He thinks he is going to burn...

The owner is the cool and comfortable refrigerant...

He writhed unbearably, expecting more cold, but it attracted a stronger fire.

"Hold me..." The whisper of the master came from the ear. He opened his arms and hugged his master.

"Master... I am so hot..." The **** of death hoarse.

Strange, how can the sound become like this?

"Master, so uncomfortable..."

Lu Yanqian kissed him, he was really very sensitive. "It’s just getting started..." Lu Hao’s millennium is a demon, whispering.

He is very shy, he wants to shout!

The master raised a bigger flame on him, but he was also very strange and extremely comfortable. It was a very contradictory feeling.

The two tablets on the chest were raging and standing red and red.

Lu Yi Qianyi goes down and laps in the abdomen...

Death feels that he is going crazy, and the golden light in his eyes is flashing...

Hot, unbearable...

"Master... I am going to die..." The consciousness of death is very confused.

He forgot, he is a **** of death, he will not die, he will not die...


The sun is burning, the beach is white, the waves are smashing, the fish swims happily, and occasionally the breeze blows.

A taro shark chased the prey to the edge of Long Island. It has about three hundred stars. The sense of smell is sensitive and the hearing is also a must. It is very keen to find that its prey has two more humans besides the magic tortoise.

Humans, that is a rare snack.

It sneaked up and determined that the other party did not find it.

It’s near, and it’s getting closer. It’s almost like laughing. These two people are really too much. They haven’t found it yet.

Great opportunity, it flew up, the blood basin opened wide, and the two people lying on the beach bite.

Lu Yiqian stood up, and the death of the gods moved faster. Less than a second, the black clothes were covered. If it wasn’t because he was breathing a little, he couldn’t imagine that he had just undressed.

Death is very annoyed and very annoyed. In his life, I am afraid I have not been so annoyed!

He looked at the shark that flew.

The shark is about sixty meters long and seven meters wide. It is like a ship that is pressed against the surface and covered with a large shadow. Needless to say, this shark is arrogant, what kind of overlord, although it has not yet grown.

It touched the eyes of the **** of death, the coldness in the eyes.

It screams awful!

Before he could sway and hide, he felt amazed that his body seemed to be different.

It glanced at the body and stayed stunned!

Its body began to turn into powder from the tail, slowly, but undoubtedly disappearing, it was horrified to twist the body, but found that its body was set in the air and then twisted and twisted.

It almost has to burst into tears and see that your body disappears a little bit. It is absolutely a reminder!

It is wrong to go out without looking at the yellow calendar, wrong to provoke people who should not be provoked!

Lu Yiqian laughed, it seems that today, it is not suitable for passion.

Touching the face of death, Lu Yiqian smirked: "Moving so fast, not afraid of me biting it?"

Death is very real: "Master, where you can't bite it."

Lu Yiqian immediately smashed, death, can you still be more sincere? At this time, he should not be blushing to say that the owner is good or bad?

"Master, I still feel very uncomfortable..." Death took the hand of Lu Yiqian, shaking and shaking.

Lu Hao said: "Are you afraid of being disturbed again?"

The **** of death does not say that he is heading towards the sea.

Lu Haoqian took him: "Why go!"

Death God A: "killing!"

Lu Hao is a thousand years old. He said that killing the light, is it necessary to destroy all the fish, shrimps and fish in the sea?

He really got angry!

However, he is quite cute like this!

"Master, I command you to come back." Lu Yiqian pulled the **** of death back, and his mouth curled and curled up.

The sky is blue, the sea is blue, and the white sand beach.

A woman wearing a black blue soft armor pulls a black man, the breeze bursts, wrinkles, this picture may be a moment, and this handle seems to be eternal!

On the day of rest, Lu Yiqian called the elders of the dragons to the hall.

Spreading a map, Lu Yiqian pointed to one of the small points: "Do you know where this is?"

The elders of the elders almost put their eyes on the map. They couldn’t see any doorways when they looked left and right. They really didn’t know where the map was marked.

This picture is the picture that Lu Wushuang has left, perhaps the indicator light that explains where he is now. In addition, she always believes that this picture should have something to do with the seal of the White Tiger. Let's take a look at the picture.

Xiao Jinlong Du Yi climbed up and glanced at him, happily using his doll voice: "I know, I know where this is."

Ok? Xiao Duyi knows?

Lingbi Wen Xiao smiled and said: "He may know that there is almost no dragon in his age for the same age..." Unnaturally, I saw a little red dragon, but I was unscrupulous. The teacher snatched away: "He was naughty, he often went out secretly, and I couldn't control it." At that time, she and her husband were busy with the dragon and the alien war, and did not take care of him. She said that she was still very embarrassed.

Lu Yiqian understands the meaning, the little guy loves to run, so is he familiar with the sea?

It is extremely dangerous at sea. This kid is innocent and it is a miracle.

"Well, take me here." Lu Yiqian immediately made a decision and turned to the Lingbi: "It seems that I have to borrow my sister's child for a while."

Suofei took a glance: "The master is still careful to consider, this kid is really too ignorant!"

Xiao Dufei hid behind Lu Yiqian and gave his father a face: "I know!" He can count on his father's weakness, fear of his mother, respect this beautiful big sister, and it is best to hide behind the big sister.

Sofei is about to say something, Lingbi pulls her husband: "Sister, please bring the child to go, I am afraid that the child is not sensible, and I hope that my sister will take care of it."

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