Unscrupulous Black Technology: Exposure Of Beauty Anchors At The Beginning

Chapter 99 The Battle Of The World In The Scientific And Technological World Is About To Begin! Who

Li Zheng was very puzzled by Mr. Wu's answer.

He wanted to say something, but when he glanced at Mr. Wu, he always felt that the other party's eyes were full of disdain.

"Since the incident last time, I have understood a truth."

"Under the premise that your own skills are not strong enough, playing with your group is like seeking skins from tigers.

"Although I really don't want to admit it, ZTE at this time still cannot compare with your European and American alliances in terms of technical background."

"If I help you kill the flower factory, wouldn't I be completely tied to you?"

"When the time comes, whether to slaughter horizontally or cut vertically, it's up to you.

"I can still understand the reason why the lips are dead and the teeth are cold."

Mr. Wu chuckled and replied coldly:

"And your contract looks good, but don't you just want to control ZTE to achieve the goal of controlling the domestic communication market of flower growers?"

"You really think I can't see it?"

"Although I am not a great sage, I am at least a flower grower."

"I'm not like you, I want to go and help foreigners bully my own people."

"Besides, ZTE is a country prefix. Do you know what a country prefix is?"

"Come to Lao Tzu, instigate me to be a traitor?"

Mr. Wu suppressed his anger, patted the table, and stared angrily.

"You're in the fucking wrong place!"

Don't say you, Li Zheng, are a little confused.

Mr. Wu is also at a loss now!

What exactly gave them the illusion that they came here to instigate rebellion against ZTE?

Does he look so much like a dog traitor?

Ten billion contract?

100 billion contracts are out of the question!

Who the fuck is insulting?

After being scolded by him like this, Li Zheng finally came to his senses.

His face was gloomy for a while, almost dripping water.

"Mr. Wu, I advise you to think more about it."

"320 Those who know current affairs are brilliant.

"It's only a matter of time before your florist alliance is eliminated."

"Really think that relying on a family of wild boys who come out of nowhere can compete against the European and American alliance?"

"Now the alliance has started to take action, if we don't find a way out for ZTE, I'm afraid we'll be hanged on a tree.

Li Zheng said in a low voice with a dark face, his tone full of threats.

So what if you see through it?

What Lao Tzu is using is a conspiracy, even if you see through it, it's useless!

Technology company, technology is king!

If the strength is not enough, then you can only let the mermaid go.

return the traitor

You really pissed off the alliance, you don't even have a chance to be a traitor!

"Wild boy?"

President Wu smiled.

This is really nice to say, he always thinks of me, as if we have a good relationship.

As for this person saying that Wang Chen is a wild boy...

Hearing this, the manager couldn't help shaking his head.

"I've been forced to use my big move, why don't I look down on others?"

"It's just such a wild boy who can mess up the entire European and American alliance."

"On the contrary, it makes me more optimistic about his potential, maybe he can really let you go.

"Don't worry, I don't hold grudges."

"If it really comes to that time, I will reserve a job here for you to ensure that you can eat."

Mr. Wu waved his hand, only thinking it was ridiculous.

These people are really the ones who release artificial intelligence, and they can eat the Huajia Technology Alliance, right?


When the photonic crystal battery of Xianyu Technology is officially released, we will see if you can keep it so long.

Moreover, in Mr. Wu's view, the so-called [Smart Angel] should not have reached the level of artificial intelligence.

At present, it should still belong to pseudo artificial intelligence.

However, this point cannot be determined, but he inferred from those demonstration videos.

After all, if it is just to assist daily use, it will not show any value at all.

True artificial intelligence still depends on whether it can promote the development of technology.

In other words, the logic of artificial intelligence must be able to understand and deduce current technological problems.

Only in this way can it be regarded as entering the threshold of artificial intelligence.

Just ordering food, opening a navigation or something is still far away.

However, Mr. Wu has to admit one thing, that is, Gugou must have touched the threshold of artificial intelligence.

Breakthrough is only a matter of time.

But so what?

ZTE, as the national prefix, has already lowered its head once, and will never lower it a second time!

Not to mention, helping foreign companies to control the domestic communications market.

If you really want to do that, you will be a traitor.

He, Mr. Wu, was born in a red family anyway.

If he really wants to bear the reputation of a traitor, he is afraid that if he dies in the future, if he goes underground, he will be hanged and beaten by his ancestors.

"So there's nothing to talk about."

"It seems that after so many years, Mr. Wu still hasn't learned his lesson.

"If you don't listen to the European and American alliance, you should know the consequences in the end."

"If that day really comes, it won't be settled by paying a few more billions."

"I advise you to think it over again, think it over.

Speaking of this, Li Zheng also knows that there is little hope today.

He really didn't expect to give such a big contract, and there was no way to reverse ZTE's offer.

Even this time he didn't mention the shares, he just asked for a cooperation.

Because he knows.

ZTE, as the prefix of the country, is absolutely impossible to sell shares.

If you want to control them, you can only enter the people from the contract.

Moreover, if the flower factory is really abolished, then ZTE must be the largest communication company for flower growers.

At that time, ZTE will be sitting in the florist market.

Even Gugou has to be treated well, it is impossible to make him anxious directly.

As long as ZTE is obedient, it will not cause trouble.

Then this is a win-win contract!!!(bcdf)

He didn't believe Mr. Wu couldn't see this.

In fact, he was right.

Mr. Wu can indeed see it, and he can see it very clearly.

But so what?!

"Do you know why our company is called ZTE?"

"This Chinese character refers to planting flowers!"

"As for the word Xing, the wrong one is Fuxing."

"No matter how the times change, no matter what the final outcome is."

"ZTE has always been the center of the florists, and there will never be any possibility of betrayal."

"And this time I don't think you will win, but I think you will die miserably.

"It's still the same sentence, if you want to instigate ZTE, you're fucking looking for the wrong person!"

"If you don't want to give $5 billion, then go away.

"I have nothing to say to you guys."

It is naturally impossible for Gugou to give 5 billion US dollars.

Li Zheng finally left with a dark face.

Originally thought that the strength of Samsung could make these people flustered.

As a result, the first one has been rejected, which is somewhat unacceptable.

But it doesn't matter, there are others besides ZTE!

He didn't believe it, all the flower growers were so stubborn!

Li Zheng was scolded and left, Mr. Wu thought about it, and told Mr. Ren about it.

This digging has come to the alliance, and everyone must know.

After listening to Mr. Ren, he just felt a little funny.

These banana people will never understand what patriotism is.

After all, in their view, as long as there is enough profit, even their own mother can be sold.

Instigate rebellion against ZTE?

I really thought the three words at the beginning of the country were a joke.

You might as well instigate against the flower factory, after all, the flower factory is only a private enterprise on the surface.

Although this incident is just a joke, it also shows how big Gugou's decision is.

This is a serious tens of billions of contracts, and even took out the communication markets in Europe and America.

So many benefits, just to win over a ZTE!

Apparently, this group of people has reached the point of using everything!!

The next battle will probably become more intense!!!

Fortunately, Sun Shi has already given the news.

It is said that a batch of batteries will be available to everyone by mid-May at the latest.

Although the number is not large, it is enough to launch a counterattack to a certain extent!

"Huh... It's really a world of great controversy."

"When the battery comes out, Gugou should be about to jump.

"At that time, we should be able to know what the chip technology inside the European Union is like."

Mr. Ren sighed a long time, sat on the chair and muttered in a low voice.

Although the [Spiritual Angel] is powerful, there is a situation.

That is the artificial intelligence that is processed in the cloud, and it does not have a server in the country.

The nearest servers are set up in West Eight Kingdoms and Neon Kingdom.

Although Samsung has tossed more than a dozen data transfer stations in China, there is still a one-second delay when using Seraph.

A delay of one second doesn't seem to matter, and it doesn't do any harm to daily life.

But that's what makes it even more worrying.

Since there are no restrictions, why should the artificial intelligence server be launched abroad?

After much deliberation, there is only one possibility.

The thing about the new generation of chips is probably true.

If this is the case, then when the photonic crystal battery appears, Jionggou will inevitably use the chip to fight.

I don't know whether it is good or bad to end the era of silicon-based chips so quickly...

But at this time, they had no way out.

To put it in a cheesy way, the atmosphere is all here!

If you don't want to go, you have to go!

Whether it is Gugou or Salted Fish Technology, they have already put their hands together.

And as an ally, what Huachang can do is to kill those colleagues in the Android camp!

This is a competition for the market and a competition for future rule makers.

If you want to stop being bullied by the European and American alliances in the future, then you can only win this battle and not lose it!.

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