Unscrupulous Black Technology: Exposure Of Beauty Anchors At The Beginning

Chapter 137 All The Rabbits Become Elites, And The Plan To Destroy Europe And The United States Begi


Hearing these three words, the smile that just appeared on Wu Gang's face disappeared in an instant!


Even in the era of great development of the universe, what is needed are talents, not porters.

And the people who can be affected by artificial intelligence are almost all low-level workers.

If there is no technology as support.

Even the great development of the universe has nothing to do with them.


You can't train hundreds of millions of people in one go, can you?

Not to mention whether the finances can support it.

You can't find the teacher alone!

Can't the country take down all the high-level talents it has cultivated and lead them?

Then develop a fart universe...

By the time their hundreds of millions of people have finished training, the outside has already been filled with European and American flags!

At that time, no matter how many talents and elites the florists cultivate.

To put it bluntly, all European and American companies have been married!

"How do you feel that these two are not suitable..."

"Is there no other way?"

"Is it really a dead end?"

Wu Gang bowed his head and thought for a long time. He always felt that there was a way to go, but he just couldn't think of it.

Seeing that Wu Gang's face was wrinkled into a chrysanthemum, Wang Long touched the tip of his nose and let out a soft "tsk".

"Actually, there is another way..."

"It's a combination of those two options."


When Wu Gang heard these two words, he felt a flash of thunder in his mind!

It seems that something important has been grasped by him!


"How to combine?"

"Speak quickly!"

Wu Gang's tone was a little hasty, and he took out a small notebook from his pocket with his backhand.

Obviously to write down what Wang Long said.

And Wang Long didn't hide it, and organized his language a little before speaking.

"Then I'll say it."

"Let's talk about the game first. My first method was to throw all these hundreds of millions of people into the game."

"Then maintain the lives of these people by linking the game to the real financial system."

"To be honest, this is not a small difficulty, and the problem is also not small."

"But if combined with the second method 12, it may be a feasible solution!"

"It's also about making virtual games."

"But we can ensure that the number of unemployed people remains at a controllable number by limiting the use of artificial intelligence."

"It's not going to break out, then people."

"By using virtual games as a gimmick, most of them will be attracted."

"In this way, after some of them go in, there will naturally be more vacancies outside.

"It also allows those who don't want to play games to find jobs.

Speaking of this, Wu Gang immediately understood...

It sounds really good!

In this case, there will not be hundreds of millions of people staying in the game.

Even if it is linked to finance, the pressure will not be so great!

However, after thinking twice, Wu Gang discovered some problems.

"Wait...that's not right either."

"Although this can be delayed, if we wait until the era of great development of the universe, will these people who can only play games be eliminated?"

"You can't really play games all your life, can you?"

"And even if it is so upsetting, when artificial intelligence finally takes over the low-end labor market, there will still be so many unemployed people!"

"These people haven't learned high-end skills, so they can't be used through the great development of the universe."

"Isn't it still a thunder in the end!"

Wu Gang has a very sharp eye.

Just a little pondering, and found the problem.

In essence, this is not still a delay, and it does not solve the fundamental problem!

As Wang Long himself said, how to turn these hundreds of millions of people from low-end labor to elite is the key to solving this problem!

Otherwise it is a dead end!

The only way is to give up the promotion of artificial intelligence to the civilian market.

But if this is the case, it is simply going backwards for the development of civilization!

Seeing that Wu Gang could think of this, Wang Long was a little impressed.

As expected of the boss of the National Security Bureau, the melon seeds in his head are the aura.

Unfortunately, he still has some prejudice against the game, or underestimated the potential of the game!

"I know what you said."

"Before I explain, I want to ask, what do you think of games?"




Wu Gang was a little puzzled when Wang Long asked this question.

But after thinking about it, he still said the truth.

"A tool for recreation."

This answer is very official, Wang Long smiled and shook his head after listening.

"It's more than that, there should be labels such as Wanwusangzhi, electronic opium, and ruining one's life."

"This should be the thinking of many older generations in China."

As if being seen through, Wu Gang blushed.

He did think of these just now.

Seeing this, Wang Long didn't ridicule, but just sighed.

"In your opinion, games are just a tool for entertainment, but in my opinion, this is the ninth art of unscrupulousness!"

"Take some masterpieces as an example. While playing, they themselves take into account a certain amount of history."

"To tell you an interesting thing, when I was in school, I had a friend who had a bad record in history, but when it came to the history of World War II, he knew better than his history teacher

"I asked him if he liked to read books about World War II, and he said he never read them. He knew this knowledge because he played the strategy games of P Agency. He knew not only the countries of World War II and Japan, but also quite well!"

"By the way, P Agency is a foreign manufacturer specializing in strategy games, and their players are basically called Class A war criminals!"

"These old players not only understand the history, but they are all talents."

After hearing what Wang Long said, Wu Gang didn't even refute.

The debate about video games has been around since its inception.

It belongs to the public saying that the public is justified, and the woman is saying that the woman is reasonable.

Wu Gang didn't want to discuss this too much, because it didn't make any sense after all.

He just wanted to know, what does this have to do with solving the crisis brought about by artificial intelligence?

"All, is there any connection between the two?"

Wu Gang tilted his head, but still didn't think much about it.

Seeing that this guy hadn't turned the corner yet, Wang Long didn't bother to circle around anymore.

Showdown Road.

"Since video games can be called the ninth art, they naturally also have a major characteristic of art!"

"That's unparalleled creativity!"

"In most people's eyes, games are playing, but in my opinion, besides playing, it can also be used as a springboard for learning!"

"For example, we can create a virtual game based on the background of the great development of the universe."

"This game has real physics, a real space environment, and all objects can be linked to reality."

"If players want to play, the first thing they need to do is to learn. For example, if they want to be a businessman, they must learn and understand various rare materials in the universe.

"If you want to be a captain, you need to learn spaceship driving skills, maintenance skills, and be able to understand all kinds of data and all aspects of the universe."

"As for these occupations, there are many designs. For example, those in charge of logistics, those in charge of combat, those in charge of navigation, those in charge of steering, and those in charge of maintenance.

"This kind of virtual game based on reality, nothing in it can be opened casually."

"Only when players have mastered these skills can they really integrate into the game. And when they integrate, they are already learning!"

"And when they learn to a certain level, they will naturally be able to apply these skills to reality!"

After Wang Long said this, Wu Gang was completely dumbfounded!

Using games to teach skills?


It seems to be really possible!

As long as the game is realistic enough, it can be used as a large teaching venue!

"Fuck...this method is good!"

"And there is no cost, they can die in the virtual world at will!"

"After all, death and failure are what impress the most!

"This is much more powerful than simulation teaching!"

Wu Gang stared, very excited!

The more you think about it, the more you can feel the awesomeness of this method.

Space is full of dangers everywhere.

One wrong operation can lead to death!

But in the game, players can ignore the matter of death and experience all the processes in person.

If you make a mistake once, you can't remember it, but if you make it a hundred times, you will always remember it, right?

If this game has been played for a few years or more, wouldn't the elite players among them all become veterans!

"And that's not all."

"In addition to being used for teaching, the virtual game based on real physics can also be used for the development of various weapons, the research of technology, the training of soldiers on the battlefield, etc..."

"It can be said that a virtual game is an accelerator of civilization! The kind that accelerates in all directions!"

"How likely are you to develop a virtual game?"

"Is it difficult?"

Wu Gang swallowed his saliva, as if he had seen the collapse of the European and American alliance!

But the premise of all this is that Wang Long can come up with the technology of virtual games.

Otherwise it is all empty talk.

"The brain-electrical interaction technology currently used in exoskeletons is itself a pre-technology for virtual games.

"It's just that EEG interaction is reading, and virtual games are access!"

"But in essence, these two technologies are all-in-one, and I don't have much problem studying them."

"Besides, even if the research fails, the big deal is to slow down the pace of artificial intelligence entering the civilian market.

"Anyway, the size of the flower growers is here, even if everyone sits on the mine, we will definitely not be the ones who are unlucky in the end!"

Wang Long shrugged, but he wasn't worried at all.

Use virtual games to deal with the wave of unemployment brought about by artificial intelligence.

It is a method he found in the library.

There is no doubt about the feasibility!

It's just that in front of Wu Gang, Wang Long is not easy to say too absolutely, so he speaks a little vaguely.

This was originally a conspiracy that Wang Long was planning to use against Europe and the United States.

Since they want to take the initiative to provoke the confrontation of artificial intelligence, then come!

Let's see who gets killed first!


"It's a good thing you're from our side, otherwise you'd be such a fucking dog."

"I guess no one will be able to bear this kind of conspiracy..."

Wu Gang touched his head with emotion.

As an intelligence officer, he can naturally analyze the possibility of Wang Long's inference.

Judging from the current temper of the European and American alliances.

Obviously, after eating the weights, he was determined to compete with the flower growers!

Even if you find that the unemployment rate has soared, you will stick to it!

Maybe they'll laugh too.

As long as the florists can be forced, artificial intelligence will also be used on a large scale.

The first thunderstorm must be the flower grower!

And if the florists don't bite the hook.

Then just watch their technology

The more mature they become, then they can launch wars and divert domestic conflicts.

Finally, suppress the domestic unemployment rate by harvesting the global market!

Those people in Europe and America are quite familiar with this set!

Therefore, the European and American alliance will definitely not let go!

And as long as these capitalists don't let go of 203, then Wang Long only needs to ignite the explosive barrel at a suitable point!

Therefore, what the flower growers can do now is to slowly discover, and then send those people in Europe and America to meet their own gods!

"Cough cough."

"Anyway, that's my solution."

"Strive to solve the unemployment rate and at the same time pack up and send away the European Union!"

Seeing Wu Gang's unchanging expression, Wang Long coughed.

Pretty much all that has to be said has been said.

Believe it or not, that's up to you.

No matter what the above does, Tian Long will go to give a big gift to the European Union!

"I have another question. The idea of ​​this game is good, but how to ensure the quality of the game?"

"Or what about an update?"

"A lot of games don't start out great, and then slowly cool down.

Hearing this question, Wang Long frowned and pointed to the top of his head with a slight smile.

"This is a better solution."

"We just need to get the finances and the gameplay right."

"In terms of other content, just use Blue Star as a model and follow along!"

"Isn't it just right that we will soon enter the era of interstellar development? Then bind the progress of the game with the actual development of Blue Star!"

"How far Blue Star has developed, we will update the game's gameplay!"

"Because of our current understanding of the universe, once we enter the era of great development, there will be new discoveries almost every day!"

"In a short period of time, there is no need to worry about how to play."

"Not to mention anything else, we only need to develop the entire solar system now, which is enough for these players to toss a lot!

"There is also the issue of funding."

"Since this game is to be linked to reality, the virtual currency must also be equal to the real currency."

"So the game's economy needs real banks as support, and it also needs a complete financial system.

"We have to invest a lot of money in the early stage, so you should be mentally prepared!"

Bind with Bluestar Development?


This sounds simple, but it is indeed the best choice!

At least in the early stage, there is no need to worry about insufficient content and gameplay.

A science and technology competition that paralyzes Europe and the United States, and can also give flower growers a talent gift package!

No matter from which angle you look at it, it is a steady profit without loss!

As for throwing money...

If this virtual game can really be made, it must be supported by the joint support of the five major industries.

Not to mention 1.4 billion, even if half of the world's people come in, the five major industries can support it!

Besides, it's just the financial system that supports the game, and it's not a red envelope for everyone.

As long as the money is flowing in the country, there is no panic at all.


It is too strong!

Wang Long, what a god!!!.

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