"260 million!" Qi Tianxiong again increased the price.

"260 million and one thousand gold coins." Double as the moon is interested in staring at Lu Yi thousand boxes.

"260 million one thousand ... one gold coin." Lu Yiqian said without hesitation.

Shameless, shameless, she is even more shameless!

The auctioneer almost burst into tears. Originally, today is a perfect day to push the auction to a climax. People should have been blushing now. He might have created a miracle today, but he was stunned by two shameless people. Now, only to increase the price to 200 million, miserable!

But as an auctioneer, he still has to shout responsibly: "200 million points... one gold coin, and no one bids?"

"Four hundred million!" Qi Tianxiong is old, 400 million, is the last bottom line he can prepare for a year plus national support. Slowly increase the price, he believes that he will not be tempted.

400 million one out, shocked the audience, or the Wang family is very angry.

Double smile like a month, no longer increase the price.

Everyone's eyes are all concentrated on the box of Lu Yiqian. They are curious, so high, she still does not follow.

"400 million yuan a gold coin." Lu Yiqian really followed, or only add a gold coin, but people's ideas are no longer different, can keep up with the price of Qi Wangzi, can not throw a heart to throw 400 million, How can it be ordinary people, even though she is a little more flustered, there are more men around, what does it matter? If you have the ability, you have the right to get the best.

Lu Yiqian did not know how many men on the field had her idea after she screamed at this price.

A woman who is super rich and lascivious is easier to get. If you can lead her to spend money for herself, then of course it is a good thing.

Of course, after she yelled at the price, she was even more angry with Qi Tianxiong’s face, and he burst out in angrid.

For three days, Lu Yiqian dominated the gimmick. In addition to the fallen goddess, she really needs the goods. She twice shot for the people around her. She didn't want to be too arrogant, but for the people around her, she could be more public!

For those who have been approved, they can insert a knife on both sides. This temper may cause her to suffer and expose her to danger. She can also let this group be faithful to her and follow her heart.

Yes, there is danger, the road ahead is always dangerous, but at least, there is you on this road!

Lu Yiqian sent the lion to Qin Xingluo and counted him as compensation.

Qin Xingluo has never had an Eudemons. The kid is too proud, but he is not willing to do it. Lu Qianqian also thought about finding a high-star Eudemons, such as the forty stars and fifty stars, but the Raptors said that more than 30 stars of the Eudemons are very proud and will not surrender to their own strength. People, therefore, had to refine the high-star magic core and improve the potential of the Eudemons.

The Eudemons sent in the past, Qin Xingluo knows the meaning of Lu Qianqian. In the past year, his mood has been ups and downs, which has led him to make breakthroughs and advance to the eighth-grade Dawuzong. It is really sighing that life is infinite and unpredictable.

He did not refuse, contracted a 20-star lion lion, Eudemons and people are very proud, the two are mutually beneficial, and cherish each other.

The contract of the Eudemons does not mean that he will let go.

Want to cut off contact with him, he is not obedient!

Less than two hours after the auction, a very rich news of the gossip spread throughout every corner of Qitong City, Qixiang: the Eudemons gave a beautiful man, and the lion with a value of 400 million was given to His Royal Highness Prince Qin Guowu. The deep affection is amazing!

The centuries-old auction conference has made the world pay attention. The lace news of Lu Yiqian’s big money for the beautiful men has already spread all over the streets.

400 million! Twenty stars! Wave girl! His Royal Highness Prince! These four words are enough to form explosive news, stimulating people's slender and sensitive gossip nerves. As long as a little association, you can naturally come up with a dog-blood plot: the rich family and the female princes will not hesitate to throw billions of gold!

No matter which time and space, which plane, as long as there is a smart creature, it seems that this gossip will not be reduced by a little.

And this unrestrained retrospective incident was also compiled into history with the auction. After many years, people still relished the auction as a means of pursuit, and it really is a skill, bulls!

Of course, the negative effects of this incident are also amazing.

For example, when Lu Yiqian went down to eat, the men projected to her, or squatting, or warm, or lingering eyes, could not help but shake out. What's more, staying at the corners of the hotel, creating a romantic, corner love.

What Qin Xing Luo saw murderously was that Lu Yuqian was surrounded by the eyes of admiration, and the peach blossoms bloomed.

The high enthusiasm of the men, so that they completely ignore the super cold air field, the strange gas field of death, the charming and charming field of departure, of course, and the pure gas field of Wei Mo, the cuteness of Xiao Zilong Gas field.

Although the men couldn’t get close to Lu Yiqian, they would drown Lu Yuqian with their eyes.

Lu Hao Qian pumped, her face like ice, to remain indifferent.

The men think that the ice beauty is more attractive. Look, she only smiles softly to the people she likes, how good!

Qin Xingluo separated the men who were screaming, and snorted and followed Lu Yuqian.

Lu Yuqian looked at him and he turned his head.

She wanted to persuade him, he said to the machine: "You can go this road, I can not go?" Finished, turned over again.

Silent, the fifteen-year-old child is in a rebellious period, and she is not a villain.

Lu Yiqian’s peach blossoms came to the forefront, and even in the evening, men were still waiting outside the door to wait for a dream encounter. The man is nothing, so Lu Yi is puzzled by how there are two women inside.

"There are people who admire you, dead ghosts." The two women slammed their hands and fell to Lu Yiqian.

Lu Hao was a gallbladder, shook out a goose bump and rushed back to the room.


Money is the source of all evil!

"It's too weak, come again!" The ice man slammed Lu Yuqian without pity.

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