Unscrupulous Black Technology: Exposure Of Beauty Anchors At The Beginning

Chapter 86 When The Siege Was In Progress, The Flour Seller Was Stunned!

In the night, Zhao Heng led ten people to touch it from the front.

They are the main attack, advancing from the front.

The rest were scattered around the factory to prevent people from escaping.

"Captain, the technician has merged into the opponent's network.

"The camera on the opposite side is disabled."

"Good guy, this camera has a built-in heat sensor, and it can automatically call the police when it detects a human body.

"Proper military-grade technology, these traffickers are really rich."

As soon as he touched the corner of the wall, a voice came from Zhao Heng's headset.

After listening, Zhao Heng turned his head to look at the two constantly rotating cameras at the main entrance, and sneered.

Although these traffickers are hiding inside, they are still very careful.

These cameras are no ordinary goods.

"Enter through the back door and prepare the explosives for breaking the door.

"I'll charge first later, you guys cover."


After confirming that the camera had been hung up, Zhao Heng waved his hand and gave the order.

Immediately, a person walked out from behind and took out pliers from behind and opened the chain lock on the iron door.

Just when he was about to walk in, Zhao Heng let out a low drink.


"There are alarms on the ground."

"Don't touch!"


The man who was just about to go in was worthy of being an elite, and stopped immediately.

I looked down at "Four Three Seven", and sure enough there was a slightly invisible string behind the door ten centimeters from the ground.

This rope has been connected to the factory building.

Apparently it was used as an alarm.

"You're so cunning."

"The captain's eyesight is too terrifying."

"Nonsense, otherwise why is someone else the captain."

"Tsk, this is normal. The young man was too careless. As a special police officer, one eye should always be looking at the ground. Otherwise, why the special police must have good eyesight when screening people.

"It's true... I went to sign up for the special police because I was screened out because of my poor eyesight."

Netizens who have been watching through the chest camera can't help but express a few words at this time.

Let's not say that these white powder sellers are so cautious.

The qualities of these special police soldiers alone opened their eyes.

Soon, a group of people stuck to the back of the factory building from the back door.

Zhao Heng listened attentively, and after making sure that no target inside was alarmed, he made another gesture.

The man behind took out a 3D wall-penetrating radar from his bag again and stuck it on the wall.

Gently turn it on, and within a few seconds, red figures appeared on the gray screen.

"Two in front, one on the left, three on the right, and one invisible."

"It should be hiding in a blind spot."

"Captain, do you want to go?"

hiding one?

Zhao Heng frowned slightly, and people searched again and still couldn't find it.

At this time, the battle has already started for a few minutes, and the more it drags on, the more accidents will happen.

Immediately, Zhao Heng also decided not to wait.

Originally, there was no guarantee of success in combat.

He believes in the on-the-spot reflexes of his teammates.

Prepare the self-propelled trolley. "

"Prepare to cut the power."

"Prepare the explosives for breaking the door."

"All the flash bombs are ready.

Whispered a few words in the channel.

The subordinate holding the 3D wall-penetrating radar casually put the things on the ground, and quickly took out two portable door-breaking explosives from the bag.

Gently stick it on the door.

And following Zhao Heng's gaze, countless netizens also saw the 3D wall-penetrating radar.

Looking at the picture clearly displayed above, many people were lying down.

"There is a hang!"

"What is this? It goes through the wall?"

"Tsk, although there are military-grade detectors on the opposite side, they can't stand up to our complete set of countermeasures."

"Haha, I used this thing in the SWAT team before, it's very interesting."

"Why is this different from what I thought, shouldn't I just break through the door and rush in?"

"Upstairs, you think it was twenty years ago, take care, this is a modern battle, and human life is more important than equipment.

"Playing, the other side is dead, you don't know if you've seen them all."

I have to say that this time the SWAT team came with a lot of good things.

The purpose is to use the media to deter those domestic flour dealers.


That's the last thing to do!

In less than five seconds, everything was ready.

Zhao Heng tightened his grip on the gun in his hand and let out a breath after confirming that everything was correct.


bang bang bang!

As the internal lights suddenly went dark.

As soon as the power was cut off, several people in the rear joined forces with other surrounding teams to quickly smash the untied flash bombs through the surrounding windows!

Then, there was a muffled sound behind the door!

The explosives attached to the door exploded instantly, blasting the door open.

Throwing into the workshop together with the flash bombs, there were also six spherical self-propelled trolleys.

"Damn it! There's a note!"

"Copy the guy!"

"Ah! my eyes!"

"It's stupid, how did they get in!"

As the flash bombs continued to explode, the originally quiet workshop instantly became a mess.

A sound of cursing continued to come from inside.

Then, there were several muffled sounds.

It was a self-propelled car that blew itself up after finding the enemy!

Now the cursing inside was mixed with a few painful groans.


Make sure the car explodes.

Zhao Heng rushed in from the door with a gun in hand.

Through the night vision device worn, you can clearly see the situation in the house at this time.

"Da da da!"

Without any hesitation, Zhao Heng directly targeted one person and shot violently.

These drug traffickers are all armed, and they have no possibility of keeping their hands.

The teammates in the rear followed closely behind and hurried in.

For a time, gunshots continued in the factory building.

"Be careful, there are two people on the right side, one person on the left side, two are dead, and two are missing."

Relying on the exoskeleton on his body, Zhao Heng fought extremely fiercely.

As soon as he came in, he knocked down one, and crippled one, and his teammates followed up and made another shot.

At this time, in the entire hall, there should be five people who can move.

The self-explosive car is used to hurt the enemy. Although the attack cannot be kept, it would be great if it happened to survive a few.

The counterattack from the opposite side was also very fierce, with countless bullets hitting back, obviously not even half a point of surrendering.

"Prepare for a second flash!"


This kind of mutual shooting was obviously not what Zhao Heng wanted.

After calculating the distance between the two sides, Zhao Heng decided to rush over directly with the exoskeleton!

Although it has not been formally tested, since Wang Long said that it can defend against bullets with a caliber below 12.7 mm, then he believes it for once.

It doesn't need to be able to defend against 12.7 caliber, as long as it can block 7.62 full power bullets.

From the gunshots on the opposite side, it can be heard that the opposite side is dominated by pistols, and only about two rifles are very loud.

It should be an old gun from World War II, with a slow rate of fire but great power!

After the teammates around heard the order, they ceased fire decisively, and took out the flash bombs from their pockets again...

Just about to throw it out, suddenly!

The lights in the entire workshop suddenly lit up!

With all the personnel wearing night vision goggles, this sudden light is undoubtedly an oversized flash bomb.

In just an instant, everyone closed their eyes.



"They have backup power!"

Zhao Heng, who was also flashed, pushed the night vision device up while shouting!

Even though the movement was fast, this at least prevented him from attacking normally for three to five seconds.

"Haha, a bunch of idiots! Is the grandfather a vegetarian?"

"Come on, grab 'em!"

"Fuck! What the hell is that!"

"Mecha? The special police still have this equipment?"

"Whatever it is, set the fire!"

Looking at the bright lights, it really shook the special police who rushed in.

Those flour dealers were overjoyed instantly.

As long as one can be caught, the situation will be reversed instantly.

Immediately, three people rushed out of the bunker with weapons in hand.

And as soon as he rushed out, he saw Zhao Heng wearing an exoskeleton on the side.

At this time, Zhao Heng had already recovered.

Although the sudden exposure of the night vision device caught him off guard.

But his night vision device is not directly connected to the eyes, and there is a graphene flexible screen on the helmet in the middle!

And it is this flexible screen, the internal system reacted immediately when it was suddenly exposed.

In an instant, the current inside the screen suddenly increased, like sunglasses, blocking most of the light source.

This is an anti-exposure system designed by Wang Long. It was originally used to prevent high-beam dogs at night, but unexpectedly it played a role here!

If it weren't for the night vision device that suddenly raised the exposure intensity by a few notches, Zhao Heng would not be able to be dazzled by the sudden light.

It's just that although Zhao Heng is fine, his teammates really suffered.

No time to react at all.


"court death!"

Seeing those people wanting to rush over to arrest them, Zhao Heng instantly became angry!

Is being the captain of Lao Tzu just a display?

He glanced at the 3.5 teammate who was hiding behind the abandoned machine and was still rubbing his eyes.

Without saying a word, Zhao Heng quickly fired the automatic rifle in his hand to suppress it.

However, the whole person posted it in reverse!

He must buy time for his teammates to recover.

"You all stay behind the cover and don't move!"

"Brothers on the outside support me!"

"I'll hold them back!"

As soon as he rushed like this, two bullets hit him immediately.

Only two "ding dings" were heard.

The two rounds of pistol bullets fell weakly from the armor of the exoskeleton.

"Grass! Bulletproof!"

"Grenade! Grenade hello!"

"Use a rifle, Zabby!"

With a dark face, Zhao Heng didn't give them a chance to continue firing, and directly pressed them back with his rifle.

The whole person approached at high speed.

The flour sellers were also quick to respond.

Finding that he couldn't kill Zhao Heng, he couldn't fight with firepower, so he took out the grenade and threw it in Zhao Heng's direction!


"Eat your grandpa with a grenade!"

Let me see if you can save me!

If you don't save it, you will kill Lao Tzu, and I will kill your teammate.


Then wait to die!

You can block bullets, can you block grenades?!

Lao Tzu, this is an imported product!.

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