Satisfied in my heart, maybe this is good! I can't take her intrigue and take her, so it's good! If there is another life, he will try to win her, but now, he is tired, wants to sleep...

The doubles slowly close their eyes, the thinking is getting blurred, and the soul seems to fly away from the body.

"Hey!" A bang, a seemingly flexible and long silk-like object flew over, quickly rolled up the double moon in the moon, and dragged him into a space crack.

It all came too fast, and almost everyone didn't react.

It is also very shocking, because it is more than a strange speed!

How fast!

Lu Yiqian was furious, but her face was getting colder and colder. She was going to grab the double as the moon with her sword. However, before rushing to the crack, the crack closed like a zipper, and only a light smile and a deep interest were heard.

That person, it is acquaintance, he is not the head of the shape that attacked the dragon road. But what exactly does he want to take with his body like a month?

Damn, just under the eyes!

The **** of death pinched Lu’s hand and stroked comfort: “Master, his soul did not go to the world of death.”

At this time, the **** of death seems to know more than anyone else, how to make a statement and comfort!

Lu Hao nodded a thousand, did not go to the world of death, then it shows that he still has a chance to live, although the opportunity is embarrassing, but his body has been facing collapse, how can climb the peak again... not so much, but things have happened not What? In her heart, she turned a thousand times and finally settled down and began to pay attention to the most important things.

The most important thing is the white seal!

The palace was destroyed by the uncle, and the stone pattern on the outside was also destroyed by external forces. The power of suppression was not so strong, and the power of the seal was weak.

The power of white conflicted, breaking through all obstacles, rushing out of the prison that suppressed it for 100,000 years in a heroic and hegemonic way, breaking through the hall, rushing out of the seamounts, separating the seawater, rushing to the clouds, and screaming the world! Then fold back and inject it into the source of Lu Yi thousand Eudemons!

Lu Yiqian is a bit embarrassed, and the bottom of the sea is hardly rushed out of a huge hole by the power of white. The sun clouds in the sky can be seen, because the sun is smaller, the sky is bluer!

However, this feeling did not last much longer, and suddenly I thought that this is a 10,000-meter deep underground. It is not fun to squeeze the seawater!

Lu Yanqian's body glowed with blood red light, and the foot was laid out with a gorgeous texture that could not be overlooked, stretching to the entire seabed, including the entire plane, and the water that was poured down was instantly settled.

White slowly appeared from the aperture, it was an incomparable brilliance, a brilliant brilliance.

Lu Yiqian was shocked by the white beauty.

"White, hello." A thousand words, said it, but this is a simple sentence!

If he first saw him, he was enchanting the country and overbearing the world, so now he, but a thousand words can not be said, can not describe.

Now, as long as he throws a look, he can make people live and make people die!

Domineering, more domineering! Domineering to the extreme, it will become a temperament, what is the world, the world is light in his eyes. Enchanting, endless enchanting, enchanting to the extreme, it is also a temperament, who is comparable to him? As soon as he came out, even the mountains and rivers changed.


In addition, there are more things on the body, no, it should be said that this is what he had.

Coercion? Do not! sacred? Do not! It should be said that it is unattainable, if it is that day, if it is the universe.

Is this what white should be?

The hair is an unspeakable brilliance. Compared with the moonlight, the moonlight is not as much as one in ten thousand, and the hair is lingering and dragged to the sole of the foot. The seal was lifted and the black pentagram on the forehead was removed, making his forehead tall and smooth. Further down, it is the eyebrows, the eyebrows fly into the corner, and add his annotations to his domineering. Further down, it is his eyes, that is a pair of beautiful eyes, bright if the stars, deep if the night, looking at you, only full of eyes are starlight, eyes narrow, eyes hanging red. Further down, it is his nose, his nose is high, and it is definitely the perfect nose in the world. Further down, it is his lips, silver red, heaven, no one knows how suitable he is for silver red. Down, it is his chin, his neck. The strength is restored, his body is more perfect, and his perfection is sighing. He was wearing a silver-and-white embroidered gold robe, and in the low-key luxury, he released a speechless domineering...

This is really a man who worships...

The five sacred beasts worshiped early, and they were other World of Warcraft, and they all worshipped.

"Little fool, look at it?" White demon laughed, his eyes filled with tenderness. With a long arm, Lu Hao was in his arms, and his lips were softly pressed.

Ah, little fool...

White holds Lu Yiqian, but the **** of death also leads Lu Qianqian’s hand. When the white scorpion crossed the land, he also brought together two people who had not met before.

Bai first took Lu Qiqian back and forth, first solved the pain of this lovesickness, and then let go of her, two men of different styles, they will come into battle.

You come to me, although there is no fighting, but the pressure is not low, the spark of the collision, even the air has hit the trajectory.

"you guys……"

"Hey, little fool, this is a man's war." Bai pressured Lu Qianqian's lips.

Said, the two quickly confronted a palm, just a move, the whole seamount is in jeopardy, and the two quickly understood the other's strength.

White is holding doubts in his heart.

Death God said: "I am the master."

Nothing can be said: "That depends on your strength."

So the two men went again and again, secretly called.

Lu Yiqian stroked his forehead. I wonder if she should tell her that she has already taken the **** of death into the abdomen? Looking at two people who are filled with hostility is quite embarrassing. She least wants the two to fight. Thinking about it, she decided to admit her mistake.

"White," she said like a mosquito: "White, he is my person..."

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