Unrivaled Miracle Doctor and the God-Defying Demonic Consort

Chapter 1129: Actually saved the queen! (1 more)

The two people, a ‘Queen’ and a ‘Prince’ proclaiming themselves, directly revealed their identity in the mountain charm.

Mu Qingge looked at Yan with a little surprise. She didn't expect that the mountain charm girl that Jian saved back then was actually the queen of the mountain charm clan! Of course, in that year, she should have not inherited the throne.

'No wonder! No wonder Shan Mei's attitude changed so much when Yan said the name Yin Le. It turned out that it wasn't just Shanmei's people who saved Yan, but their queen. Mu Qingge said in his heart.

Obviously Yan was also a little surprised by Yin Le's identity. He said in a daze, "Yin Le, it turns out that you are the queen of the Shanmei clan."

A touch of shyness appeared on the beautiful cheeks of the Queen of Mountain Charm because of Yan's words.

This made Mu Qingge blinked.

The prince of Shanmei said: "Your Majesty, just stand here and talk, not too close."

He speaks very nicely. Although he has hidden vigilance in his words, he still gives people a very comfortable feeling and is not objectionable.

Yin Le said, "Don't be afraid, Brother Kong will not hurt me."

After all, she directly bypassed the prince's blocking hand and walked in front of Jian.

Yan froze for a moment when Yin Le came to him. The faint fragrance rushing to his face made him feel like a world away. He murmured: "Tens of thousands of years have passed, and you are still the same as before."

Yin Le smiled, and lowered her eyes because of Jian's words.

As a spectator, Mu Qingge felt that the empress of the Shanmei clan really maintained the mood of a girl. According to Yan, she no longer knows how old she is, but she is still pure and kind.

‘Perhaps, this has an important relationship with the living environment of the Shanmei clan. Mu Qingge secretly said in his heart.

Jian and Yinle recounted the past, while Mu Qingge and Yinchen stood silently on the side. Suddenly, she felt a pair of eyes fall on her, with a bit of inquiry.

Mu Qingge raised his eyes and met Prince Shanmei's eyes.

The light here is brighter, and their distance is very close. It wasn't until this time that Mu Qingge realized that Shanmei's eyes were also dark green, but they were close to black, so if you didn't distinguish carefully, you wouldn't be able to tell at all. of.

When she recovered, she found that the prince of Shanmei was smiling at herself.

The smile is very shallow, giving people a feeling of sunshine.

‘This prince of Shanmei is a gentle and elegant person. "This is Mu Qingge's first feeling for him.

Converging with her gaze, Prince Shanmei did not retract his gaze with a guilty conscience, but gently tapped his jaw politely. He was arrogant, Mu Qingge naturally couldn't be coy.

So she also responded with a polite smile.

However, she had some doubts in her heart, wondering what the prince's eyes looked at her.

Before she could come up with a result, the retelling of Yi and Yinle had reached a stage.

The smile at the corner of Yin Le's mouth narrowed a little, and he looked at Jian seriously: "So, Brother Kong is in trouble."

Yan grinned, "It's not too much trouble, it's just that it hurts my two friends this time, so I have to come here to avoid it. If I'm alone, I won't come."

He was talking about Wuxin, but when Yin Le heard it, there was a faint resentment in his eyes. "Brother Kong doesn't want to come and see me?"


Yan was taken aback, a little at a loss.

He didn't understand what Yin Le meant, and how he should answer it.

"Huh." Mu Qingge coughed lightly.

Yan suddenly became sober and hurriedly said: "It's not like that. I just know your mountain charm rules, and I don't want to disturb and cause you inconvenience. I didn't even expect that the mountain charm girl I rescued was actually a mountain. The enchanting queen."

Yin Le smiled shyly in front of Jian.

At this moment, she had time to look at Mu Qingge and Yin Chen and smile at them. It's just that this smile is different from the one to Yi. More polite.

"You are Brother Kong's friends, you are my friends, so please live here with peace of mind." Yin Le said directly.

The prince of Shanmei spoke at this moment, "Your Majesty, do you want to ask what is the matter? What is the trouble? If the trouble is not big, it is okay for our Shanmei to come forward to reconcile."

‘This prince of Shanmei is smarter than the queen. Mu Qingge raised his eyes and glanced quickly, saying in his heart.

The same empress, when she saw Yin Le, Mu Qingge thought of Jiang Li. Compared with the former, Jiang Li has the style of a queen and is more able to control everything.

Her casual boldness, chic and domineering, are based on her own ability and self-confidence.

If you compare Jiang Li to a beautiful red rose, then the Queen of Mountain Charm in front of you is a pure white rose.

‘Jiang Li, are you okay? Mu Qingge sighed in his heart and thought of his old friend again.

Jiang Li can be regarded as the best friend in her past and present life with the best relationship and the most irreversible relationship.

"Big Brother Kong..." Yin Le wanted to cast inquiring eyes again after hearing the Prince's words.

It seems that if he objected, she would not force him to tell who the enemy is and what caused it.

"Well..." Yan hesitated, and couldn't help looking at Mu Qingge.

Yin Le and the prince saw his eyes that thought they were not obvious, so they all looked at Mu Qingge. Suddenly, Mu Qingge became the focus of sight of the figures in the palace.

Mu Qingge smiled faintly, and said calmly: "Actually, there is nothing to say. Brother Yi suffered a dragon design a few years ago, and almost died. We are friends of Brother Yi. After hearing about his experience, we were naturally angry. Injustice, we must avenge Brother Yi. The killers are always killing them, and we just killed the few dragons who assassinated the murder of Brother Yi. But we didn’t want to, but we were avenged by the dragons and wanted to kill us for revenge. Brother Yi was worried that I would be hurt. The two had no choice but to think of the Shanmei clan and came to ask for help."

She finished the matter lightly.

However, this whole incident further highlighted Jian's grievances. He was only for revenge, and it also underlined the despicability of the Dragon Race.

After Yin Le heard it, she became excited and asked Zhen: "What! Those dragons actually almost killed you? How dare they!" As she spoke, she showed a trace of hostility, and finally some empress' domineering appeared.

"I have recovered, thanks to Qingge." Yan said to Yin Le, and introduced Mu Qingge by the way. "By the way, their names are Mu Qingge and Yinchen, both of whom I can live and die with."

Yin Le gratefully looked at Mu Qingge and Yin Chen, and said with the head of his jaw: "Thank you for taking care of Brother Kong, and you are willing to help him get revenge." That tone is not like an ordinary relationship at all!

"You are a human race." At this moment, the prince looked at Mu Qingge and said.

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