Unscrupulous Black Technology: Exposure Of Beauty Anchors At The Beginning

Chapter 56 Public Enemy: The End Comes, Bmw Confused

However, Wang Long still underestimated the fermentation speed of this matter.

It was the second day when he returned home after visiting the auto show.

The heat of this matter has fermented to an extremely terrifying level!


The poor despise!

foreign devil!


Disabled Veteran!

Group fight!

Which of these words is not eye-catching.

When all these elements are concentrated on one thing!



It seems that public opinion is found to be somewhat out of control.

BMW finally sent a reply that was neither salty nor light on the second day.

"About what happened yesterday, it was actually a misunderstanding.

"Currently the company is dealing with this matter, internal meetings are underway, and training for personnel will be increased!"

These two words are said as if they were not said!

Full of arrogance!

However, netizens are not vegetarians either.

Seeing that BMW doesn't even have an apology "three one three", countless people are completely over the top!

You fucking fool!

Who is right and who is wrong?

"Damn, these foreign-owned cars are too fucking arrogant, aren't they?"

"This remark highlights a perfunctory!"

"Sure enough, the discrimination in the bones of foreign companies has never changed."

"Dare to do something to the old hero of our family, there is no end to the apology!"

"Boycott! Must boycott!"

"This BMW didn't do anything wrong, what are you barking at?"

"If you want me to say this is done right! If you can't afford a BMW, you're not entitled to eat the stuff in it, and if you don't have money, you can pretend."

"I was probably a little dizzy. I vaguely saw long braids growing out of the back of these people's heads, but when I looked at it carefully, I found that it was not a braid, it was clearly the dog's tail of my uncle.


"Upstairs, please don't insult the dog!"

There was a lot of discussion about this matter in the forum, during which many shepherd dogs who protected the owner were beaten and lost their human form.

But BMW seems to be really planning to respond in silence.

Until five o'clock in the afternoon, BMW did not make any reply to this matter.

Watching BMW start to pretend to be dead, netizens have no good solution for a while.

But if this incident is allowed to pass by like this, it seems a bit unsatisfactory!

No, someone immediately figured out a way to directly call on everyone to report to the market operation in Shanghai!

Let's just say that BMW made false propaganda and beat people up.

As long as they report enough people, they will definitely attract the attention of the authorities!

This approach has been supported by countless people.

Soon, dense reports flew into the marketing management department of Shanghai like snowflakes.

It is said that there are too many people sending it!

Almost blow up the official server.

Not only that, countless people also started @共青团, @太妈, @大大军军accounts.

As long as you can control this matter, Jail called again!

And the effect is immediate!

It was already noticed above.

After all, it involves a veteran, and he is still a legendary veteran.

To put it bluntly, this man is in the military, even the commander of the theater will probably call him the old squad leader when he sees him.

Those who dare to fucking bully the military, I don't think you know how protective the military is!

It's just that before the military can take any action, the letter of report has already exploded, so listen to it!

Eight thirty in the evening!

The leader of the Communist Youth League took the lead in speaking out at Bibo and Station B!

"The predecessors planted trees and the descendants took advantage of the shade. Without the selfless dedication of these veterans, where would the present splendid rivers and mountains be!"

"This is no longer a flower grower in the Qing Dynasty, and I ask some Qiya to keep their eyes open and correct their attitude!"

The determination to protect the dignity of the old factory will never back down, and the belief in maintaining national self-esteem will never be lost. "

"If you want to make money with us, please learn respect and humility first!"

The Communist Youth League not only spoke out on its own, but also called dozens of local league accounts to forward it.

This attitude is obviously to make things worse!

Forcing BMW officials to respond.

And at nine o'clock, Yang's mother's reply also came.

As the mouth above, Yang Ma is not as sharp-edged as Tuanzi.

Instead, he replied with a very calm tone.

"It's being processed and we won't allow anyone to bully our people in our place!"

In just one sentence, it is full of domineering!

And as Yang Ma made her statement, many accounts on the official website also followed up.

There was a round of verbal criticism of BMW's behavior.

In particular, the boss of BYD spoke bluntly on the scarf.

"For a long time, we have been too used to these foreign companies."

"So much so that they have the illusion that we flower growers cannot survive without them!"

"This is the tragedy of our nation, and it is a manifestation of being beaten if we are backward!"

"But now that we stand up, we should say no to this wrong behavior."

"Why do you want to lick, why do you want to hold, why can't you stand up and be a good man!"

"We at BYD feel very sorry for this matter. As a world-renowned company, BMW tolerates such arrogance of its employees!"

"And it took so long to even release an apology..."

"Here I would like to ask, is it true that flower growers are so humble and humble in your eyes?"

Mr. Wang's words are somewhat murderous!

It works great though.

Over a thousand reposts in just one hour!

But now, looking at his family seems to have provoked public anger.

The dead BMW was finally bubbling on the third day.

The "Sweet Pet" activity launched by MINI is intended to give sweetness to friends big and small who visit the exhibition.

"However, our internal management is not meticulous and the staff's dereliction of duty has caused everyone's unhappiness."

"We sincerely apologize for that!"

"We will review and improve management and strengthen internal training, and strive to provide the best service and experience for each friend.

"Once again, I sincerely apologize to everyone!???"

Although it seems to be sincere, but in fact it is still empty talk!

Still no separate apology for veterans.

No apology to Wang Long either!

The whole thing still looks perfunctory.

No, netizens also laughed angrily after reading it.

"My evaluation is that AI is better than you!"


"It seems that BMW is really failing, and the public relations are so clumsy, so I don't want to buy it!"

"A cup of ice cream successfully changed the Chinese interpretation of BMW from "Don't touch me" to "Don't scold me" and "Don't buy me". This may be called a textbook in the history of marketing~"

"That's it? That's it? That's it? I went to GPT with 2.8 to write better than you"

"Listening to what you say is like listening to what you say..."

"Have you edited this for a long time?"

Even Wang Long shook his head after reading it.

this bmw

It's because you don't give up until you reach the Yellow River.

Do you really think it was twenty years ago?

Times have changed!

Since they are so insincere, the market will punish them accordingly.

I would like to see if you can maintain this arrogant attitude when the time comes!

Wang Long personally has little interest in BMW apologizing.

After all, a person who was originally arrogant would not be willing to bow his head even if he was forced to.

Instead of listening to their apologies, it's better to spend some energy to give these things some deep pain!


The cooperation with BYD Wang Long thinks it is very good.

If it is done well, it will definitely give these foreign brands a big punch!.

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