Unrivaled Miracle Doctor and the God-Defying Demonic Consort

Chapter 1124: Chase from the Dragon Realm (1 more)

With a quick run, Mu Qingge and Yin Chen's face suddenly changed.

Those who can scare the heavens and the earth are scared like this, I'm afraid there will be a lot of dragons.

Mu Qingge is already out of strength at this moment, where is the strength to run? The silver dust snow-white gown was also covered with blood stains, and there was a **** heart in his hand.

He killed the dragon, but he was not without injuries.

Yan pulled Mu Qingge and was about to run, and at this moment, Mu Qingge also felt the warning from her enchantment. "It's too late." Even if they run immediately, they won't run far, and they will be discovered by the dragon.

Mu Qingge's eyes turned quickly. Suddenly, she raised her hand to retract the restriction at the entrance, flashed into the space with Yan and Yinchen.

As soon as they entered, more than a dozen dragons appeared over the valley.

The restriction on the entrance to the valley has been lifted, and they rushed in without any hindrance. More than a dozen dragons fell from the air and turned into human bodies. All of them were powerful middle-aged men with strong kongwu, and their facial features were all powerful and resolute.

In the space, Mu Qingge Yinchen and Yan, both rest temporarily. Except for the little black dragon wasted by Mu Qingge, the hearts of the other four dragons were brought in, and they were now thrown in the spiritual spring in the space. soak.

The three of them sat cross-legged on the grass, looking at the movement outside through magic mirrors.

"These **** came over so soon." Yan couldn't help cursing.

Mu Qingge pursed his lips and said, "Dragons move very fast."

Yin Chen gave a faint glance, and said, "If you go directly to the place where you are about to fight, maybe you won't be discovered so quickly."

In a word, he was speechless.

Outside the space, the dozens of dragon clan standing in the valley, the blood rushing toward their faces, and the broken scenes after the war, made them all staring.

"Damn it! This is the blood of our dragon!" one of them said furiously.

The wreckage on the ground, the broken dragon scales, and so on, undoubtedly told them a fact. The five dragons who sneaked out had already died.

This kind of loss is undoubtedly huge for the dragons.

"These five guys are arrogant! It's okay to go to the arrogance before, but this time, the opponent was obviously unkind. They actually ran out without informing the elders of the clan. This is obviously to die! "

"Yan is cunning and cunning, how can the five of them be his opponents?"

"Damn! This Yan is really the enemy of our Dragon Race!"

In the valley, a dozen dragon races vent their emotions in anger. But in the space, Mu Qingge, who saw the outside scene through the mirror, looked strange.

She slowly turned her eyes to look at Yan, and the same was true for Yin Chen.

It seems that they are studying, is the cunning, insidious and cunning that the Dragons speak of, is this the one in front of them?

"Such a trap with many errors and omissions will be automatically sent to the door. If it is not so arrogant that you can't see the strength of yourself and your opponent, you can only describe it as stupid." Mu Qingge raised his chin and sighed.

In her eyes, the tricks under the cloth were too clumsy.

If it is placed in the human race, I am afraid that a little girl who is a little scheming in his teens will be arranged more appropriately than him.

However, with such a strategy, in the eyes of the Dragon Race, she could still bear the word ‘cunning’. She really didn’t know how to describe the orc’s stupidity.

This single stupidity does not mean that their IQs are not high, but that they are above conspiracy. The Orcs of the Demon Forest are simply a few distances from the Human Race of the Gods and Demons Continent.

Listening to Mu Qingge's words, Yan's arrogance has completely disappeared. He lowered his head and flicked his fingers in front of him.

Yin Chen leaned over curiously, only to realize that his fingers were drawing circles.

"..." Yin Chen's mouth twitched slightly, and silently retracted his gaze, no longer paying attention to Yan.

Mu Qingge did the same, she focused on the picture through the mirror. Killing five little dragons is nothing, the next thing to face is probably the revenge from the entire dragon family.

Outside the space, the dozen or so dragons who came after them were still resentful.

They hate the fierceness, the death and ignorance of the five dragons!

Over the years, the grievances and grievances between the Dragon Race and Jian have been unclear. The five of them want to solve this matter with their own efforts, which is simply incredible and wishful thinking.

"Humph, if it wasn't for Ao Fei and Ao Ling who accidentally missed it this time, we might not even know that they died." An old dragon said bitterly.

"Ao Fei, Ao Ling?" Mu Qingge turned his eyes to Yan.

As if feeling Mu Qingge's eyes, Yan raised his eyes and grinned at her. Barring a mouthful of white teeth, his dazzling look was really incompatible with the tattooed face of his mouth.

His smile had not yet reached the top, but it was converging in Mu Qingge's cold eyes. He sneered: "It should be the remaining two."

Mu Qingge pursed his lips and pondered for a while. He whispered: "It seems that it was the two of them who told you about the battle that made the Dragon Clan take action so quickly."

"Damn it! It's a hundred secrets." Jian said with a pat on his thigh. "Originally, I thought that the dragon clan would not find out so quickly. After we killed the dragon and collected blood, we left the demon forest. They couldn't find it if they tried to find it. But I didn't expect to catch up so soon, it seems troublesome."

"Really a hundred secrets!" Yin Chen sighed. The sarcasm in the tone was particularly obvious.

Hearing his words, Yan drooped his head again and continued to circle.

Yin Chen looked at Mu Qingge and asked, "Qingge, what should we do next? If the dragon clan is really angry and come out from the nest, it is not a good thing for us."

Mu Qingge frowned and said, "Look at how they plan first." After that, she turned her attention to the piercing mirror.

"What should I do now?" Outside the space, the old dragons are also discussing countermeasures.

One of the dragons said: "This time Jian dared to kill five of our younger generations. He must not let him go, otherwise, he will become more arrogant. Let's collect these wrecks first, and then..."

"Then what?"

His eyes were cold, and his sharp edge was revealed. "Then, the whole clan chases and kills Yan!"

"And his accomplices." Someone added: "Although they are still dragons, it is difficult for Yizhen to kill them all in such a short period of time after being seriously injured. Therefore, he must have accomplices!"

"Yes! I can't let go of the guy who killed my dragon clan. They must still be in the demon forest, we will chase them immediately."

"Okay." The older dragon of higher status said to the three dragons: "You three collect the corpses and return to the Dragon Realm. We fifteen will go and hunt. The battle here has just ended, they can't run far!"

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