Looking at the leopard in the tube, you can see how the era of the magical era is amazing!

Unfortunately, its brilliance has not been passed on. The current development is better than that at that time, just like the Stone Age compared to the future technology era.

It was destroyed by one person, and that person only used one trick!

Strong enemy, it really is a powerful enemy!

"I don't know if I will go to the artifact again." Lu Yiqian said to himself.

The six-level Archmage can unlock the magical equipment in the bracelet, and can use a lot of materials inside, but unfortunately can not use the artifact, can not drive the card of a large number of five hundred stars Eudemons inside the seal, sad!

In the eight-level legal stage, she was qualified to use the spell in "Wan****", poor!

Departure gave her a charming smile: "Even in that era, artifacts are still rare, and if you want to walk, you will encounter artifacts, impossible."

Lu Hao said: "You know quite a lot."

Departing from the wind and laughing: "With my love, see the flowers and face, know that these are normal."

Wei Mo kicked, but kicked the air: "Dead old man, quiet!"

Departure grief: "Hey, rumor, I received such a ungrateful student." Having said that, I can't see a little sadness on his face.

The ancient city is a city that develops many times higher than it is today. In the meantime, it feels wonderful.

"White, have you thought that this place is too quiet?" Lu Yiqian pulled the white hand and asked.

The periphery and the middle quarter gave them such a big impact. In contrast, this should be the most densely protected, higher-level inner circumference. Until now, there has been no movement.

White pinch the nose of Lu Yiqian, gentlely said: "You found out that something is wrong now, huh?" Warm and snorting sprayed on her face, told her to squint.

This guy in white is always intoxicated.

"Listen carefully." Bai said.

Listen carefully? What to listen to? Nothing sounds.

The white warm palm slammed her eyes: "Pay attention to the flow of air, listen well." In this tone, as if he was the leader of the dragon group, he held Lu Yuqian’s hand and said that when he was in Zama, he would sink. Just practice it.

At first, there was no sound. Then I heard the sound of squeaking and snoring. It started to be very light, but soon the voice was louder, oh, oh, bigger and bigger. The thunder roared.


From the bottom of the earth, it is just under the feet.

"Distributed!" Lu Yiqian shouted.

The people and the beasts were scattered, and the underground, jagged discs were cut off from the crowd. The speed is fast and the strength is not too small.

There are a total of thirteen discs, scattered towards them!

This time, it depends on the true ability of everyone!

Needless to say, the disc decided not to break through his two-meter range. What is even more evil is that the thing seems to know that white is not easy to deal with, and he will never care about him only when he is tentatively close.

Departure from here, it also shows some skills, don't look at his daily attention to eating and dressing, made like a butterfly, the strength is also top, he shuttles to the disc, then come and go to the electric plate can not hurt he.

Wei Mo and Lu Yiqian were the most embarrassed, and sometimes they climbed and climbed. Fortunately, they cooperated properly, except for rubbing clothes and not hurting.

Red Jin and Silver returned to the Eudemons space early. They hated that they could not help the master. They had no trouble and hid in the space, so as not to distract the master.

There is no such thing as a "Xun" in the name of the Raptors. It is so fast and fast that the disc has not hurt it.

The colorful elk seems to be dancing and gracefully dodging, just right.

The phoenix bird and the water eagle are treated with a blessing and a defensive enchantment.

As for the three-winged and eight-tailed kitten, it is very leisurely, the disc hits it, it is like nothing.

The serrated discs are so powerful that they reach a hole in the ground, and they can turn in the air, like what is being manipulated, and attack without any dead ends.

The disc is made of metal, and Lu Yiqian uses Wang Caihua as a weapon to squat.

Wangcai is the greatest work of the **** of forging, the metal of growth, its power is extraordinary, it is the nemesis of other metals. Although it is only thirty stars now, its hardness and toughness are unmatched by any metal.

Incorporating the wind, the wind is moving. Into the water, the water goes away.

The fourth type of shocking world: the wind and the rain!

Attacking each disc with great precision, and using them to fly them.

"Hey." Lu Yiqian seems to attack like a sword, Jianwu moves like electricity as a line, very rich and domineering beauty.

Thirteen discs were attacked by the round, and they were hit by thousands of heads!

They hovered in the air for a while, suddenly condensed into a large sawtooth disc, and smashed down toward the land. Big disc, more power!

When you are shocked, you will have to make a decision. No matter what difficulties you have to do, you will be determined to be domineering and domineering!

If you escape because of fear, it will inevitably lead to a knot of heart. Then, there is no need to practice this practice!

Lu Yiqian is determined to be strong, and her cross sword blocks this blow! The slate under her feet was crushed by this force.

The tiger's mouth is shattered, and Lu Qian is long and elegant. When the street crosses the sword, it changes the second style: the wind rises!

The power of the explosion, the disc is cut.

Hey, the sound of the ground came out again, and the three hundred discs turned around!

Lu Hao rushed to the ground and escaped the attack.

The ground piece bulged, and more and more discs flew out, hovering and grouping.

"This is a gear?" Lu Hao whispered.

"Hey, woman, what is a gear?" Silver hair asked aloud.

Gears, divided into single lines, double lines, multiple lines, double behaviors in a group, two lines in two groups, multiple lines in multiple groups, is an important part of the machine, there is a transmission function, damn, how can there be this thing?

The building is moving at a rapid speed and the streets are much wider.

At this time in the air, there are countless gears floating, dense, like snowflakes.

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