Unscientific Monster

Chapter 40 Temporarily No. 1

Chapter 40 Temporarily No. 1

It is obviously unscientific to put a proficient level skill on a cub of an iron-eating beast who looks to be only two years old.

Iron-eating beasts are not very fond of training pets, so generally iron-eating beasts are not very proficient in skills. Most of their battles rely on their excellent physical fitness to overwhelm opponents, rather than relying on skills.

Even if this iron-eating beast started training from the womb, it would be too outrageous. It would be fine if it was only an adult iron-eating beast, the key is that it is a cub.

"Shi... Yu..."

"It seems to be the name, do you know him? I remember you studied in the Zhushi Martial Arts Academy, is he from your martial arts academy?"

A person next to him held the list and asked the security guard who asked who Shi Yu was.

"I don't know... I haven't heard of it." The security guard said.

Several people looked at each other, so, what's the matter with this Shi Yu and this little iron-eating beast?

"Cyan worms?"

At this moment, another scene appeared on the screen that made several people's eggs hurt.

On Shi Yu's side, Eleven has successfully wiped out all four long-thorned wild boars.

At this time, it was the green cotton worm's turn again. It crawled out of Shi Yu's backpack, spun silk with all its strength, and bound the wild boars with long thorns.

"Isn't he a trainee beast master? Why does he have a second pet?"

Seeing the green cotton worm, several people were even more surprised.

"Maybe there is no contract, just extra breeding?"

It's not that no beast master has done this before, but for ordinary beast masters, this is too difficult.

It's okay to keep pets like pet cats and pet dogs, but if you want to cultivate them into war pets who understand commands and are willing to fight, it is very difficult without a contract, which is probably equivalent to the gap between pet dogs and police dogs.

That is to say, Shi Yu has the gift of telepathy, which can make the green cotton worm understand his meaning a little bit, otherwise the green cotton worm would never be as obedient as it is now.

"This examiner, Niu, not only has such a strong iron-eating beast cub, but also raises an extra green cotton worm."

"I think this green cotton worm is not low in worm silk level, and it is inevitable to evolve into a wind crystal butterfly."

"Brothers, bet on a cigarette, I bet they can rank in the top three in this assessment."

The security personnel in the monitoring room of the safe area started talking loudly.

"Okay, okay."

"Leave him alone, someone has already been injured."

But soon, the discussion stopped, and several people were reprimanded by a serious security guard.

Right now is the working stage, so you can't focus all your attention on Shi Yu, as long as you know that Shi Yu is not going to die, other beast masters also need some attention.

No... Although the experience has just begun, some beast masters and pet beasts have been injured, and they have to deal with them quickly.

wild boar forest.

"Great harvest."

Shi Yu and the others didn't know that some of the security personnel had noticed their achievements.

At this time, he was happily looking at the wild boars tied up in a string. He was in a good mood, very good, and got 1750 points.

It doesn't seem that difficult to get this point.

Compared with the points, Shi Yu is more greedy for the meat of the wild boar.

He was lucky enough to eat stir-fried wild pork with chili in the canteen of the breeding base in Icefield City before. I don't know how it would taste if he handled it by himself...

"By the way, the trophies should be edible." Shi Yu looked at Eleven, and Eleven shook his head.

"Oh!" Don't know, don't ask it.

It is only responsible for fighting and has no interest in wild boar.

It misses the bamboo shoots in Shi Yu's backpack more than the wild boar.


After the first battle, Eleven's stomach growled.

Don't look at it as fierce, but it is a cub after all, so the consumption of such a battle is also very high.

"I see, I see." Shi Yu took out two sliced ​​bamboo shoots and threw them to Eleven.

At the same time, Shi Yu also put the green cotton worm on the tree trunk, and said, "Go find some leaves and deal with it first, this wild boar forest doesn't seem to have seen Lingzhi..."

The green cotton worm vomited so much silk, it must be as exhausted as the eleventh.

Green cotton worm: "..."

Shi Yu and the others rested on the spot for about 20 minutes before continuing to go deeper.

This time, dragging five long-thorn wild boars, even eleven is a bit difficult.

Shi Yu took pleasure in helping Xiong and took it as his own exercise.

Next, they will continue to shuttle through the wild boar forest and arrive at the nearest safe area.

Then go through that safe zone, and you can go to the magnetic mountain area with electric slimes.

In front, Shi Yu and Eleven were pulling two ropes made of worm silk, while Qingmian Chong was lying in the backpack behind to replenish his strength, because there might be wild boars that he needed to tie later.

After walking for another five minutes, Eleven suddenly stopped.

"Is there a wild boar?" Shi Yu asked.

Eleven nods.

Later, Shi Yu heard a noisy voice not far away,

But hearing this voice, Shi Yu had a strange expression.

This sound is similar to the scream of a wild boar, but not exactly like it.

Instead, it's more like human screams!

"Ah, run, there is a tree in front of you, run to the tree."

"Meow meow, why do ten wild boars with long thorns suddenly come out, how can we beat them?"

It didn't take long for Shi Yu to see clearly that it was a herd of wild boars chasing the two of them.

Next to the two of them, there was an ice dog with a growth level of six and a ferret with a growth level of seven.

Using terrain and skills, ice dogs and ferrets interfere with the speed of the wild boar herd from time to time, creating opportunities for their own side to evacuate.

As for the long-thorned wild boar in the back, the average level is above the sixth level of growth, and 2VS10 is probably very difficult. After all, these two pet beasts are not eleven, so it is no wonder that the two beast masters will run away crazily.

They didn't dare to face such a large group of wild boars with long thorns, but they didn't want to give up the assessment and choose to ask for help, so they could only run away and see.

The big trees around here are very thick, and the wild boar with long thorns can't knock it down for a while. As long as it climbs on the tree, the wild boar will have nothing to do.

"Wait, there seems to be someone in front." A beast master who was running suddenly saw Shi Yu in front of him.

"Uh huh huh!!!"

"Hum hum!!!"

Not only them, but the group of wild boars also smelled the smell of their companions.

"Ten all at once." Shi Yu and Eleven were standing there, and Shi Yu was calculating the odds of Eleven's victory against ten wild boars...

Generally, wild boars with long thorns can't break through the defense of Eleven in the hardened state of the whole body.

"Forget it, I'm estimating what." Shi Yu shook his head quickly, because this group of realistic wild boars, after seeing their companions in the distance fell to the ground and strung together in a pile, they immediately turned away without saying a word. Just run, no intention of fighting at all.

"Uh huh huh!!!"

"Hum hum!!!"

slipped away.

In the rear, a group of wild boars fled in all directions, causing the two trainee beast masters, the icefield dog, and the ferret to be stunned in place.

"Run away? Stop chasing?"

Immediately afterwards, they saw Shi Yu and the little iron beast walking slowly, pulling five long-thorned wild boar trophies.

The picture is extremely spectacular.


The Beast Master of the Icefield Dog let out a yell, and looked at Shi Yu's trophy in disbelief.

He had a little impression of Shi Yu, they entered Tianmang Mountain together from the same entrance, so little time has passed, what happened to the pile of wild boars with long thorns behind Shi Yu? ? ?

At this time, the animal master of the ferret also knew why the group of long-thorned wild boars ran away, because Yu and the others were dragging a bunch of long-thorned wild boars, and their aura was particularly strong. Even he was taken aback.

"If you want to find a single long-thorn wild boar, go to the outskirts, don't go deep into the forest."

After Shi Yu passed by them, he casually reminded them, and continued on their way with Eleven dragging a bunch of wild boars with long thorns.

"Understood, thank you, boss."

The two quickly thanked them, but after being chased by wild boars, they had no intention of hunting for the time being, and planned to go to the safe zone to rest.

After they took a breath in place, they chose to follow Shi Yu far away. After all, the road Shi Yu took was the road that could pass through the forest in the wild boar forest and reach the safe zone.

Next, because of the trophy of the five long-thorn wild boars, the wild long-thorn wild boars completely regarded Shi Yu and the others as top hunters. No matter how bullying Shi Yu and Eleven looked, no wild boar dared to approach them. up.

With so many wild boars behind him, Shi Yu had no intention of going to trouble the wild boars for the time being. It was almost afternoon and he hadn't had lunch yet, so he might as well go directly to the safe area to place the wild boars.

After spending some more time, Shi Yu and the others finally arrived at a small safe area surrounded by logs and thorns, which looked like a small village.

When Shi Yu arrived here, there were already five or six people here, and he didn't know whether they came through the wild boar forest or directly took other safer roads.

There are no extra houses in the safe area, only the monitoring room and the infirmary, so the examiners can only sit and rest under the grass shed outside.

At this time, half of the examiners who were sitting outside to rest looked quite normal, but the other half were all disheveled.

Shi Yu also saw a young man whose clothes were all dyed red and whose arms were tied with white bandages. Was it hit by a wild boar?

There is also a beast master with a scab on his face. The scab looks like a knife scar. Fuck, this is disfigured by the big knife mantis, and then healed?

Because of the existence of healing pet beasts, as long as the examiner does not die on the spot, the chance of being rescued is quite high... That is to say, but when Shi Yu saw the two or three bandaged beast masters, Still swallowed subconsciously.

That's too bad...don't scare him.

Shi Yu felt that the group of wounded was dissuading himself from continuing to hunt the tenth-level boss.

"This..." When Shi Yu entered here, his eyes glanced at the group of examiners who had already arrived in the safe zone here, and the examiners were also paying attention to Shi Yu who had just entered.

When the six people saw Shi Yu and the little iron-eating beast dragging five wild boars in, their eyes widened immediately, as if they had seen something unbelievable.

One, two, three, four, five...they counted right? five?

Looking carefully again, they were sure that Shi Yu came in alone at this time, that is to say, Shi Yu hunted five wild boars alone?

Where did this great god come from...!

Although the long-thorn wild boar is not the most powerful beast in Tianmang Mountain, it is not easy for anyone to hunt five in a row. After all, the physical strength of pet animals is limited, and not too long has passed.

"You're here."

At this time, a security guard in a blue uniform came out of the surveillance room and said, "The surveillance has been following you for a long time, you are a very strong iron eater."

"Do you want to register for points? I'll register for you."

Shi Yu looked over, nodded and said, "Well, register for me, by the way, can I eat this wild boar?"

The security guard was taken aback: "How do you want to eat?"

"Roast wild boar?"

"I advise you not to eat it. The meat of the wild boar is delicious, but it has to go through many processes."

"This..." Shi Yu was very disappointed, so he can only eat the instant noodles with braised beef in his backpack?

Originally, I wanted to have a good afternoon to copy the doubling skills...


Tianmang Mountain experience base.

General monitoring room.

Unlike Tianmang Mountain where each safety zone only needs to monitor a fixed area, here we have to pay attention to the situation of the entire Tianmang Mountain, so the situation of individual examiners is not well controlled.

However, by watching the real-time uploaded points from the safe zone, the five professional beast masters here can quickly know which player performed well.

Currently, the one with the highest points displayed on the big screen is a trainee beast master named Xie Fei with 1,500 points. Not long after he entered Tianmang Mountain, he successfully hunted a rockback lizard with a growth level of level nine, maintaining his Points number one for a long time.

At this time, the points finally changed again, and the name Shi Yu suddenly jumped to the first place with 1750 points.

(end of this chapter)

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