Unrivaled Miracle Doctor and the God-Defying Demonic Consort

Chapter 1141: Ten thousand years of skill, and then break through (3 more)

In the site of the Shanmei clan, Yin Chen stood on the terrace outside the house, and had already listened to the narration.

At this moment, Jian made a simple hammock with vines on the big tree beside the terrace, and people were lying lazily on it, shaded by the trees, basking in the sun.

Yin Chen turned his eyes to look at him and asked, "The queen is sick, but you are not worried at all."

Yan opened one eye, looked at Yin Chen, closed it again, and said, "I just believe in Qingge."

A simple sentence narrowed Yin Chen's **** eyes and pursed his lips lightly.

It's not that you don't worry, or you don't have no worries, but no matter what it is, it's just because of the phrase ‘believe in Mu Qingge’ and it’s gone. Because Yan believes that Mu Qingge will save Yinle and cure her disease, so he doesn't need to worry.

Silver Dust slowly shifted his eyes and landed on the scenery ahead.

Of course, what reflected in his **** eyes was not the beautiful scenery, but the memories of every scene since he met Mu Qingge.

He is a fox clan with an exquisite heart of Rank Nine, not as straightforward and simple as Jian. He likes to think complicated about many things, but today's one sentence, like a great drink, woke him up.

So many of them are willing to follow Mu Qingge and surround her, isn't it because they believe it?

And Mu Qingge also used all his actions to prove this point well. She doesn't need to say something inspiring, because her own existence is inspiring.

Yin Chen knew exactly what Mu Qingge would face next. However, it is because of being clear that he has to stay by Mu Qingge's side.

He is her contract beast, so her safety is protected by him!

The silver dust's slightly pointed fox ears moved lightly, turning his neck slowly, and looking at the incoming person.

It's Yin Jue!

He came with his hand held, his long figure, in the sunlight, left a long reflection.

Yin Jue came alone, no one followed.

Yin Chen turned sideways slightly, looking at him quietly in his **** eyes. Yan also jumped off the hammock and walked to Yin Chen's side.

"Qingge is refining alchemy and cannot come out to meet the prince. Please forgive the prince." Yin Chen said.

Yin Jue nodded almost unchecked, without paying any attention. With his dark green eyes, he glanced at Yin Chen and Yan, raised his hand, and on the table in front of them, three fist-sized dark green fruits appeared.

This fruit grows very strange, resembling a flower but not a flower, or a fruit but not a fruit. The peel looks like a layer of scales and petals.

Yin Chen and Yan looked at the three fruits at the same time.

Yin Jue said: "This is the magic fruit, refined with divine power."

Yan blinked and said in his heart, ‘as the girl said, she took the initiative to deliver it. ’

As soon as Yin Jue finished speaking, Mu Qingge walked out of the room. She held a pill bottle in her hand, "Fortunately, this life soul will return to a pill. The prince takes it back and gives it to the queen. The queen will wake up and recover completely. ."

"The soul is a pill! You are indeed a disciple of the pill god, and even the pill he created can be refined." Yin Jue joyfully took the pill bottle from the singer Mu Qing.

"The prince knows that the soul returns to the first pill?" Mu Qingge asked rhetorically.

Yin Jue nodded, "I searched for the supreme alchemy masters in the four seas **** Lu. Although they could not cure Yin Le, they also told me some useful information. For example, she had soul destruction syndrome, and they told me that the alchemy God has also encountered such a patient before and created a pill called Shenghunguiyi Pill, which saved that person. Even, I went to find that person and personally verified it."

His words, although simple.

However, the listener can feel the pains he has spent in curing Yinle's disease over the past ten thousand years.

Mu Qingge nodded, "Since you know that the soul of the soul is a pill, you should know that the soul extinguishing syndrome is constantly eroding the soul, and the soul of the soul is the pill that grows and repairs the previous one. Wounds nourish the soul. Soul extinguishment cannot be cured, but after taking this soul-returning pill, it will continue to repair the soul, which is equivalent to breaking the root. Fortunately, at this time, if it is late, the soul-born will return. Yidan is too weak to return to the sky, it should be regarded as the queen's fate."

"Okay! I'll take it back and give it to Yin Le." Yin Jue said impatiently. It seemed that I was afraid of delay, even if I had this medicine, it would be useless.

Mu Qingge nodded.

Yin Jue hurried away.

After he left, Mu Qingge's eyes fell on the three charm fruits.

She faintly smiled, "Sure enough, it came." After that, she stepped forward to take one away, and said to Yinchen and Qian: "The remaining two, you divide it."

"I don't need it, you take this away too." Yan directly pushed his own to Mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge frowned, pursing his lips and looking at him.

He grinned his lips and said, "Don't think I'm stupid. When you and the Great Demon King caught me, I felt that his cultivation was damaged, causing the recurrence of old troubles. When you heard about this enchanting fruit, the eyes were Yiliang is not for himself, but for him."

"..." Mu Qingge was silent, neither denying nor admitting.

Zhen said: "Take it, I have lived for so long. The skill of more than 10,000 years is not much different from the skill of 10,000 years less. If you feel ashamed in your heart, please give me a supreme pill. , So that my cultivation base will be restored to the peak before being hit twice, and when you go to take revenge, I can also add strength."

"Thank you." Mu Qingge did not continue to be coy, and took the magic fruit of Yan in his hand.

She looked at the two of them and said to them: "I will refine the magic fruit, and then we will leave the demon forest."

Demon Lin and his party have gained a lot, and it is time to return to the Four Seas Shenlu to see what the situation is like today.

"I also go to refining." Yin Chen also said.

Having said that, the two went back to the house and prepared to refine the charm.

"Go, go, I'll protect the law for you." Yan waved to the two.

Yin Chen looked at Mu Qingge and asked, "Is it going back to space for refining?"

Mu Qingge nodded, "Ten thousand years of skill is not trivial, I am afraid it will cause a lot of movement. We still enter the space before refining."

"Yeah." Yin Chen nodded.

Mu Qingge turned his eyes to Yan and said: "We return to the space for refining, and you don't have to stay here. When we come out, we will leave. If you don't give up, go and accompany Yinle."

After all, she and Yin Chen disappeared behind them.

After they left, they froze for a moment, and immediately jumped and shouted: "What's up! Who's up! Anyway, it's not me!"


In the space, Mu Qingge returned directly to his palace.

She sat cross-legged in the exercise room, and in front of her was a dark green charm. She didn't choose to go to the cultivation tower for refining. Ten thousand years of skill was already very powerful. If the effects of the cultivation tower were added, she might not be able to withstand the explosion and die.

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