It can be imagined what kind of result would be when the light beam hits people.

When Yi Mengji’s whole body shines on the pillars and attacks the god-level powerhouses, it is completely a scene of unilateral slaughter. The fallen goddess costume, not only the attack power is strong, but even the defense is a first-class one. At that time, so many god-level powerhouses hit her, and did not take her.

How to cut the four-winged bird is a big problem.

Moreover, as a leader, the four-winged bird is as high as three hundred and fifty stars!

"I can't think of it. After a few years, I will see this trick." The black hair of the departure is floating like a beautiful son, a beautiful woman.

Lu Yiqian pushed him aside: "By the way, it is mine."

Yi Meng Ji’s torso is taken back by her!

Departure points to his nose: "What about me?"

Lu Hao’s thousands of beasts flying in the sky: “They are yours.”

Dissatisfaction with departure: "Why do I do physical work?" Then smiled and smiled: "Unless, you kiss me."

Lu Yu’s mouth was pulled, and the dagger was attached to his face: “You’d better be obedient, don’t bargain with me.”

Departure expression: "Okay, you won."

Peach blossoms, the fingers of the departures are light, pointing to where the peach blossoms are.

"He is not the same as that time." Yi Mengji had some doubts.

"100,000 years is enough to change a person's character." Lu Yiqian said slowly, when a person standing at the top has nothing but himself, or he will be crazy, or he will change in the other direction.

If the departure is really the so-called king of God...

"Master, I will help you!" The green kitten unfolded: "I am not afraid of its attack."

The kitten is composed of the essence of the magic stone heart. It is four hundred and fifty stars born, and it is extremely tough in itself. It is not afraid of any attack made by magic power. It’s also a coincidence that Lu Haoqian can conquer it, because of the large number of traps. Otherwise, with the strength of Lu Qianqian at that time, it was impossible to defeat it, not to mention that its ability to have three tails at that time was useless.

The key moment is to accept the useful World of Warcraft is the most important.

"Okay, let's go." Lu Hao patted his hands and his eyes gradually became firm and fierce, rushing toward the four-winged beast in the sky!

The beast bird looked at Lu Yiqian contemptuously, and the light column hit it down. As long as it was not shot by the light column, there was no danger.

Dancing with the sword, a wave of wind and clouds rushed straight!

The wind is raging and the attack power is concentrated, which is best for hitting a single enemy!

The ripples of the sword's front suddenly swayed toward the head of the beast.

Then, Long Yanbo and the flame cannon followed.

The beast bird does not move, let the light wave on the body, the light wave is broken, the flame is reduced, it is unharmed, it does not even take a step back. The defense is too strong, the goddess of the fallen, it is unusual.

Lu Yiqian laughed: "It’s not finished yet."

The use of the war field, Lu Yi thousand like a meteor, straight to the beast bird hit, cross sword side strokes, wind and rain!

The beast bird waved his wings and blocked the attack.

In its eyes, Lu Hao is so weak, the Sixth Master, in that era, even the qualifications to set foot on the city! It sent a row of light beams to Lu Yuqian!

The kitten jumped to the side of Lu Yiqian, and easily blocked the light column. The crystal glass of the emerald body flashed brightly, and it rubbed his teeth and silently laughed.

Lu Yanqian patted the kitten's head and smiled arrogantly: "It's not finished yet..."

Open the field of all things, the golden wood and the fire and the earth are all different, and the five giants are playing the thunder of the beast.

The powerful airflow makes the airflow under your feet vibrate!

Lu Yiqian jumped up and pointed his sword at the neck of the beast.

The fallen goddess costume blocked her attack, and the beast bird swung its wings, concentrating on Lu Qianqian, and she was able to hit her directly on the ground! Even the slate on the ground was pulled out by her big hole!

"Not finished yet..." The stone fragments flew, and Lu Yiqian jumped into the sky like a bullet. In the field of all things, the five giants became ten, and the ten giants smashed into the beasts.

The attack is still blocked, but the beast has taken a step back.

Lu Yiqian is flying by the claws of the birds!

Time and time again, the field of all things is getting stronger and stronger, and the giants inside have changed from five to ten to one hundred! Once she fails, she becomes a little stronger!

"Not finished yet..."

At the same time, the beast bird stepped back step by step, and hundreds of orcs attacked together. It finally began to hide, but hundreds of giants would let it go, hundreds of giants attacked, and the beast finally reached the ground.

"Huh." Lu Yiqian wiped the blood stains on his face, the sword went down and stabbed straight.

The beast bird groaned angrily, and the fallen goddess installed a beam of light, the largest of which was launched to Lu Qianqian!

The kitten stretched out again and jumped to Lu Qian’s body, blocking her tightly.

"Thank you." Lu Yiqian touched the cat's neck and continued to mobilize everything.

Let's break out, try your best to blow it, try to burn it...

Two hundred giants, issued a fist of anger!

"Rumble, rumbling!" A burst of light waves progressively, the position of the beast bird was smashed, there is a very deep hole, the body of the fallen goddess, flying over.

Lu Haoqian grabbed the equipment agilely and threw it into the space bracelet.

"It didn't use the power of this equipment." Yi Mengji dissatisfied: "Otherwise, it can exert more than five times the power."

Lu Yan’s mouth is screaming: “Hero, you spare me.”

Looking at the eyes, she knows that this is the pass.

The beasts are recovered by the land under their feet. They are damaged too much and need to be repaired.

Deep in the forest, the king on the cloud dropped a piece: "The law enforcement of the second and third levels of the inner city was mobilized and attacked at the same time."

"Yes!" This time there is no hesitation, and he will go.

The average level of law enforcement for the second level checkpoint is 350 stars, the head of the four hundred stars, the third floor of the law enforcement average star rating of four hundred stars, the head star star of four hundred and fifty stars! They are the last attacking force of this king city. The ace of the city cleaned up its military power and made a great contribution to the protection of the city 100,000 years ago.

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