Unscrupulous Black Technology: Exposure Of Beauty Anchors At The Beginning

Chapter 34 Rumors Spread, Wang Long Was Raped By The Internet Again!

"One thing to say, although I am doing good things, I always feel that something is wrong."

"This pulling is too slow. Is it so hard for an adult to pull a child? And when it was finally pulled up, the hands of Boss Wang and the two boys next to him were not very clean."

"Indeed, where are you touching! Can a girl's butt be touched casually?"

"Even the clothes were pulled up and touched the waist. If you can pull it up and deliberately don't pull it up, isn't that obscene?"

"Fuck me, now you can be accused of molestation if you do good deeds, okay?"

"Isn't this those female boxers? They're looking for trouble again, right?"

"Not only female boxing, but also some keyboard parties!"

The rapid change in the direction of the Internet really caught Wang Long off guard.

Originally, this matter was not a big deal to Wang Long.

As long as you are a normal person, it is impossible not to take action when you see this situation.

But when the remarks came out the next day, Wang Long was dumbfounded.

I am obscene? !

Are you kidding me?

Where did this strange thing come from, opening his mouth to spray dung!

Wang Long almost laughed angrily, but the comments on the Internet became more and more fermented.

After all, his identity is a bit special.

The halo of a billionaire attracts attention wherever he goes.

By yesterday afternoon, its popularity remained high, and even critical voices vaguely dominated the mainstream.

This is fucking nonsense!

Some people also said that he didn't take the reward because he molested the unlucky boy with a ghost in his heart!

Seeing these increasingly outlandish remarks, Wang Long knew he had to come forward to clarify.

Although he doesn't ask for rewards or fame for doing good deeds, he can't tolerate these people's random frame-ups!

Just do it, Wang Long opened Weibo directly!

There was almost no pause, and a small composition came out.

"It was indeed me who saved the unlucky child yesterday."

"I was wandering in the mall at the time, and I took a look when I heard someone yelling."

"Then I saw the unlucky boy hanging there."

"As a person who has three normal views and has received nine years of compulsory education, I made the judgment I should have as a person at that time."

"I rushed up and grabbed the unlucky child's hand, preventing her from falling into a puddle of mud."

"It's just that the little girl's weight is really a bit heavy, and I'm grabbing it with one hand. I really can't pull it up for a while without exercising much."

"So there was a stalemate in the picture."

"Then the other two brothers saw that I was in trouble and came over to help."

"It was also because of their help that I managed to hold on to it, and took a lot of effort to catch her up."

"I wondered if this was more or less a good deed. Why did it become obscene in the mouths of some people on the Internet?"

"Do your eyes grow on your butt? Or do your mouths grow on your ass?"

"How critical was the situation at that time, and you couldn't see it?"

"Do I still have to put on a pose? Carefully pay attention to the operation method?"

"When the time comes, people will fall. Are you going to say that you can't even pull yourself up? What a fucking waste."

"I can understand why there are fewer and fewer people doing good deeds in society."

"It's not that there are fewer good people, but that there are more bad people."

"I never expected that a good thing could be described as such by you."

"Some people are really unscrupulous for the sake of traffic. Is this man's blood steamed bun really so delicious?"

"As for those who said that I don't take rewards, when you were young, didn't your teacher teach you what it means to not ask for rewards for good deeds?"

"Or do you mean that you all jumped out of the cracks in the rock? You all slipped through the net of the nine-year compulsory education?"

"If this is the case, then I can understand it. After all, it is normal for orphan players to say anything."

"This is the first time I have made clarifications for such a trivial matter, and I won't say anything more in the future."

"The one who cleans up cleans himself!"

"But I will not let go of any of those who eat human blood steamed buns!"

"I'm more or less a rich man, and as a rich man, I never allow myself to be wronged."

"You all think that spreading rumors and smearing is costless, right?"

"I can only say one thing about this, and that is that the Internet is not a lawless place. I have already had people collect evidence, and I am waiting to be jailed!"

For these slanderers, Wang Long never planned to let them go from the very beginning.

Human blood steamed buns are delicious, right?

Then don't blame me for inviting you to prison!

At this time, the heat on this matter is very high.

As soon as Wang Long's essay was published, it immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

Many keyboard warriors dared to post threats when they saw Wang Long.

Immediately some ironic direct reply.

"Heh, if you're caught, you're in a hurry to gag. Rich people really are peeing."

"This network is run by your family? I can't talk anymore?"

"The disgusting lower-headed man is really not a good thing."

"That's right, the software developed by people disgusting is also disgusting!"

"Hurry up and let him be exposed to death, even children."

"Still doing good deeds? Nine out of ten rich people are not good people! Who knows what you think in your heart."

Seeing the remarks made by these top iron babies, Wang Long sneered twice and silently wrote them down.

This is really rushing to court death!

Of course, there are also many normal netizens who have been speaking for Wang Long.

After all, you can tell what's going on at a glance.

"never mind..."

"Send the video and show them."

"Fortunately, when I was testing, I turned on the recording function of the glasses."

At night, Wang Long was tired of watching the crowd still arguing.

Directly took out the first-person view video recorded by the interactive glasses.

Although it is useless to those who pretend to be stupid, at least it can let most normal people know what happened.

At this time, not only Wang Long, but also the two student brothers who helped him were also subjected to cyber violence.

This also made Wang Long's anger completely uncontrollable!

Play the video first to clarify the reputation of yourself and those two little brothers.

Then settle accounts with these weirdos!

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