the Emperor Yue, how about asking you to come personally?"

"The emperor meant..." Mu Qingge groaned and asked.

Li Yuan spread his hands and walked a few steps in the hall, with an air of arrogance like a phoenix. She said: "Look at my Fengtian Realm, surrounded by beautiful scenery and beautiful scenery. Isn't it better to be my disciple here than in Huanyue Realm?"

"..." Mu Qingge's mouth twitched slightly, but she didn't expect that Li Yuan would hit her with her idea. "In Qingluan City, I heard that Feng Tianyu is recruiting male disciples. It seems to be true."

Li Yuan's face suddenly became gloomy, she suddenly turned her eyes to stare at Mu Qingge and asked, "What do you want to say?"

Her sudden change of face made Mu Qingge feel good.

Mu Qingge said innocently: "I didn't want to say anything, I just explained the facts."

"Huh! Do you want to chew your tongue like those outside? Think Feng Tianyu recruits male disciples, what other attempts are there?" Li Yuan pressed hard at her.

Mu Qingge did not back down, still smiling and saying, "Why does the emperor care about the words of outsiders?"

Her indifference eased Li Yuan's emotions.

Of course, Li Yuan didn't know it, but Mu Qingge was thinking, ‘do it, do it. Work hard, it's best to do it to make people angry, and when I clean you up, I will be happy. ’

Li Yuan looked at Mu Qingge with deep meaning, her tone suddenly slowed down, and asked, "Do you really think so?"

Mu Qingge was taken aback for a moment, feeling that she was a little uncomfortable in the introduction.

But her silence caused another layer of anger in Li Yuan's eyes, "This emperor knows that you are just perfunctory."

Why are you angry again? Menopause? !

Mu Qingge couldn't help but slandered in his heart.

On the surface, she still showed a smile, and said to Li Yuan, "said to persuade you", "God emperor, I have not perfunctory you. Divine emperor is the most lofty person among the gods and land. Naturally, ordinary people cannot understand what to do Yes, you are above everything, so why explain it to others?"

Li Yuan looked at her with an unpredictable expression in her eyes.

And Mu Qingge also looked at her, with unspeakable sincerity in her clear eyes.

After a long time, Li Yuan said, "You go out first." After that, she turned around and turned her back to Mu Qingge.

Without waiting for Mu Qingge to say anything, someone stepped forward and said respectfully in front of her: "Little God Emperor, please follow me."

Mu Qingge did not insist on staying, and followed the maid out of the palace. However, they did not go far, Mu Qingge was led directly to the side hall behind the God Palace by the maid.

When she arrived, the maid blushed and leaned forward to Mu Qingge, "Little God Emperor, this is the palace where our Fengtianyu welcomes guests. When you are in Fengtianyu, live there."

Mu Qingge nodded. "Thank you."

She thanked her, but the little maid was at a loss. She shyly said in a panic, " thanks." After that, she turned around and ran away in a panic.

"Hey..." Mu Qingge looked at her'escaping' back in a bit of amazement, somewhat inexplicably. After the maid ran away, she muttered, "You haven't told me which room to live in such a big palace."

Of course, when people are gone, no one will hear her complaints.

In desperation, Mu Qingge tossed his sleeves, turned and entered the palace behind him.

"It's such a big place. When I came in, I didn't hear anyone mention it. There were guests visiting. I'm afraid it's empty. Since there is no one to lead me, I will just find a room to live in." Mu Qingge said to himself Walking into the palace, looking for the room at random.

And the little maid who ran halfway, after calming the feeling of the deer in her heart, suddenly reacted. Her face changed and she shouted: "That's awful!" After that, she immediately turned around and hurried to the side hall.

Mu Qingge walked to a room, stretched out his hand and directly pushed open the closed door, muttering to himself: "Well, it's here."

Of course, as soon as she pushed the door open, a panicked voice came from inside. "Who?!"

Is there someone inside?

Mu Qingge was taken aback, and what she raised her eyes into her eyes was actually a smooth and flawless back, and the enchanting lines directly reflected in her eyes.

However, only a moment later, a sword aura hit her.

Mu Qingge turned sideways, avoiding Jian Qi, the people inside, already dressed, rushed out.

"why you?"

Mu Qingge and the woman who rushed out, after seeing each other's appearance clearly, said in unison.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang Academy, please do not reprint!

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