Unscientific Monster

Chapter 371: Shi Yu's Totem Friends Arrive

Chapter 371: Shi Yu's Totem Friends Arrive

Undead fruit!

Mythical resources!

Its effect is still worthy of this level.

If it is said that legendary-level resources only have a one-tenth chance of making a hegemony-level beast break through to the totem level, then this undead fruit can 100% allow a pet beast to reach the totem level.

Even, it is to make the newly born awakened green cotton worm reach the totem level!

This is the power of mythical resources.

Of course, the premise is that the green cotton worm commits suicide after eating the undead fruit, and lives a second life in the form of a dead spirit worm.

In addition, the undead fruit also has certain restrictions, that is, it is invalid for users who are already dead souls. Of course, it is just impossible to revive the dead souls. It is still possible to directly strengthen the dead souls to the totem level.

Undead Mingfeng said that Chitong can easily reach the totem level with the resources here, which is estimated to be the undead fruit and the two Yangyan flowers. The former improves the realm, and the latter improves the skill level.

Seeing this resource, Shi Yu suddenly remembered the situation of the undead Mingfeng.

According to Undying Mingfeng himself, it fell once, and it also possessed pure Yangyan power at the beginning. It was one of the strongest races in the Phoenix family, the Sun God Phoenix Clan. It will be a matter of later when it becomes Undying Mingfeng.

Shi Yu suspected that Immortal Mingfeng herself should have eaten this kind of undead fruit too!

Therefore, after the fall and resurrection, he still has the power above the top totem. The undead Mingfeng in its heyday is probably also a demigod-level boss, the ceiling powerhouse in the Phoenix clan.

After all, mythical resources have always been exclusive to legendary powerhouses and demigod powerhouses in history. Even top-level totems, it is difficult to have the opportunity to collect mythical resources.

"I remember what Chongxuan said back then, Emperor Wu used many mythical medicines of immortality for healing, but he still couldn't get rid of the meteor injury. I don't know if Emperor Wu used the undead fruit."

At this time, Shi Yu made a decision from the first moment he saw the undead fruit.

If possible, if given the chance...

Eat it yourself!

Giving it to Chitong is not the best choice. After all, for Chitong, the totem level can be easily achieved without this thing. As long as Shi Yu wants to cancel the contract and spend a few months to add points, the effect will immediately equalize these three items resource.

It's better to eat it yourself!

Yes, undead fruit, even humans can eat it.

If the eaten human beings die, they can be directly reincarnated into totem-level undead life forms.

It is equivalent to, after eating this, you get a second life.

Moreover, it is still the kind of long life that can live for at least a thousand years, and at the same time, it also has strong combat effectiveness.

Archeology is a very dangerous thing, and beast master is also a very dangerous profession, but with this, even if you don't have the ability to control beasts in the future, and you don't have pet beasts by your side, you can fly like a wave.

Shi Yu was moved.

Of course, it shouldn't be too wild. After all, at that time, although I had totem-level power, my combat power was probably weaker than that of the jewel cat, which relied on resources to break through. It can be called the weakest totem.

"After becoming a necromancer, it is inevitable to lose the space for controlling beasts, but I just don't know if I will lose the skill book. If I die in a hundred or two hundred years, or die during the archaeological process, and reincarnate as a necromancer, If you can still retain the talent in the skill book, I don’t know if you can add some points to yourself... From the totem level, add points to the mythical level..."

"Ghost God Shi Yu!"

"Even if you can't keep the skill book, the totem-level undead lives are not bad. If they have been cultivated to the mythical level by then, and they fly with me, I will live for thousands of years in the future. , does not seem impossible."

For Shi Yu, who is in his 20s, this number is almost immortal.

Shi Yu murmured in his heart, originally he didn't think it was an enhanced resource, but after thinking about it carefully, this is an excellent resource that can be used against beast masters, even better.

Eating it can be regarded as a huge life guarantee for myself. This is much more stable than the soul surgery performed by Chitong with Zappo. After all, it is the resource recorded in the third round of illustrations.

According to the joint records of the third game and the eleventh game, between the fall of the Dragon Emperor Dynasty and the establishment of the Kong Emperor Dynasty, the ancient secret land came, attracting a large number of overlords, totems, and human beast masters to explore.

During this process, a legendary-level human beast master accidentally obtained the undead fruit, and he ate it by himself without saying a word. Of course, this action also made the totem creature furious, and directly besieged and killed him.

It's a pity that in this battle, all the beasts with the title of legend died, and the beastmaster himself also died.

Of course, because of the fruit, he successfully reincarnated. Although the reincarnation was successful and he did gain totem-level necromancer power, it was a pity that he was still beaten out of his wits.

This is one of the recorded stories of the undead fruit.

According to the legend, this title legend is not the effect of greed for the immortal fruit, but rather, he does not want such mythical resources to fall into the hands of totem aliens, so he can only destroy them.

This is just one of the cases. The undead fruit is a very high-quality resource among the mythical immortal medicines. There are many allusions, and the legendary emperors of all ages have searched for it.

The family background of the Phoenix Clan is really rich... And this is just the personal collection of Undead Mingfeng?

Thinking of Undead Mingfeng saying that he still knows many secret realms of the female emperor's kingdom and the secret realm of the Phoenix Clan's heritage, Shi Yu's heart beats for a while.

"If it's other mythical resources... such as fixed resources that can only strengthen a certain attribute, or a mythical resource that is of little use like Fengqilin fossils, it won't attract too much coveting. After all, for the Seven Kingdoms In other words, there are a few mythical resources in our own inventory, but this thing seems a bit perverted, I hope everything goes well."

At this time, thinking of Shi Yu recorded in the legend, he pondered again. He looked down from the top of the mountain. At present, whether it is the president Terajima of Chishen Island or the archaeologist Legend Shinohara, they all gritted their teeth and watched. Looking at the top, wanting to come up, but there is no way, so anxious to death.

"But having said that." Shi Yu looked at the three resources again.

Don't worry about it, at least other people haven't seen these resources, so how to store the undead fruit.

At this time, Shi Yu has already judged that this is a fixed secret realm, which was fixed at this location and opened up with space ability, and cannot be moved, so it is unrealistic to take it together with the secret realm, so we can only take away the resources alone .

Among them, the collection and storage methods of Yangyan Flower are recorded in the third game illustration. It is enough to pick the root and store it in a place with strong flame power. The energy of the resource will not wither and disperse within ten years.

It can last longer if transplanted to a place with abundant sun energy. For example, here, where the sun is scorching all over the place, it is a place with abundant sun power.

In Shi Yu's team, Chong Chong, Shen Baobao, and Chi Tong worked together to easily create a place to store Yang Yanhua, and just transplant it to the relic space.

However, in the illustration book, there is no record of the detailed use and storage information of the undead fruit...

"Rin, is there any point in picking the undead fruit?" Shi Yu asked.

In the beast-monitoring space, Rin simultaneously caught Shi Yu's gaze and fell into deep thought.

Don't make things difficult for it.

How could it know the questions that were not recorded in the illustrated book.

"Master, let's transplant Yangyanhua first. Transplanting legendary resources is also time-consuming... I will analyze the situation of the undead fruit immediately." Rin said.

"Why don't you just eat it." Shi Yu looked at the undead fruit and fell into deep thought. According to the records, eating it directly should be fine.

"Come, come, let's confirm together, is it dangerous to eat this, and it must not be the conspiracy of the undead Mingfeng."

[Immortal Phoenix:? 】


Rainbow Island, the Champion Road challenge site.

The huge change in Chishen Island soon spread to Rainbow Island.

Legend of the Warring States is the person in charge of receiving the Donghuang exchange group. His strength can be ranked in the top three among the beast masters of the Seven Islands, and he is already at the top of the power of the Seven Islands.

At this time, Legend of the Warring States and Legend of Bahai watched Ning Tianming, a half-human ghost, challenge the road to the championship. At the moment, Ning Tianming has challenged to the seventh level and is about to enter the eighth level.

At this moment, Legend of the Warring States suddenly received a message. After reading it, his expression changed wildly.

[Legend of the Warring States, it’s not good. After the Donghuang exchange team headed by Ke Yingzong, Lu Bai and others came to the Phoenix Shrine, the Phoenix Secret Realm descended. Inside the secret realm, there was a powerful energy fluctuation. There seems to be one mythical resource, two Legendary resources. 】

[Chairman Terajima, Legend Shinohara, God Master of the Phoenix Institute and others cannot get close to the core of the secret realm, but Lu Bai, the beast master of Donghuang, can ignore the obstacles of the secret realm. At present, he has access to resources...]

What? ? !

Legend of the Warring States widened his eyes.

It means... the Phoenix secret realm... was cracked by the beast masters of Donghuang?

"Bastard!!!!" On the skyship, Legend of the Warring States was furious, his eyes exploded, and he stood up with a bang.

Fuck blah blah blah blah blah what's going on.

It stands to reason that at this time, Lu Bai and the others should have arrived at the Phoenix Shrine not long ago.

How did the Phoenix Secret Realm be cracked? Impossible!

Moreover, one mythical-level resource and two legendary-level resources are about to fall into the hands of Donghuang Lu Bai, is it serious? ? ?

"!!!" Along with Legend of the Warring States and Legend of Bahai, he also widened his eyes, and suddenly received a contact from Ke Yingzong and the others.

I learned that Shi Yu has cracked the secret realm, and came into contact with one mythical level resource and two legendary level resources.


For a moment, Legend of Bahai was refreshed and looked at Legend of the Warring States.

Sengoku Legend: ? ? ?

"Challenges on the Road to Champions continue, I suddenly have something to do, let's leave first." Legend of the Warring States said, and directly summoned a strange beast of his own.

This is a monster with a huge body, a crab-like black body, a black goat head, and meat wings on both sides of the body.

The legend of the Warring States immediately boarded the beast's huge body of nearly ten meters, attracting everyone's attention.

"Add me one." The Legend of Bahai chuckled and summoned his own invincible giant kun. The two titled legends who can fight totems suddenly summoned their pet beasts, which immediately confused the beast masters here. endlessly.

At this time, Legend of the Warring States didn't bother to care about Legend of Bahai, and flew directly in the direction of Chishen Island.

"This..." After a while, Legend of Xiao Shuang, legendary noble son Jiang Tianyang and others, as well as Legend of Ju Qianyao and Legend of Suzuki who received the Donghuang exchange group from Qidao, also immediately knew about the changes in Chishen Island , eyes widened.

In an instant, Akagami Island became the center of the turmoil.

"It's not... what happened." At this time, Zou Tianwang and others, who were the third wave of beast masters who had received Donghuang's internal information, stood on the skyship. After receiving the news, he fell into deep thought.

The phoenix secret land descends...Lu Bai...deciphered...one myth, two legendary resources? ...

"Fuck! Fuck, bastard, bastard!!!" Zou Tianwang was dumbfounded, wait a minute, although he said that Lu Bai had passed the championship road and completed the betting agreement, but the speed of this cracking is It's not too outrageous.

They haven't finished fighting yet!

Moreover, why does this style of news make Zou Tianwang feel so familiar...

"Is it a person, is it a person?" He was extremely jealous.

"And, one piece of myth, two pieces of legend, Nima, can the exchange group leave the Seven Islands smoothly?" At the same time, Zou Tianwang was stunned.

Even if they can leave smoothly, after returning home, comparing Lu Bai's record, his record is even more useless. How can this be fixed? It can be said that Zou Yun, Ji Feng, Tong Yan and others who have also received the news at this moment, They all opened their mouths in astonishment, just like the Seven Island Beastmasters, and gradually lost their ability to think.


Outside Phoenix Mountain.

In a short period of time, a large number of beast masters have gathered here. Among them, the legendary god master of the Chihuo Shrine, the legendary beast masters of the Shiranui family, and the top powerhouses of the legendary forces in Chigami Island are also fighting at a very fast speed. speed to this side.

"Chairman Terajima, God Master of Phoenix Academy, Legend of Shinohara, what happened!!"

The legendary God Lord of Chihuo Shrine was the first legendary powerhouse to arrive here. He descended inside Phoenix Mountain and was shocked to see the situation before him.

At this moment, the three of them didn't have time to talk to him. The weak, pitiful, helpless, and homeless witches of the Phoenix Shrine could only act as explanations.

Next to him, Zheng Hai was already dumbfounded, he pulled Senior Ke in a "ababa" manner, and whispered: "Could it be, the movement is too loud."

Senior Ke's expression remained unchanged, and he said, "What are you afraid of? We have a gambling agreement. The bigger the noise, the better.

Moreover, in the same team this time, Legend of the Bahai has half a top-level totem, and none of the ordinary totems are his opponents.

[Give me a little time, it's plant resources, it takes time to transplant, don't worry about the Seven Islands, our reinforcements will be here soon. 】

At the same time, Senior Ke also heard Shi Yu's distant sound transmission and took a deep breath.

"This..." At the same time, the God Master of Chihuo Shrine who rushed over gradually understood what was going on.

His expression kept changing, one mythical level resource, two legendary level resources, just hand over to Donghuang?

How can this work!

"Ke Chuanqi, Lu Bai, or his pet beast, is one of them half-blooded from the Phoenix clan!" At this time, Ji Xiang from the Phoenix Academy asked Ke Yingzong.

Otherwise, there is no reason to directly enter the secret realm like this.

Moreover, the most outrageous thing is that it seems that Lu Bai is the master of this secret realm, how could it be possible.

The witches of the Phoenix Academy also looked at the mountain top with complicated expressions.

"This, I don't even know about this." Ke Chuanqi shook his head, and at the same time, looking at the top of the mountain with burning eyes, said: "However, according to the gambling agreement, it is certain that it is the secret realm that Lu Bai cracked, and it is also the resource that Lu Bai obtained. Everyone, please don't try to snatch resources like just now, this is already a breach of the bet."

Betting agreement!

At this moment, when they heard that Ke Chuanqi had brought this up, President Terajima, Legend of Shinohara and the others all changed their expressions, but for a while they didn't know how to refute.

Because at their level, they are not enough to blatantly tear up the agreement between the Seven Islands Association and the Donghuang Association, and they cannot bear the consequences at all.

The only consequence of doing this is to start a war with Donghuang.

For this level of matter, at least a titled legend, or an order from the patron saint.

However, the legends of the Seven Islands also feel extremely uncomfortable seeing the top-level resources being taken away from their own territory by others.

They racked their brains at this moment, wondering if there was any way to reverse the situation and turn black and white.

"According to my research, only the direct bloodline of the owner of the Phoenix Secret Realm is immune to those flames. Even bloodlines that are very close will be repelled." At this time, the legend of the Phoenix Academy still did not give up.

She said: "I don't care about resources now, I just want to know why 'Lu Bai' can not be harmed by the secret realm."

Out of respect for the owner of the Phoenix Secret Realm, Legend of the Phoenix Academy now only wants to know the truth.

The gambling agreement and the ownership of the Phoenix Mystic Realm, and their Phoenix Shrine can’t make the decision, but if Lu Bai or his beast is really a direct descendant of the owner of the Phoenix Mystical Realm, then the Phoenix Shrine, which has received the favor of the Phoenix Mystical Realm, at least No matter under what circumstances, they should not stand on the opposite side of Lu Bai and the others.

Due to her childhood experience, Ji Xiang of the Phoenix Academy is even deeper than the Kingdom of the Seven Islands for the ownership of the Phoenix Secret Realm. It can be said that the owner of the Phoenix Secret Realm is the first belief of the Phoenix Shrine.

"Well, you can ask him later, I don't know either." Ke Yingzong shook his head, unable to explain.

After a while, the legendary beast master of the Shiranui family also arrived, and the situation on the scene became more and more complicated.

There are more and more high-level forces gathered on the Seven Islands.

And just when several parties had different ideas, the biggest change occurred! ! !

boom! ! ! !

Above the Phoenix Mountain secret realm, a huge dimensional vortex emerged, the sky became redder, and a crimson wave gradually condensed into a fiery face that looked like a demon.

The breath of the totem level is undoubtedly revealed from it.

Flame's pupils passed through Yang Yan in an instant, sensing the power of legendary and mythical resources on the top of the mountain.

In the Seven Islands area, there are a total of six totem-level patron saints, all of which are guardian beasts left by the ancient powerhouses in the Seven Islands area. Together with the Seven Islands Valkyrie, they guard the seven islands respectively.

Among them, a patron saint sleeps deep in the land of Chishen Island. It is a totem-level elemental life. Its form is a ball of fire. Because it is red, it is called "Red God".

At this time, not only the Beast Masters Association of the Seven Islands felt the powerful energy fluctuations generated by the fusion of reality in the Phoenix Secret Realm, even the guardian spirit of the flame felt the attraction from Yang Yan's power, ready to move, and woke up from a deep sleep , reappeared in the world.

"I didn't expect to be so lucky." Chishen in the sky was extremely excited. Although he didn't perceive what mythical resources were, he was completely aware of the power of the two sunflowers.

Let it judge instantly, if it eats those two flowers, it can step into the top totem.

Coupled with that unknown mythical resource, perhaps, a demigod is expected?

It's crazy.

Chishen was extremely excited that such top-quality resources appeared in the territory he guarded.

However, when it was excited, it suddenly sensed the disappearance of a resource force.

After being dazed for a moment, Chishen was furious, realizing that someone was taking "his own resources".


It directly gathers the big hands of flames, trying to pinch the resources on the top of the mountain.

"Lu Bai——" With the appearance of Chishen, the beast masters below all opened their mouths, staring at the patron saint of Chishen Island in astonishment. Among them, Senior Ke and Zheng Hai shrank their pupils when they saw Chishen suddenly make a move.

The jewel cat in the different space also frowned, wanting to teach this weak chicken a lesson, but soon stopped gathering strength.

Because, the power of the Phoenix Secret Realm, even the Flame Totem, cannot be crossed.

boom! !

In the next moment, Chishen, who wanted to pick up the resources in the flames, instantly felt the power of Yang Yan, which was difficult for him to overcome.

The huge heat wave scalded it so painfully in an instant that it couldn't help but shrink its pupils and withdraw its strength.

"Bastard!" it cursed again.

At the same time, the huge pupils flowed below.

At this time, the beast masters of the Seven Islands below had also noticed this man.

This master, hasn't he been asleep for more than ten years?

This is...woke up because of the fluctuation of resources.

"Master Chishen!!!" The God Master of the Chishen Shrine who believes in Chishen, as a descendant of Chishen's beast master, was very excited when he saw his ancestor.

"Oh, it's you kid." Chishen also recognized the blood of the Lord of the Chihuo Shrine, and said, "Hurry up and find a way, I want the resources here."

"But..." God Lord Chihuo was suddenly overwhelmed by Chishen.

"What's the matter, this is the resources left to me by my beast master, your ancestors, you see, we are all fire!" Although Chishen didn't know what was going on, he directly announced in a high-profile way that the fire in the Phoenix Secret Realm Sovereignty over resources.

This shameless statement directly stunned the witches of the Phoenix Shrine.

However, Chairman Terajima, Legend Shinohara, God Lord Chihuo and the others suddenly burst into joy.

This is wrong.

There is a patron saint who takes the blame.

"Ke Chuanqi, you have also heard that the situation seems to have changed. The resources of the Phoenix Secret Realm seem to be the predecessors of the Seven Islands. The legacy designated to Lord Chishen cannot be regarded as an unsolved relic secret realm. For the specific situation, we have to After a little discussion, please hand over the resources here to Seven Islands for safekeeping, and Seven Islands will definitely give Donghuang a reasonable explanation."

President Terashima opened his mouth and said, at this time, there are red gods standing in line, and they have enough confidence. At least, at least the resources can't be taken away by Donghuang. As long as the two legendary resources are left behind, they will be profitable. Donghuang On the other hand, in the case of earning some money, it is certain that you will not tear yourself apart from the Seven Islands for a legendary resource. It is best for everyone to have meat to eat.

"Indeed." God Lord Chihuo was naturally on the side of Chishen, and he also looked at Ke Chuanqi forcefully.

Legend of Shinohara also nodded, how could it be possible to put the initiative on Donghuang's side.

Even if Donghuang is powerful, there is definitely room for negotiation. At least here, the strength of the Seven Islands is even better.

When that Lu Bai comes out, it is absolutely impossible for him to hold the resources.

"What are you talking about!!!" Ke Chuanqi scolded, did he want to play tricks.

Not only Ke Chuanqi couldn't bear to hear these words, but even Ji Xiang of the Phoenix Academy showed a sullen expression, and said to the patron saint of Chishen Island: "Master Chishen, before you speak, you should think clearly, don't tell stories out of nothing. "

Chishen's experience as a beast master is well-known, and so is Chishen. It is absolutely incompatible with the Phoenix Secret Realm. It has nothing to do with it. Ji Xiang of the Phoenix Institute is very sure! What the other party said is trampling on the existence of the Phoenix Shrine!

"Huh? Are you questioning me??" Chishen frowned.

"I'm just advising Lord Chishen to seek truth from facts." Ji Xiang of the Phoenix Academy said.

Chishen said nothing, and the huge coercion pressed towards Ji Xiang of Phoenix Academy, causing Ji Xiang of Phoenix Academy's expression to change, revealing an unbelievable expression. I didn't expect the patron saint of Chishen Island to be so unreasonable.

She just wanted to resist, but the next moment, someone directly helped her.

"Hey Hey hey."

At the same time, out of thin air, a totem-level deterrent flowed upstream and flowed out from a different space, pushing the pressure of the Red God to the sky.

At this moment, Chishen's complexion changed.

boom! ! ! !

Two totem-level deterrents directly tore apart the space. In the black space crack, a jewel cat walked out slowly, stepped on the sky, looked directly at the flame monster in the sky, and said, "Big guy, I suspect you are playing fire."

Another totem! ! !

"This is... a jewel cat?? How is it possible!!"

With the appearance of the gem cat and its totem power, the legends of the Seven Islands all stared wide-eyed, because the race of the gem cat is not high, even after evolving with gems, the highest race is the king race.

How could it be possible to reach the totem!

Moreover, this gemstone cat is too unfamiliar, and none of the beast masters on the Seven Islands know it.

Even the Legend of the Phoenix Academy stared blankly, looking at this gem cat in disbelief, wondering why it resisted the coercion for him.

"It's Senior Ying..." Ke Chuanqi looked happy, and beside him, Zheng Hai was also taken aback, isn't this, the ancient capital university protects the overlord, isn't it?

At this time, things became more and more complicated. In the sky outside Chishen Island, a large number of flying overlords rushed to the core of the incident at an extremely fast speed. People are rushing to this side at an explosive speed.

Around Phoenix Mountain, the low-level beast masters felt the threat from the mountain, looked at the red god in the sky, and felt hot and sweaty, feeling that something was wrong, and a big battle was likely to happen here!

"Who are you——" At the moment, the most angry one was the totem red god, looking at the weak totem cat in front of him, and said, "Do you want to fight me?"

Jewel Cat yawned and said, "I'm just saving you."

"I advise you not to plot against the resources on the mountain, and not to disturb the people inside, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous."

"In addition, the grace of saving life should be repaid by the spring, remember to owe me a legendary resource."


The Legends of the Seven Islands: ? ? ?

"Huh?" Chishen laughed and became angry. As one of the patron saints of the Seven Islands, it has never seen such an arrogant totem on its own territory.

"Here we come." The jewel cat whispered.

At this moment, Chishen didn't know why, but the next moment, its expression changed wildly.

One share, two shares, three shares, four shares, five shares——

One, two, three...

It felt like countless powerful auras were suddenly approaching.

Among them, there are at least six totem levels, and among these six totems, there are even top-level totems! ! !

"how is this possible!!!"

Chishen turned pale with shock, this amount...

At this time, a crack suddenly appeared in the higher sky, a huge black crack.

In the cracks, dragon chants came out, resounding through the world, causing Chishen's expression to further change wildly.

It also made the beast masters of Seven Islands gradually become dull.

A huge frost dragon with a height of tens of meters was the first to fly out of the space crack, carrying endless cold air.

His icy eyes stared at the entire Phoenix Mountain, causing the temperature here to drop suddenly.

Totem level, Frost Dragon!

Followed by.

A sea-blue oriental dragon with a length of 100 meters, a sky-white oriental dragon, flew out from a crack in space, with a huge body, hovering in the sky.

Dragon Palace City, Sea Dragon King, Canglong King! !

Their huge dragon pupils are looking down, looking for someone.

It's not over yet.

Under the sound of thunder and lightning, the golden oriental dragon with a length of 100 meters, and the sea elf dragon with ethereal spirit and agile figure all appeared together with the totem dragon kings in front! !

Dragon Palace City, Thunder Dragon King, Immortal Dragon King.

And, in the end, as the space crack narrowed, an almost illusory and transparent dragon emerged from it, Dragon Palace City, Konglong King!

Its heavy voice resounded in all directions, "Really, it's just such a small distance, and I still want to tear apart the space."

Six totems! !

In addition, the narrowed cracks have not been completely closed. The top overlords of the Dragon Palace City Environmental Protection Department, such as Tongtian Whale, General Yasha, and Space Jellyfish, followed in the footsteps of the totem dragon kings and descended here.

The air of terror filled the sky, suppressing towards Chishen Island.

Six totems, more than ten top overlords descended! ! !

At this moment, even the flames of Phoenix Mountain were much weaker.

Seeing the sudden arrival of the six totem dragon kings, the legendary beast masters of the Seven Islands, the low-level beast masters of the nearby Seven Islands, and their pet beasts, their hearts almost stopped suddenly, almost out of breath, and they stared at each other. His eyes widened, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

Even Chishen was so frightened that he was about to pee his pants at this moment. He didn't understand why the hooligans from Dragon Palace City suddenly descended on the Seven Islands.

Even during the Totem War, the Dragon Kings of Dragon Palace City never traveled together like this.

Of course, Ke Chuanqi and Zheng Hai were equally dazed and shocked.

This group of dragon kings was originally called by the Ministry of Environmental Protection to discuss with Seven Islands, and planned to extort some resources by taking advantage of the poisonous dragon totem.

But on the way, he was stopped by the gem cat avatar and was informed that someone was bullying Shi Yu, so he came here first.

Shi Yu can't be bullied, after all, this is the master of the sea elves, the beast master favored by the Dragon God, and the son of the Ice Dragon King, everyone is his own!

At this time, with the arrival of the totem dragon kings, Shi Yu, who collected the resources, seemed to have come to an end. In the flames, a blue figure slowly flew up.

The figure of Shi Yu flying from the core of the secret realm suddenly became the focus.

Ice Slime King was hanging on his body, he was cooling down manually, it was too hot...

At this time, Chishen saw this little thief who stole "his own resources", and his eyes were filled with resentment.

Legend of the Seven Islands and others also stared at Shi Yu, who hadn't recovered from the shock.

Immediately after the next moment, an even more shocking scene appeared. The actions of the totem dragon kings made everyone's eyes explode.

I saw the totem dragon kings, when they saw Shi Yu, they were all taken aback for a moment. The jewel cat had already told them that Shi Yu was in disguise, so they could still recognize him at this time. It means: "You are in good spirits. I heard that cat said that someone is bullying you. Who is it? You have so much courage."

Shi Yu looked aggrieved.

"It's it." Shi Yu pointed to the unreasonable Chishen, there is not a single legendary resource for this matter, there is no end to it!

Akagami:? ? ?

The eyes of the seven totems looked at Chishen.

Chishen's mentality exploded: ...QAQ, I hate it, nothing, nothing! ! !

(end of this chapter)

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